Eggs naturally enriched (without GMO) with iodine and selenium. Necessary nutrients for the proper development of our body and brain. We achieved this by growing our own patented feeding mixture for our hens.
Chicken table eggs
The present study is an attempt to examine the present situation of Bangladesh poultry industry and its future potential.In Bangladesh commercial poultry production has been growing rapidly since the early 1990 by using improved genetics, manufactured feeds and management. This improvement is done mainly in the private sector as a device for additional source of income and employment opportunities particularly in rural area. This dramatic growth of poultry farms throughout the country without judging feasibility of the farm in the area. This process has been influenced by the programmers of different NGOs and the public sector.
Eggs are a very good source of inexpensive, high quality protein. More than half the protein of an egg is found in the egg white along with vitamin B2 and lower amounts of fat than the yolk. Eggs are rich sources of selenium, vitamin D, B6, B12 and minerals such as zinc, iron and copper.
White & brown color broiler hatching eggs. Fertility rate : 90% min. Hatch ability : 78-82%. Average weight : 60-65 gr each Color : White & Brown Size : Large and Extra large Available Grade: A
Chicken eggs origin ukraine S-M-L size M-CÄ°F 25$ ARABIAN GULF COUNTRY
White and Brown table chicken eggs M/L sizes Package: Cartoon box 360 eggs per box
Organopletic Characteristics Color :From white to creamy Smell :and Taste Smell and taste of the dired the hen eggs white Structure :Homogenous, powder structure whitout an contamination
Organopletic Characteristics Color : From white to creamy Smell and Taste : Smell and taste of the dired the hen eggs white Structure : Homogenous, powder structure whitout an contamination
Chicken eggs available. origin : namakkal , india . payment terms to be discussed with buyers.
Fresh farm chicken eggs. Size: 56 gram to 60 grams
Chicken White Shell eggs 1312 Cartoons 30 Pieces in a tray and 12 trays in a box of total 360 Pieces Total Boxes 1312 Boxes Total Number of Eggs 472320 Eggs 40 foot Reefer
Eggs in all categories - S, M, and L for competitive prices. Delivery preferably in Europe, but we can arrange worldwide.
We supply high quality fresh chicken eggs from our farms. Chicken eggs are an important part of the human diet, providing protein, fat, and other nutrients. Approximately two-thirds of a chicken egg is white, and one-third is yolk. Lipids, vitamins, minerals, and carotenoid pigments are all found in the yolk. It is a good source of bioavailable lutein and zeaxanthin carotenoids, which are exclusively found in it. We only work with top-tier vendors to ensure that all our customers receive high-quality products. We are direct farmers of poultry products. We sell fresh chicken eggs, white table chicken eggs of different sizes.
Chicken Eggs
12 Farm Fresh Fertile Chicken Hatching Eggs Assorted Rainbow mix. Great hatching rate! 1: Australorp 2: Rhode Island Red 3: Buff orpington 4: Ameraucana 5: Easter Eggers 6: White Leghorns 7: Andalusian 8: Blue Ameraucana 9: Black Cochin 10: Black Copper Maran 11: cuckoo maran 12: Svarth�¶na
We provide the best quality Protien Rich White Chicken Eggs in India as well as to our export dealers. Eggs are available in different sizes and weights. Contact us for more details.
Natural Best Quality Organic Fresh Chicken Table Eggs 100% Farm Fresh Healthy Food Consumption Brown Shell Table Eggs for Genuine Wholesale Purchasers. Prices are Per carton: $35 MOQ= 1000 CTRNS LARGE: 63-72 GR FOR EACH EGG 30 EGGS IN EACH TRAY 12 TRAYS IN EACH CARTON 360 EGGS IN EACH CARTON 24.5-26 KG EACH CARTON 882 CARTON IN EACH 40 FT CONTAINER MEDIUM: 53-62 GR EACH EGG 30 EGGS ON EACH TRAY 12 TRAYS IN EACH CARTON 360 EGGS IN EACH CARTON 22-23 KG EACH CARTON 1200 CARTON IN 40 FT CONTAINER PACKED WITH NUTRIENTS: Our special feed blend helps our hens make eggs full of Omega-3s, Lutein, Choline, and Vitamin D. We make this blend by sourcing the best certified organic ingredients and milling them on the farm. THE DIFFERENCE YOU CAN SEE: Thick shells, bright yolks that stand tall, and a delicious flavor you won't find in regular eggs. We deliver the best possible tasting eggs from the farm to your table. THE COUNTRY HEN IS A FREE WALKER: We have thrown the cages away, put in windows, and used natural lighting and natural ventilation to the maximum. Our friend the hen can take sunbaths, dust herself, visit her neighbor, lay eggs in the nest, and carry on as a good hen should. In good weather, she can exit to the outdoors on our porches. FRESHNESS: We put sell-by and best-by dates on the side of the carton where it is easy to see. Our eggs can be kept safely for weeks, but we deliver quickly into the market and remove any eggs on the shelf before expiration occurs.
Medium 22.5 kg - 24kg each box min. 1248 box in the container
Buy Chicken Table Eggs White and Brown Packaging details: 30 eggs laid in a tray. Such 12 tray in a carton. Totally 360 eggs per carton. Load ability:- 1312 cartons in a 40 ft Totally 472320 eggs. Delivery detail:shipped in 5 days after payment