Its a low fat, low protein, dairy butter mouth feeling and manufactured under hygenic condition with best quality ingradients. Self life 12 months, over run upto 4.5 times. Wt.12 kgs, length 300 mm x width 225 mm x height 250 mm approx.
Glucose, cookies, creem, monaco.
Glucose - 12gms,13,18,19gms,34, 45, 55,65gms packet & 75gms packet. Cream biscuits 14g,28g,70 A. Orange cream - 50gms / 100gms & above B. Strawberry cream - 50gms / 100gms & above E. Chocolate cream - 50gms / 100gms & above F. Marie - 80gms & above G. Nice - 80gms & above.
Bukle cookies with peanut, coconut, granule and sesame. Different packings like 400gr, 1250gr and etc.
- KRAFT. OREO 137g, Flavour: Blueberry ice cream, chocolate creme, Vanila, strawberry creme, double delight (Peanut butter & Chocolate creme) packing 24 packs 137g * 1ctn. - KRAFT. OREO 68.5g, Flavour: Chocolate sandwich, packing 24 packs 68.5g * 1ctn. - KRAFT. OREO 274g, Flavour: Chocolate. packing 12 twinpacks (137g x 2)* 1ctn. - KRAFT. OREO 29.4g, Flavour: Slug (milk), chocolate, strawberry creme, double delight (butter peanut), packing 12 pack 29.4g x 6 boxes x 1ctn. - BISCUIT RITZ CHEESE SANDWICH, packing 24 pack 118g x 1ctn. - BISCUIT RITZ CRACKER, packing 12 box 300g x 1ctn. - KRAFT. OREO COOKIES TIN CAN 352.8gr, Mixed Flavours: Blueberry ice cream, chocolate cream, Vanila, strawberry cream. Packing 10 Tin cans x 1ctn. - KRAFT. RITZ SANDWICH CRACKER TIN CAN 324gr, Mixed Flavours: Lemon & Cheese, Packing 10 Tin cans x 1 carton. - KRAFT. TIGER BISCUIT TIN CAN 197.2gr, Mixed Flavours: Chocolate, strawberry,....Packing 10 tin cans x 1ctn. - KRAFT. Mixed Oreo cookies, Ritz biscuit, Chips Ahoys biscuit, Tiger sandwich biscuit in TIN CAN 587.2gr, Mixed Flavours: Cheese, Vanilla, Ice cream blueberry, chhocolate, strawberry, Packing 10 Tin Cans x 1 carton.
In France CanelTs are what hamburgers are for United States. The CanelT is a delicious small pastry, flavoured by vanilla and rum. A soft heart is coated by a lightly caramelized layer. Our CanelTs, produced without any colour or food additive, are high quality products. Our CanelTs exist in 3 sizes, so we are able to react to each require : The Gros, 60g / unit. The Lunch Lunch, 30g / unit. The BouchTe BouchTe, 17g / unit. We developed two ranges: a fresh and a frozen one. Thanks to these two ranges we could join any regular or special distribution.
Sweet and salty kind of cookie. 0, 4 kg packages.
Improver for phyllo dough This improver stabilizes the structure of separate layers. It optimizes all stages of dough processing – easier machine forming of phyllo. The phyllo is evenly rolled out, elastic and strong. PVC bag.
Biscuits. Weight and dimensions vary according to the demands of product packaging.
A perfect combination of ingredients for the improvement of wheat bread, buns, rolls and croissants. Bread improver for all kind of wheat bread, buns,loaf, rolls and croassants. Significant increases bread volume Improved shell-life, structure and softness Enhances crust-color Improving the overall production technology For optimising the dough handling -in mechanical dough processing -in manual dough processing -for different dough processing methods and dough temperatures DOSAGE: 0.2-0.5 % of flour weight, depending on flour quality. Put directly in the flour. PVC bags from 20 or 25 kg.
The ready products have well manifested gloss, colour, solidity, hyaline surface, and they increase their volume when boiled. The improver increases water absorption and improves dough properties during processing. Products made with this improver are cooked without sticking together and they have pleasant odour and taste. The ready pasta products are boiled for shorter time and do not decompose. The duration of the technological process is shortened and energy consumption is reduced. The time for drying in the manufacturer factory is reduced. The adhesion properties of the dough and its stability are improved. The products have greater tolerance to pre-heating. The time for ready production control is reduced. The use of this improver leads also to unification of the technological process which is manifested in the option for work with flour of different indexes – including common wheat flour. DOSAGE: 3 % of flour weight, depending on flour quality. Put directly in the flour. PVC Bags.
Unica Bul Bread Leaven The new production demands lead to necessity of greater modification of technological processes and greater intensification of the entire production process. On one side that indisputably resulted in advantages but on the other side it means rejection of what people call “the taste of good old times” - that bread grandmother used to knead in the wooden bowl and to let it rise under cotton piece of fabric. UNICA BUL was created to return exactly that out-of-date taste. UNICA BUL bread leaven contains a combination of meso- and thermophilic cultures with Lactobacillus bulgaricus as the leading one. The name of this strain of microorganisms originates from Bulgaria. The uniqueness of the product lays in the fact that Lactobacillus bulgaricus lives and proliferates only on the territory of the Republic of Bulgaria. Lactobacillus bulgaricus is the same microorganism that is the reason for the unique taste and medicinal properties of the world known Bulgarian yoghurt. Bulgarian yoghurt was mentioned for the first time in 1664 when the French king Louis XI was cured from incurable for that time stomach disease namely by applying a diet of Bulgarian yoghurt. Products containing Lactobacillus bulgaricus have probiotic properties which suppress “bad”, potentially pathogenic microorganism, and stimulate the development of “good” microorganisms. Thus putrefactive processes in the bowels are suppressed, the immune system is stimulated and ageing processes in organism are retarded. Scientific patents regarding the probiotic properties of Lactobacillus bulgaricus have been appraised to the value of EUR 10 000 000 by a world renowned pharmaceutical concern. World food producers advertise their products with the phrase “with a taste of Bulgarian yoghurt”. UNICA BUL is put in as supplementary culture in the preparation of pre-ferment or directly in dough kneading. Bread and bread products made with UNICA BUL have unique rich taste and flavour and slightly sour odour which is typical for products with natural rising. They also have lovely appearance and structure. The shelf life of the bread is naturally prolonged. At the same time other inconveniences often related to traditional sour dough are eliminated, like excessive or insufficient sourness. By using UNICA BUL you create a different outlook of your bread products which is a prerequisite for clients to easily distinguish you from other producers and to use your products. UNICA BUL can be used in the production of bread, pizza, loafs, doughnuts and other bread products. PVC box.
Full natural (no additives,no presarvatives), complete hygienic and non-hand touch made wide assortment of delicious family pastries and cookies. Boxes and small bags.
Bonjour baking powder is the best baking powder.
Vanilin is used for baking purpose. Any size.
Lubna milk rusk.
Suji Rusk Our golden brownish toasted bread rusks are healthy, tasty, crispy and crunchy. The whole wheat bar of these delicious rusks has a high content of fibre and delicious taste of milk. These delicious rusks are available in air sealed packages at the most reasonable prices. Makes perfect snacks for tea time serving. 400gm/pckt
Full natural(no additives,no presarvatives) ,complete hygienic and non-hand touch made wide assortment of delicious family pastries and cookies. Boxes and small bags.
Full natural (no additives no presarvatives), complete hygienic and delicious pastry and cookies for you and for your family. Small boxes and bags.
Pinwei Non Dairy Whip Topping Cream is the whip topping of superior performance and good stability. It is of sweet fragrance and light sweet cherish. It is especially suitable for medium and small bakeries. It has high quality, reasonable price and high performance. It is always the best choice to make the decorative cakes. 1kg/pcs,12pcs/carton,carton size:302mm*242mm*238mm.