* Buyer issue LoI and BCL (current date )
*Every agent sign NCNDA and IMFPA
* Seller issue soft corporate offer , which buyer need to sign and return within 2 calendar days
* Buyer issue irrevocable purchase order
* Seller issue full corporate offer , which buyer need to sign and return within 2 calendar days
* Buyer issue RWA along with official draft of LC .
* Seller issue draft of sales and purchase agreement on basis of ICPO and FCO and LC draft .
* Buyer need to respond seller with in 2 calendar days and both party sign the agreement
* Buyer issue LC ,
* LC should be from world top 10 bank.
* Instrument should irrevocable , conformed , divisible , made by full cash deposit which will be payable against presentation of all documents as per agreement and LC.
* Seller delivered material as per schedule confirmation in agreement.
* Current allocation may vary and it depends when the seller gets LC stage.
* Seller will not hold the schedule/stock until the instrument of the buyer not get confirm by the sellers banker officially.