Crystal awards, crystal gifts, crystal decorations, crystal souvenir, crystal globe, corporate gifts, anniversary gifts, sport gift. Box.
Vacuum bags for meat or frozen food.
Sandwich bags.
Leisure bag For shopping and other leisure time
Puffi bean plastic bags.
Plastic bags for shirts. We can make the poly bags for shirts with zip lock bags, the, material is usually with bopp/cpp with high good sealing quality.
Vacuum plastic bags for the vegetables and meat. We will quote as the specifications for you .
Multi-use food plastic package bags.
Cooking and boiling package bags.
Hand plastic bags, plastic bags for shirts
Zip packing bags for sandwich packing or bread packing.
Not transparent plastic bags.
Tridimensional plastic bags or stand up pouches.
Simple plastic bags with bopp and no printing.
Expanded food package bags.
Transparent plastic food package.
Instant noodle plastic package.
Three side sealing bags.
Ice cream plastic package.
Crystal awards, crystal gifts, crystal decorations, crystal souvenir, crystal globe, corporate gifts, anniversary gifts, sport gifts, attractions, souvenirs.