Glyphosate, methomyl, tebuconazole, carbendazim, benomyl, paraquat, acephate.
Herbicides:2, 4-d, imazethapyr quizalofop-p-ethy fluroxypry trifluralin haloxyfop-r-metyl, tribenuron-methyl, nicosulfuron insecticides:acetamiprid, bifenthrin, deltamethrin, endosulfan, ethoprophos, imidacloprid, lambda-cyhalothrin, fenpropathrin, alpha-cypermethrin cypermethrin, fungicides:chlorothalonil, carbendazim, tebuconazole.Registration files
Herbicides, pesticides, fungicides.
Herbicide, pesticide, fungicide.
Herbicide, insecticide, fungicide.
96% 2, 4 d butyl, 97% chlorpyrifos.
Fungicide, insecticide, herbicide.
Herbicides, insecticide, fungicide.
Pgr (pesticide, herbicide, fungicide) such as cppu, 6-ba iba iaa naa adenine, kinetin myclobutanil.
Herbicides, insecticides, fungicides.
Herbicides, fungicides, insecticides and synthesis of plant growth regulator, and fine chemical products.
Agro chemicals : herbicides , fungicides, pesticides, plant growth regulators, fertilizers.
Organic pesticide includes insecticide, fungicide, herbicide.
Agrochemicals including insecticide, herbicide, fungicide and some intermediate.
Pesticide, herbicide, fungicide.
Insecticides, herbicides, fungicides.
Herbicide, insecticide, fungicide, plant growth regulator.
Herbicide, insecticide, fungicide.
Pesticides, insecticides, fungicides, herbicides.
Pesticide, herbicide, fungicide.