Professional Tilapia Fillet and Tilapia fish producer, packer and exporter in China Our main products are Frozen Tilapia Fillets, Tilapia Whole Round, Tilapia GS, Golden Pompano, Red Pomfret/Pacu, Catfish, Mackerel,Clam Meat and Vannamei Shrimp etc. Individual Vacuum Pack&Individual Wrapped
Professional Tilapia Fillet and Tilapia fish producer, packer and exporter in China Our main products are Frozen Tilapia Fillets, Tilapia Whole Round, Tilapia GS, Golden Pompano, Red Pomfret/Pacu, Catfish, Mackerel,Clam Meat and Vannamei Shrimp etc.
Professional Tilapia Fillet and Tilapia fish producer, packer and exporter in China Our main products are Frozen Tilapia Fillets, Tilapia Whole Round, Tilapia GS, Golden Pompano, Red Pomfret/Pacu, Catfish, Mackerel,Clam Meat and Vannamei Shrimp etc.
Professional Tilapia Fillet and Tilapia fish producer, packer and exporter in China Our main products are Frozen Tilapia Fillets, Tilapia Whole Round, Tilapia GS, Golden Pompano, Red Pomfret/Pacu, Catfish, Mackerel,Clam Meat and Vannamei Shrimp etc.
Frozen precooked skipjack tuna loins 7.5kgs/bag 170bags/pallet 20 pallets per one 40ft
Hoki Fillets Hoki Portions: 100-120g, 120-140g, 140-160g Hoki BP block Common Name: New Zealand Hoki Scientific Name: Macruronus novaezelandiae Market Name(s): Blue grenadier, Whiting, New Zealand hake, Blue hake Hoki is a white fish most often found in New Zealand and around Southern Australia, as well off the Pacific and Atlantic coasts of South America. Hoki is also known as blue grenadier, blue hake, New Zealand whiptail, whiptail or whiptail hake. They are long sleek fish that grow up to 1.3 metres in length and are found at depths of 10-1000 metres. Hoki meat is delicate, succulent and tastes slightly sweet, producing a medium flake once cooked. It is more flavourful that most other white fish because of its higher fat content but still relatively mild tasting.
breaded and battered alaska pollock fillets prefried, or raw breaded, white crumb or yellow crumb in retail package or bulk package Fish content: 50%-70% From natural fillets, or formed fillets breaded or battered squid rings, Breaded or battered squid strips. Common Name Rririliq ColÃ?Ân de Alaska
Pink salmon fillets IQF 11-13, 13+ size 200-500g skin-on or skinless Origin Russia or Alaska Pink salmonportions IQF 11-13, 13+ size 100-140g. skin-on or skinless Origin Russia or Alaska Common Name: Pink Salmon Scientific Name: Oncorhynchus gorbuscha Market Name(s): Humpback salmon, Gorbusch Pink salmon has a light, delicate flavor great for roasting or grilling, or topping with your favorite sauce. Pink salmon is the smallest wild Pacific salmon and its flesh is pale pink. This salmon is mild-flavored, softer than most salmon, has a small flake and contains a relatively low amount of oil. Look for pink salmon with firm meat that has minimal scale loss and no vertical bars of watermarks that indicate the fish has neared fresh water. Pink salmon is graded 2-4, 4-6, 6-9, and 9 up. Pink salmon is mostly sold frozen or canned and is increasingly sold in value-added products like salmon burgers and marinated steaks. A very small quantity is sold fresh, headed and gutted from July through August as is high quality whole pink salmon caught by trollers and frozen at sea.
Chum salmon fillet, portion, B/P block, scrapemeat block 13+, 11- Latin name: Oncorhynchus keta/gorbuscha Fillet Size: 400-800g, 800g+ Portion size: 80-100, 100-120, 120-140, 140-160f skin-on, or skinless, or defatted. Package: bulk, retail bag, IVP bag. Common Name:Chum Salmon Scientific Name:Oncorhynchus keta Market Name(s):Keta salmon, Dog salmon, Chub, Calico salmon Chum salmon: With a mild flavor and firm pink flesh, keta salmon are a great choice for grilling or roasting. Chum salmon can be the best value on the market when the skin is bright and the meat deep red, according to some buyers. Since most chum salmon spawns near river mouths, they have lower oil content than sockeye, Chinook, or coho. Chum salmon has a mild taste, is low in sodium, and is a good source of omega-3 fatty acids, niacin, vitamin B12, and selenium. Chum is graded 2-4, 4-6, 6-9, and 9 up and is readily available fresh and frozen, both H&G and fillets, but may also be canned or smoked. Like other kinds of salmon, chum quality differs greatly depending on the run. Buyers recommend learning about specific runs and their characteristics in order to identify the best salmon. The eggs are sold as ikura in Japan, where they have a high value.
Alaska Pollock fillet, loin, loinless block, B/P block, pieces IQF fillets Size: 2-4oz, 4-6oz, 6-8oz, 8oz+ loins sile: 80-120g, 120-160g Latin name: Theragra chalcogramma , Gadus chalcogramma MSC package,: bulk,retail bag or vacuum bag. Alaska Pollock is a part of the cod fish family. It is caught in the Pacific Ocean near Alaska. Known for its versatility, Alaska pollock's snow-white fillet flakes beautifully and offers a lean texture and mild taste.. Alaska pollock-also known as walleye pollock-is a key species in the Alaska groundfish complex and a target species for one of the world's largest fisheries. 97%: Calories from wild Alaska pollock are 97% from protein (compared to chicken breast [75%], lean ground beef [43%]) 1st: Alaska pollock is the largest fishery in the United States by volume and the second largest fishery in the world. 500m: Alaska pollock can be found ranging from surface waters to depths of over 500 meters.
Saithe fillets, or portions, loin, tails 120-140g, 140-160g, latin name: Pollachius virens Common Name: Atlantic Pollock Scientific Name: Pollachius virens Market Name(s): Saithe, Green cod, Boston bluefish Atlantic pollock is a member of the cod family but distinguished from cod by its greenish hue, paler belly, and brownish green back. Atlantic pollock are larger, slightly darker flesh, and have higher oil content than Alaskan pollock, which is actually a different species. Atlantic pollock is low in saturated fat and is an excellent source of protein, vitamin B12, phosphorus, and selenium. The flesh is firm and white, and has a sweet, delicate flavor. It is sold whole, in fillets, and steaks that are fresh, frozen, or smoked. Saithe has a more characteristic taste than most of the white fish. There are many different ways to prepare saithe. It's rich fishy flavour makes the saithe ideal for spicy dishes and dishes with strong and full flavours. Saithe is often overlooked due to the darker colour of its raw flesh, though it becomes lighter after cooking
Redfish fillets, skin-on or skinless Size: 2-4oz, 4-6oz, 6-8oz Latin name: Sebastes alutus;Sebastes Marinus;Sebastes Mentella made in China REDFISH Atlantic Redfish (Sebastes mentalla & Sebastes marinus) Pacific Redfish (Sebastes alutus) Product types: - IQF fillets - Blocks Redfish are a type of saltwater fish found in the Pacific and Atlantic oceans. They are a popular game fish, but they can also be eaten. The Redfish is easy to recognize due to their red color skin, whick makes the fish very attravtive for cooking. The fish is mainly found in cold and deep water. Redfish are healthy and safe to eat, delicious fish that can be eaten in many different ways. They are a great choice for people who want to eat nutritious and tasty seafood. If you have never tried Redfish before, we encourage you to do so - you won't be disappointed! The Redfish is a common name for several different converged hybrid fish species. The most well-known of these, also known as a red drum or spot tail bass can be found naturally along the Gulf Coast and Atlantic Ocean coastlines where they are often abundant in shallow water near shoreline structures like rigs with tires hanging over them! Do Redfish Taste Good? The flavor of Redfish or red drum is mild, sweet with a medium-firm texture. It's not as flaky as Shark and swordfish but still has some nice qualities that make it worth trying for those who don't usually eat these meats. It's also rich in omega-3 fatty acids, which help promote heart health!
Frozen hake fillets skinless PBO, IQF 2-8oz Pacific Hake Fillets or portions or cubes 30g, 80g +/-10g , 110g+/-10g Latin name: merluccius productus Origin: Canada packed in IQF or shatterpacked. Pacific hake (Merluccius productus), also known as Pacific whiting. Pacific hake is a predatory groundfish that looks similar to Pacific cod. They eat a diverse diet of krill (shrimp-like crustaceans), crabs, squid, forage fish, and juvenile salmon. Many different species prey on Pacific hake, like seals, birds, sharks, and other groundfish. Through these predator-prey interactions, Pacific hake is a crucial component for energy transfer in the marine food-web. This abundant groundfish is a nocturnal predator, which is a typical behaviour among hake species. During the day, they live near the seafloor, and at night they travel up to the surface to hunt. Because Pacific hake are a common predator of juvenile salmon and have such large abundances, scientists are studying their impact on declining salmon populations in the Pacific Northwest.
Yellow-fin sole fillets (limanda aspera) 2-3,3-5, 5-7oz rock sole fillets (Lepidopsetta bilineata)2-3,3-5, 5-7oz Greenland halibut fillets(Reinhardtius hippoglossoides)200-400g,400-600g,600-800g Arrow tooth flounder fillets ( Atheresthes Stomias) , skin-on or skinless, boneless 200-400g,400-600g,600-800g Flathead Sole: Hippoglossoides elassodon Rock Sole: Lepidopsetta polyxystra Greenland Turbot: Reinhardtius hippoglossoides Alaska Plaice: Pleuronectes quadrituberculatus Arrowtooth Flounder: Atheresthes stomias Rex Sole: Glyptocephalus zachirus Yellowfin Sole: Limanda aspera The Flatfish: Combined, Alaska flatfish account for the third largest landings by volume from Alaska waters. All flatfish have both eyes on once side of their head so they can see even when buried on the seafloor, but which side their eyes are on varies by species. Though they begin life eating plankton, as they mature they feed on small fish and crustaceans on the ocean floor. As the name implies flatfish have a flat body and have both eyes on one side of their head (the side that does not face the bottom). Flatfish are 'demersal' fish, which means they feed on or near the bottom of the ocean. A high-quality, sustainable white fish, Alaskan flatfish populations are at healthy levels and as of 2010 were certified by the Marine Stewardship Council as a sustainable fishery. The most common species are yellowfin sole, northern rock sole, flathead sole and Alaska plaice. Catcher processors utilize onboard equipment to catch, process and freeze fish within several hours of harvest. The Alaskan flatfish fishery is divided into two separate management areas; the Bering Sea/Aleutians Islands (BSAI) and the Gulf of Alaska (GOA). Flatfish trawl gear has evolved a great deal in the past 20 years. Today the gear is lighter and leaves less of an environmental imprint on the ocean floor by raising the trawl sweep. The gear incorporates designs that target wanted species while reducing bycatch. This new modified type of gear was required on all Bering Sea fishing vessels starting in 2011.
John dory fillets, skin on/skinless,PBI/PBO Sizes: 60/100g,100/150g,150/200g,200/300g Product of China Latin name: Zeus Fabre Often named St. Peter's fish (St. Pierre in France, Janitore in Spain), as he is alleged to be the origin of the distinctive dark 'thumbprint' (or spot) on its side as a thank you for some help with his tax! The English name John Dory arrived from the French 'jaune dor�©' meaning' golden yellow' - a good description for this unusual looking fish, which varies in size from smaller 230-450g fish up to 2kg. Because of the large head (like Monkfish, this accounts for half its weight), graphic John Dory is best filleted, but beware the low yield (around 35%) and some sharp nasty spines, which require extra care when filleting. The flesh is creamy-white, with a dense texture similar to Dover Sole, which holds up well during cooking. Ideal pan-fried or grilled, John Dory works well with Mediterranean flavours, salsas, and peppery sauces. It may be an expensive fish with a low yield - but it's worth it!
Monkfish tails skinless 80-150g 150-200g 200-300g 300-500g Monkfish fillets Monkfish cubes 40-60g with bone EU treated Latin name: Lophius litulon Monkfish are deep water bottom-dwellers, mostly harvested in the North Atlantic from coastal Norway to the Mediterranean. Rather than swimming, they use their fins to "walk" along the ocean floor and search for prey. They are voracious feeders and will eat nearly anything that swims nearby. Each fish contains two thick fillets, generally weighing between one and four pounds, on either side of the spine. The tail is prized for its tenderness and mild flavor, and is the part of the fish most commonly sold. There is flavorful meat located in the cheeks, as well, but this cut is not commonly harvested in America. The meat is firm, lean, and white, light gray, or light pink in color, firm.. Monkfish have small eyes, rows of fang-like teeth, and large heads and mouths. The tail is the only edible part of this fish. When filleted, the flesh is bright white and the texture and mouthfeel are often compared to that of a cooked lobster.
Frozen 400-600g /300-500g pacific macckerel seafrozen is shortage in september, usually it catched on November or December month,its main market is Vetnam or malaysia, kenya, tanzania etc Ocean Seanus food could offer stable quality and souce to you. Frozen pacific mackerel ( scomber japonicus)
High quatlity frozen layang scad mackerel whole round frozen muroji fish, is hot popular for philippines market or Asia market , it used for fishing bait and people consumption,compared with last year, the price also keep increasingly, seanus food could offer frozen pelagic in China, we can supply stable quantity of below product: Frozen mackerel frozen muroji / Trachurus Japonicus Glazing: 90% processing: IQF OR BQF Catching way: light purse seining Size: 120-140pcs/140-160pcs Feel free to contact us now for more information andrew at sealicious dot cn
Frozen golden pomfret WR (Trachinotus Blochii), size after glazing, 80%nw, 20%glazing, 10kg master carton. IWP, PE bag, sealed Size: 300-400, 400-500, 500-600 IWP, transparent, un-sealed. Size: 300-400, 400-500, 500-600 Feel free to contact us now for more information: andrew at sealicious dot cn
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