Hydrated lime (calcium hydroxide) is a dry, colorless crystalline powder manufactured by treating calcium oxide (quicklime) with water, in a process called "slaking." Also known as slack lime, builders lime or pickling lime, hydrated lime is used in the production of mortars, plasters, cements, paints, hard rubber products, petrochemicals, and in the tanning of leather.
A more recent development for hydrated lime use is in environmental applications. Here, hydrated lime, a mild alkali, is used for the removal of acid gases in coal-fired energy plants, cement mills, glassmakers and incinerators.
However, the largest single use of hydrated lime remains steel manufacturing, where it is used to remove impurities. Hydrated lime is also used to produce other metals. In construction, the dominant use of hydrated lime is in soil stabilization for roads, earthen dams, airfields, and building foundations. Hydrated lime can be used to raise the pH of acidic soils. This is also referred to as soil "sweetening."
the purity of our raw material is not less than 80%.
Flint Pebbles are versatile pebbles that are often used as the attractive drainage medium around the buildings as well as in the inverted roofing to be able to hold down insulation board. Also, they can be used for mulching. Grinding media is an essential factor in ceramics as well as ground Sand production, that does influence both theproduct quality as well as manufacturing costs.
The flint pebbles are smooth in terms of appearance as well as naturally rounded by the sea.They are versatile, and they are often used as the attractive drainage medium around the buildings as well as inverted roofing to be able to hold down ]insulation board. Also, they can be used for mulching.
Flint pebbles have been used as media in the in-ball mills to be able to grind glazes as well as other raw materials for the ceramics industry. The pebbles are usually hand-selected based on the color; those that do have a tint of red, which does indicate a high level of iron content, are usually discarded. Remaining blue-grey stones usually have a low content of the chromophoric oxides; hence are usually deleterious to the color of the ceramic composition after firing.
Why are Flint pebbles used in ceramics industry grinding media?
There are very many reasons why flint pebbles are used in the ceramics industry in the grinding media. The Flint Pebbles does offer superior performance as the grinding media when compared to the natural pebble as a result of the higher hardness as well as, the higher resistance to abrasion. Another advantage is low pebble consumption.; 4.5 kg of the pebbles usually can be able to grid 1000 kilograms of the white ceramic body. You will be able to have a controlled size as well as shape.
What are different sizes Recommended of flint pebbles to be used in the Ceramic and cement industry as Grinding media?
Various Flit Pebbles are available in the market. To be specific, 8-grain sizes are available in the market (in centimeters):
20 mm-40 mm
30 mm-50 mm
40 mm-60 mm
60 mm-80 mm
80 mm-100 mm
100 mm-120 mm
120 mm-150 mm
150 mm-200 mm
Achieving the new landmark in the domain, Flint pebble is highly demanded as well as accepted in the market. This product does require minimal maintenance, as well as is quite smooth. They are quite popular with the lovers of flint pebble as a result of their sturdiness, the exclusive patterns as well as very many attributes