Iron oxides are widely used as inexpensive, durable pigments in paints, coatings and colored concretes.
Product Origin : Merco W.L.L Bahrain
Actual Chemical Analysis Results :
Actual results tested by a competent laboratory on sample taken at load port with the following findings
Specifications Results
Fe 66.40 PCT
FeO 13.12 PCT
Sio2 2.79 PCT
CaO 1.27PCT
Al2O3 0.49 PCT
P 0..32 PCT
S 0.035 PCT
CaO : Sio2 0.46
Moisture 0.12 PCT
Size 0-3 MM 37.20 PCT
3-5MM 26.60 PCT
5-10MM 36.20 PCT
Bitumen emulsion is a mixture of fine droplets of bitumen and water. But as the bitumen is a petroleum product it doesn’t mix with water and as it is sticky in nature, it doesn’t easily gets disintegrated into fine droplets. To overcome this problem an emulsifier is used. Emulsifier can be defined as a surface-active agent. Emulsifier keeps the bitumen in its fine droplet state by disallowing it to mix with other droplets. As the droplets are very fine they suspend in water.
Therefore, bitumen emulsion is a dispersed liquid consisting of three products, i.e. water, bitumen and emulsion.
Bitumen emulsion is a mixture of fine droplets of bitumen and water. But as the bitumen is a petroleum product it doesn’t mix with water and as it is sticky in nature, it doesn’t easily gets disintegrated into fine droplets. To overcome this problem an emulsifier is used. Emulsifier can be defined as a surface-active agent. Emulsifier keeps the bitumen in its fine droplet state by disallowing it to mix with other droplets. As the droplets are very fine they suspend in water.
Cationic emulsions may be used at ambient temperatures with aggregates, which need not be completely dry. Emulsions are less hazardous to use and can be applied in a wider range of conditions. Advantages
a) Cationic emulsions may be used at ambient temperatures with aggregates, which need not be completely dry.
b) Lower costs are incurred due to a considerable saving on fuel for heating purposes.
c) Operating at lower temperatures for cold mixing gives a greater margin of safety, even though these emulsions may contain fluxing oil.
d) Not only may cold mix be stockpiled for long periods, but it may also be packaged in small containers and stored. This facilitates the treatment of very small areas quickly, cleanly and economically. Disadvantages
A regular water supply is required and this can be a great problem in very hot countries, where water can be in very short supply.