Ash amount: 0.7% max
Moisture: 10% max
Diameter: 6 mm-8mm
Length: 10mm-40mm
Made from pure wood , no bark
Bright, uniform surface color
No horizontal or vertical cracks
Density: 650kg/m3 min
calorific value: 4100 to 4600 kcal/kg
Uniform size: quality in production
Clear in water cup test
Non Toxic Fumes
Zero Additive
Package: 15KG/PP woven bag or 25KG/PP bag or as per customers
choice with desired logo.
Shipping port is Batumi or Poti Georgia
400 $ FOB price Batumi or Poti port Georgia
SVEZA Deck 350 is a special film faced plywood with a grid pattern intended for slab formwork. It comes with 25, 50, and 100 mm grid patterns. These types of lines simplify plywood marking and cutting, as well as rebar placement. This allows to reduce labor costs at the construction site.
Production process of plywood with layout grid is patented.*
SVEZA Deck 350 is a high-strength plywood made of 100% birch veneer, all layeers are smooth, without cavities inside. Its edges are coated with special acrylate-based waterborne paint with low water permeability.
SVEZA Deck 350 surface is smooth, and coated with wear resistant film (wearing capacity is 350 Taber test rotations).
* Registered in the State Register of Utility Models RF 01.20.15, RF patent number 150519.
Standard sizes: 1220 2440 8mm
Adhesive is prepared on the basis of acryl binder and forms durable adhesive coating. It is used in internal and external works of adhesion of ceramic tiles, gluing wood, cardboard, paper. This glue also is quite essential in housekeeping during small repair works. Drying time: 24 hours at 200C
Naphthenic acids and their derivatives are widely used in more than 40 sectors of national economy.
Naphthenic acids in a form of lead, manganese, zinc, ferrum, aluminium, chrome salts and in a form of other derivatives, are used in preparation of paint driers, varnishes, paints.
Free naphthenic acids are used as a part of inks and improves their mobility. These acids are also used as thinner for aniline colorants, sleeper impregnation material preserving wood from rotting.
Both free and derivative naphthenic acids have effective fungicidal, insecticidal, bactericidal and preservative parameters which are used in weed and pest control, for impregnation of wood, sail fabric, canvas, rope, tarpaulin, fishing gear and other materials regularly affected by moisture, bacteria, pest, etc. Lead, chrome, cobalt and manganese salts of naphthenic acids are used as antistatic, antideteriorant and antifoam additives for fuel, jet engine fuels and oils. Lubricating and emulsifying materials used for cooling of shearing machines, pasting, lubrication grease for high-pressure plants, demulsifiers brea-king petroleum and oily emulsions are based on naphthenic acids.
Simple and compound ethers of naphthenic acids are used as plasticizers for production of polymeric materials, general rubber goods, polyvinylchloride plastic, hydraulic liquids, etc.
Naphthenic acids are successfully used even at cleaning of rareearth elements, extragens of radioactive materials, catalysts, oxidation and oxonation processes, agricultural growthregulating substances, drying accelerators for glassreinforced polyesters, etc.
In order to meet consumer needs for naphthenic acids, “KARVAN-L” company has developed technology and established commercial installations for output of high-purity acids.