Handmade oil paintings
All oil painting in our website are handmade in traditional way, by our famous artists who begin with a blank and good canvas. They step by step create a beautiful hand-painted oil painting from photo. Our artists hand paint each oil painting painstakingly and beautifully.
Garden stone
Adult statue
American style monument
Oil painting-new concept Packaging way are 1 opp bag/pcs with bascial accessory-line, hook, dryer, paper corner protection and 10pcs/ctn.Special package or outstanding shall be negociated.
Oil painting We are supplier of oil painting, clay pottery handicraft, including lamp, pen, candle holder, home decoration. Our standard packing method
Western style tombstone Sea worth wooden crate export packing
Suitable for decoration of hotel,linving room,bar,office almost any place you can imagine,handed painted oil painting,streched with wooden bars ,hooked ready to be hung,4 corners wrapped,affordable for almost anyone,quality is guaranteed .
8*10 inches, not limited to the theme, 1pc/1carton
Landscape oil paintng reproduction,museum quality with competitive price ,good decoration for living room,hotel,bar,meeting room etc, can be kept for years.
Marine We have 200 artists Elegant packing
Lively Elegant package
Oil painting Pls kindly note that i have two brother who specilize in dealing oil paintings for more than 10 years, both of them are well known in xiamen -- one of the famous oil painting city, they established a company in 5years ago, but they do business with domestics only for the language barrier, the company has developed to an oil painting manufactory with more than 100 artists, and the factory covers more than 1200sqm, so with our resources in hand, we express our desire that we can work with you and do our utmost to be your strong support here.We will give you a warm welcome if Standard export packing
Tombstone in granite with the designs and dimensions as required Seaworth crate
1.Antique design 2.Size varys from your requriements 3.Excellent carving worth more value 4.Capable of providing custom design products
1.Antique design 2.Size varys from your requriements 3.Excellent design and making worth more value than material itself 4.Capable of providing custom design products