Monserrate spring water Natural mineral water -spring water-, without contain preservatives or chemical mixes or aditives. Monserrate y acquandina, are controlled by healthy and legal authorities, with monthly evaluation. All sizes. 0.5 , 1.0, 1.5, 2.0, 3.0, 5.0 liters Boxes with 24 and 48 unites per box. The box is carton and natural inks, and adhesives
Natural mineral water Natural mineral water -spring water-, without contain preservatives or chemical mixes or aditives. Monserrate y acquandina, are controlled by healthy and legal authorities, with monthly evaluation. All sizes. 0.5 , 1.0, 1.5, 2.0, 3.0, 5.0 liters Boxes with 24 and 48 unites per box. The box is carton and natural inks, and adhesives
MINERAL WATER Caloras 0 Calcio 21.24 PH 6,7 Composicin Sodio 4,31 Potasio 0,34 Hierro
A cordial greeting, I am an exporter of natural mineral water, pure spring from Colombia. The best in the world Awaiting your comments.
Our COMPANY IS located in Bogot Colombia and we manufacture 100% Stainless steel water heaters, they Are fully automatic and operarte with Electric and /or Natural Gas. Please send a quotation request to send you a quotation We built all type of volumes from 4 to 40 Bathrooms Check our web page
wastewater treatment plants.manufacture
Mineral water.
Mineral water.
Spring water, natural mineral water.
Water treatment, coffee.
Mineral Water.
Drinking Water.
Natural mineral water.
Natural alkaline mineral drinking water.
Water heaters.Manufacture, export
Coir peat, peat moss, oil field chemicals, water treatment.Formulator, blender, products development, crude oil recuperation, organic remediation process, land and soils recuperation, technical assistance
Mineral water, frozen fruits, thermal coal, coke coal.
Coffee from Colombia is defined as one of clean cup, acidity and body medium / high with a sharp and full aroma. Our specialty coffee has the following features: Country: Colombia. Origin: Cauca. Region: Inza and Paez. Varietal: Arabica. Altitude: 1,700 2,100 meters (5,150 –6,360 ft) above sea level. Moisture: 11.5% average. Aroma: Fruits, notes of caramel and chocolate. Acidity: Smooth and clean of citrus. Sweetness: Dark chocolate brown sugar with notes of fruits. Residual: Enduring with notes of caramel and chocolate. Score in cup: 86. Quantity per container: One (1) 40’ container - 28,000 pounds (935 bags of 15 kilos). One (1) 20’ container - 14,000 pounds (467 bags of 15 kilos). Packaging materials: 15 Kilos bag (30 pounds of 500 grams). Carton per 15 kilos bag. Meets international standards. Features: Roasting: Medium. Rule UGQ (12-60-20). Good Agricultural Practices (GAP). Good Manufacturing Practices (GMP). Product approved and certified by Federacion Nacional de Cafeteros.
Sanitary Registration Permit - Psa -0001876-2019 Name Mulberries Frozen Pulp Description - Uniform and homogeneous product obtained and sieving of the healthiest, ripest and cleanest Mulberries INGREDIENTS Natural fresh Mulberries Without Preservatives Without Colorants Physicochemical Characteristics Characeristics Minimum Range Brix 7.0 pH 2.9 Acidity 2.5 % Insoluble solids. 20-45 Organoleptic characteristics Appearance - product free of foreign matter Color : similar to the original mulberry color Falvor and aroma: characteristic of the mulberry Odor : characteristic to mulberry without strange odors General Imperfections Particle size Max. 0.5 mm Seed Presence Absence Process Used Pulping Pasteurized Freezing Process Microbiological Analysis. m M Mesophilic microorganism count - 1.000 3.000 E COLI COUNT ufc/g o ml
Sanitary Registration Permit Psa -0001876-2019 Name Tamaranid - Frozen Pulp DESCRIPTION Uniform and homogeneous product obtained and sieving of the healthiest, ripest and cleanest Tamarinds Ingredients Uniform and homogeneous product obtained and sieving of the healthiest, ripest and cleanest Tamarinds Natural fresh Tamarinds Without Colorants Without Preservatives Physicochemical Characteristics Characeristics Minimum Range Brix - 14 pH - 2.7 Acidity - 1.6 % Insoluble solids. 20-46 ORGANOLEPTIC CHARACTERISTICS APPEARANCE Product free of foreign matter Color: Similar To The Original Tamarind Color Falvor And Aroma: Characteristic Of The Tamarind Odor: Characteristic To Flavor Without Strange Odors General Imperfections Particle Size Max. 0.5 Mm Seed Presence Absence Process Used Pulping Pasteurized Freezing Process Microbiological Analysis. m M Mesophilic microorganism count 1.000 3.000 E COLI COUNT ufc/g o ml