Our flour is sourced from selective whole grain ground beneath stone, sifted with a different granulation spectrum and as such ideal for everyday household use. Rye is a plant that belongs to the grass family and is specific in that it can be used without any processing since it does not contain an outer protective layer. Rye flour is a rich source of protein and vitamin B complexes (pantothenic acid and niacin), dietary fiber, minerals, calcium, phosphorus, fluorine, iron,
magnesium, zinc, manganese, potassium and selenium. It helps to maintain cholesterol, sugar and as such is very well suited for people with diabetes. Due to the high content of manganese, it improves the nervous system and protects against the harmful effects of radicals on our body. Due to the presence of calcium, it also affects the function of the muscular system and muscle
It is suitable for people exposed to stress, pregnant women, breastfeeding women and the elderly. It is often used as an adjunct to wheat and corn biscuits, that significantly increasing its freshness. Rye flour type 1250 is used for making finer pastries, breada, pancakes and cakes.
Proteins 9 g
Carbohydrates 76 g
Fat 1,5 g
Dietary fibers 13 g
Minerals P, K, Ca, Mg, Fe, Zn
Vitamins E, B1, B2, B6, D, K
Energy 354 kcal / 1481 kJ
Our flour is sourced from selective whole grain ground beneath stone, sifted with a different granulation spectrum and as such ideal for everyday household use.
No integral flour contains fatty acids (oleic and linoleic), which are arranged in an ideal ratio as integral oat flour. It is important to emphasize that it contains small amounts of gluten.
It is the leader in the number of essential amino acids as the most powerful source of energy for every organism and these fatty acids are responsible for the exchange of fat in the body, protection against overweight and diseases associated with this problem. Thiamine, calcium and zinc are the most important
micronutrients. Oat fluor strengthens bones and teeth, stimulates brain function and growth in children, strengthens muscle mass in adults, reduces cholesterol, improves and slows digestion. is recommended for people with bronchial disorders and athletes, improves and slows digestion. It is especially recommended for people with bronchial disorders and sports. Oatmeal products retain freshness longer than the same wheat flour products. Since oat flour does not have the same ability to raise dough as wheat, it is necessary to increase the amount of yeast when using this flour.
Proteins 13 g
Carbohydrates 65 g
Fat 7 g
Dietary fibers 7,5 g
Minerals P, K, Ca, Mg, Fe, Na
Vitamins E, B complex
Energy 401 kcal / 1677 kJ
RYE FLOUR Type-1250
Our flour is sourced from selective whole grain ground beneath stone, sifted with a different granulation spectrum and as such ideal for everyday household use.
Reno bra¡no TIP1250 koristi se za izradu finijih peciva, hljeba, palainaka, kolaa. Rye is a plant that belongs to the grass family and is specific in that it can be used without any processing since it does not contain an outer protective layer.
Rye flour is a rich source of protein and vitamin B complexes (pantothenic acid and niacin), dietary fiber, minerals, calcium, phosphorus, fluorine, iron, magnesium, zinc, manganese, potassium and selenium.
It helps to maintain cholesterol, sugar and as such is very well suited for people with diabetes. Due to the high content of manganese, it improves the nervous system and protects against the harmful effects of radicals on our body. Due to the presence of calcium, it also affects the function of the muscular system and muscle tone.
It is suitable for people exposed to stress, pregnant women, breastfeeding women and the elderly. It is often used as an adjunct to wheat and corn biscuits, that significantly increasing its freshness.
Rye flour type 1250 is used for making finer pastries, breada,
pancakes and cakes.
Proteins 8 g
Carbohydrates 67 g
Fat 1,3 g
Dietary fibers 9 g
Minerals P, K, Ca, Mg, Fe, Zn
Vitamins E, B complex
Energy 335 kcal / 1402 kJ