Sunflower meal is a residual product of processing sunflower seeds in the process of production of sunflower oil. It consists of vegetable fiber, from which the basic composition of fatty acids is extracted. Such meal is traditionally used in animal husbandry and poultry farming as a source of protein for making combined fodder.
Sunflower meal is a natural nutritious, biologically pure fodder product, without the addition of by-products of the processing of fats and oils, high in soluble protein, fat-soluble vitamins of group "E" and "F", soluble fiber, phosphorus and other beneficial substances
Soybean meal is a high quality raw material, which is excellent for making mixed fodders for poultry and animals, since it contains amino acids, a significant amount of protein, phosphorus, iron and calcium, as well as many other useful elements. It is produced by processing soybeans (after extraction of oil from them) and additional moisture-thermal treatment.
Soybean meal is well absorbed, and by its biological value is close to proteins of animal origin.
Sunflower unrefined oil is a natural product of high quality, obtained from high quality natural raw materials - sunflower seeds, in the process of its extraction chemical processes and reagents are not used, i.e. the natural biological composition, color and odor characteristic of sunflower oil are preserved.
This food product is the most concentrated source of energy for the human body, it contains biologically active components: mono-and polyunsaturated fatty acids of the omega-9 and omega-6 (fat-soluble vitamins of the "E and F" group), phospholipids, phytosterols. Sunflower unrefined oil is obtained from sunflower seeds of Ukrainian origin.