Discrete devices & semiconductors (diodes, transistors, igbt modules, field effect tubes) integrated circuits (ics, memory chips) electromechanical components (connectors, switching devices).
Building materials, floor covering material manufacturing like wall to wall carpets and rugs including machine made carpets, machine made rugs .from material classification we have wool (woolen) carpets, nylon carpets ,polyester carpets, polypropylene carpets .on technics like tufted carpets , printed carpet ,printed mats ,woven carpets. some are hospitality carpets and others are for residential purposae. vinyl floorings like pvc roll /slice , artificial turf grass , construction fit out turkey project, carpets tiles, Synthetic Turf .Manufcturing and supplying
Hookah, single layer glass cups, double layer glass cups, wine bottles, decanters, water kettles, coffee pots, glass storage tanks, etc.earth leveler, rollers, loaders,various construction machinery such as cold recycling machines and excavators.plastic products.