Internet and communication and electronics.
Communication / gmdss, security & safe navigation, navigational aids, steering / autopilot, marine navigation, marine safety, main engine & spares, auxiliary engine & spares, generator & spares, turbocharger & spares, compressor, hydraulic pump/motor, water pump/ motor, governor, gearbox,.
Ecdis, gyro compasses, magnetic & satellite compasses, anemometers, echo sounders, speed logs, autopilot systems, mf/hf, inmarsat c satellite communications (including broadband), vhf, ais, fbb, navtex, lrit, ssas in suitable price..
Communication items.Clearing agent , transportation
Apparel, shoes, sunglasses, electronics, electrical.
All kind of reconditioned and new marine items like ship engine, propeller, generator, electric cable, brass, copper, stainless steel etc from recycled ships..
Electrical & Electronic.
Electronics and gifts ware.
Electronics items.