The only and original himalayan pink natural salt and himalayan pink salt winter deicing salt etc..Cif minimum 24 ton order prefer below it can be discussed , lc 50 % payment
Pink salt is completely a natural salt. It is a kind of halite situated at Salt Range Mountains. It is commonly known as Hamalyan Salt.
Pink salt is a quality salt with rich quantity of iron and high purity as Sodium Chloride with less water insoluble. This natural salt is free from pollution and toxin impurities.
Pink granulated salt contains no anti caking agents due to its powder free grains. Addition of Iodine has done as per WHO standards.
Pink Salt available in different sizes as per customer requirement
For Asthma Healing And Appartment Rooms Air Refreshment
The Crystalline Rock Salt grades being offered to our customers are dark pink rock salt, light pink rock salt and white crystal rock salt. There are different sizes offered for the customers, depending on their requirements.