Origin - Congo Process - Fully Washed Variety - Bourbon SL-14, SL-28 Lot No. - 1452 SCA Scoring - 86 Cupping Notes - Floral, Black Tea, Spices, Peach, Medium, Pleasant acidity, Juicy, Creamy body. "Price Per Kg For 1-10 Bags EXW Dubai, AED" - 42.00 "Price Per Kg from 10 Bags EXW Dubai, AED" - 40.00
Origin - Congo Process - Fully Washed Variety - Bourbon SL-14, SL-28 Lot No. - 202C SCA Scoring - 86 Cupping Notes - Sweet, Spice aroma, Apricots, Orange, Apple, Rich, Complex acidity, Smooth body. "Price Per Kg For 1-10 Bags EXW Dubai, AED" - 42.00 "Price Per Kg from 10 Bags EXW Dubai, AED" - 40.00
Origin - Congo Process - Natural Variety - Bourbon SL-14, SL-28 Lot No. - 11312 SCA Scoring - 87 Cupping Notes - Chocolaty, Fruity, Strawberry like aroma, Plums, Cherry, Red grapes, Delicate, Complex acidity, Smooth body. "Price Per Kg For 1-10 Bags EXW Dubai, AED" - 45.00 "Price Per Kg from 10 Bags EXW Dubai, AED" - 43.00
Origin - Congo Process - PB Fully Washed Variety - Bourbon SL-14, SL-28 Lot No. - 1455 SCA Scoring - 84 Cupping Notes - Floral, Spice aroma, Berries, Citrus Fruits, Mild Acidity, juicy body. "Price Per Kg For 1-10 Bags EXW Dubai, AED" - 45.00 "Price Per Kg from 10 Bags EXW Dubai, AED" - 43.00
Origin - Uganda Process - AA Variety - SL-28, Bourbon Lot No. - 7862151 SCA Scoring - 83 Cupping Notes - Fruity, Melon like, Pleasant acidity, Craeamy, Juicy body
Origin - Uganda Process - AB Variety - SL-28, Bourbon Lot No. - 7862152 SCA Scoring - 83 Cupping Notes - Caramel like aroma, Lemon like, Mandarine, Citric pleasant acidity, clear body. Nutty, Caramel.
Origin - Uganda Process - Natural Variety - SL-28, Bourbon Lot No. - 7862153 SCA Scoring - 83 Cupping Notes - Fruity, Winey, Caramel like, Pleasant acidity, Smooth body.
Origin - Uganda Process - Natural AA Variety - SL-28, Bourbon Lot No. - UD2251 SCA Scoring - 80 Cupping Notes - Spice, Brown sugar, Muted acidity. Light & watery body, Corn cereal, Milk chocolate. "Price Per Kg For 1-10 Bags EXW Dubai, AED" - 30.00 "Price Per Kg from 10 Bags EXW Dubai, AED" - 30.00
Origin - Uganda Process - Natural AB Variety - SL-28, Bourbon Lot No. - UD2252 SCA Scoring - 81 Cupping Notes - Hint of Spice, Sweet and Light body, Roasted nuts. "Price Per Kg For 1-10 Bags EXW Dubai, AED" - 28.00 "Price Per Kg from 10 Bags EXW Dubai, AED" - 26.00
Origin - Kenya HAK Process - Natural PB Variety - SL-34, SL-28 Lot No. - KH6522 SCA Scoring - 85 Cupping Notes - Sugar cane, Clementine, Choco malt, Medium body. "Price Per Kg For 1-10 Bags EXW Dubai, AED" - 32.00 "Price Per Kg from 10 Bags EXW Dubai, AED" - 30.00
Origin - Kenya HAK Process - Natural AB Variety - SL-34, SL-28 Lot No. - KH7522 SCA Scoring - 85 Cupping Notes - Stone fruit, Molasses, Hint of apricot, Low to medium body. Caramel aftertaste "Price Per Kg For 1-10 Bags EXW Dubai, AED" - 48.00 "Price Per Kg from 10 Bags EXW Dubai, AED" - 46.00
Origin - Kenya HAK Process - Fully Washed AA Variety - SL-34, SL-28 Lot No. - KH8522 SCA Scoring - 85 Cupping Notes - Sweet tobacco, Honey, Cardamon, Spice, Salted Caramel, Dark chocolate, Finished creamy mouthfeel, Supportive malic acidity, Medium body. "Price Per Kg For 1-10 Bags EXW Dubai, AED" - 50.00 "Price Per Kg from 10 Bags EXW Dubai, AED" - 48.00
Origin - Kenya Process - Natural AB Variety - SL-34, SL-28 Lot No. - KN5300 SCA Scoring - 84 Cupping Notes - Chocolate, Dark chocolate, Sweet Caramel taste, Black tea, Plum, dried fruits, orange acidity. "Price Per Kg For 1-10 Bags EXW Dubai, AED" - 47.00 "Price Per Kg from 10 Bags EXW Dubai, AED" - 45.00
Origin - Kenya Process - Natural A Variety - SL-34, SL-28 Lot No. - KN5200 SCA Scoring - 84 Cupping Notes - Chocolate, Sweet Caramel, Black tea, Plum, Sweet spice, Dried fruits, Rounded body & orange acidity. "Price Per Kg For 1-10 Bags EXW Dubai, AED" - 49.00 "Price Per Kg from 10 Bags EXW Dubai, AED" - 47.00
Origin - Burundi Process - Natural AA Variety - Bourbon Lot No. - BAA2201 SCA Scoring - 86 Cupping Notes - Vanilla, Molasses, black Cherry, Salted Caramel, Sweet green Apple Acidity, Rounded body, Dried apricot. "Price Per Kg For 1-10 Bags EXW Dubai, AED" - 51.00 "Price Per Kg from 10 Bags EXW Dubai, AED" - 49.00
Origin - Burundi Process - Natural AB Variety - Bourbon Lot No. - BAB2202 SCA Scoring - 86 Cupping Notes - Fruity grape flavor, Ripe tamarind, Black cherry, Pineapple jam, sweet, Structured acidity, Delicate body, Hint of strawberry. "Price Per Kg For 1-10 Bags EXW Dubai, AED" - 49.00 "Price Per Kg from 10 Bags EXW Dubai, AED" - 47.00
Scientific Name: Phaseolus vulgaris Common Name: Kidney Beans Local Name: Rajma All kinds of kidney beans are great choices and they supply a high amount of protein and dietary fiber as well as a variety of vitamins and minerals.
Hello! Here is our premium product of coffee: Robusta roasted coffe, freshly made in Lampung, Indonesia. Robusta coffee made with a cup scoring value of 80-83, produces a good sense of sweetness and body. This product is suitable for types of drinks such as milk coffee and so on. For Robusta Grade are recommended for ground coffee either at home or shop. If you want to buy the green beans, just contact us for more details. Port from Panjang Port, Lampung - Indonesia.
Robusta Our Robusta green beans are from Ulubelu - Lampung, indonesia. This is the best seller products this year as sometimes buyers need to pre-order to get this beans. Arabica Our arabica green beans is fresh from the farmers in Medan, Indonesia. We need approximately 2 months to prepare the shipment because our stock is still fresh from red cherry.
Robusta is the second most-produced species of coffee beans. Robusta grows at lower elevations has high levels of caffeine and is disease resistant. Most people drinking Robusta must add cream and sugar due to its inherent harsh taste