Pebbles, Gravels And Mosaic .
We offer delivery and assembling of Modular Installations for Anaerobic Digestion of Manure, Biomass, etc. Organic By-products, for production of Low-Cost, Carbon-Neutral Biogas / BioMethane / BioEthanol Fuels. Our unique technology for Hyper-intensive Cultivating On-Floors / On-Shelves of Superfast-Growing ( 91cm/day) BAMBOO Shoot Biomass in computer-controlled Artificial Tropical Climate indoors of a Fully-Automated Vertical Multifloor Aeroponic Farm ( offers EVERYDAY HARVESTS (365 Crops per Year) and gigantic volumes of biomass production, with 97% water and 400 times land savings, at an extremely low cost. Except for BioGas , the Bamboo Biomass could be used for production of various fresh-green Animal Fodders, delicious healthy human Foods, Pulps for Paper, Textile Fibers, dried Pellets as demanded Hard Fuel for Boiler, Furnace, Stove, etc. Thermal installations and as a valuable Organic Fertilizer for Humus-Enrichment of exhausted and degraded Soils. Please visit our websites shown below and if interested, do not hesitate to contact me.
Building Material Like Cement Tiles and Marble..