Cell phone, accessories, food, household items , used and refurbished phone, kashmiri mirch ,dhana powder, haldi powder , wheat flour.
Stationery, food related items.
Computer and related products.Internet services
Clothing line and promotional items.Events management
African handicrafts; baskets, mats, pottery, leather, wooden statues, metal statues, african prints (clothes); batiks, bone ear rings, bone necklaces, and bangles, printed ostrich shells, bushmen boars and arrows, nguni out fits ( zulu, ndebele, shona, swazi, lozi, kalananga, xhosa, tswana, setho, nyanga, outfits that depict various african cultures and traditions, books, music, tapes on africa traits, culture and traditions.
11.5x8.5x5.5 mm 3.1cts pear shape Small courier parcel
10x10x5.6 mm 5.70cts loupe clean pale violetred princess cut small courier parcel
10X10X5 mm 4.35cts loupe clean heart shape small courier parcel
6x4x3.1 mm 1.3cts oval goldan green loupe clean Small courier parcel
14.0x10.0x6.8mm 9.2cts octagon rose-red loupe clean Small courier parcel
Fresh flowers.
Ceramic pots
This is a hand moulded side plate
Lime green vase for simple dTcor
Hand painted
The brown colour gives it the ethnic feel. Handcrafted
A sculpture of an African man, carrying a luggage sack
Home furnishings, arts and crafts, ceramics/pottery, paintings, glass, wood and stone carvings, bean bags, air conditioners, decorative items, wood trays.
T-shirts, oils and lubricants, computer software.