Origin:egypt,mexico,indonesia all Fe Buyer sends Letter of Intent LOI; Seller issued FCO in favor of the buyer; Buyer issued ICPO with soft probe permission according Seller conditions written in FCO; Seller verifies Buyer ICPO through Seller Bank and sends NCNDA and IMFPA. Buyer signs and seals NCNDA and IMFPA and return to Seller; Seller would release draft contract to Buyer. Contract negotiation begins over emails between Buyer and Seller; Final draft contract sign electronically by both sides - Buyer and Seller; Mine site visit would be arrange within 1-2 days after the final contract is signed and sealed if requested by the end buyer; Within seven (7) banking days the Buyers bank sends the non-operative, non- transferable Documentary Letter of Credit;
Origin: Saudia Arabia (SABIC) Moq: 200.000 (spot or contract) Payment: LC MT700 FOB or CIF/CFR
Hi we are Aluminium Billets and Profile producer and supplier.We are ready supply these productsto 20000 MT monthly based on your demand.Please contact us additional discussion.Thanks. S k y p e : hava.nagila2
One of the serious problems of natural environment protection during oil and gas production is liquidation ground by oil pollution. Oil and mineral oils disturbed ecological state of top-soils as a whole deformed biocoenosis structure. In results of damages (oil) pipe lines, oil-processing and petroleum distillating plants a great deal of oil and oil production comes in ground. Cleaning and reconstruction of in ecocatastrophe region realizes properly polluted ground impressments from pollution place with its posterior cleaning by chemical and biological methods or its, immediately contiguous to technological object also to environment air and burial on special firing range. Elimination the oil flood permits to greatly improve sanitary state not only on territories water. Oil hydrocarbons decomposition intensity and character in ground mainly defined by functional activity hydrocarbono-xidizing bacteria (HOB) capable to assimilate oil as a single carbon spring. Method biological or polluted burial on special firing range was not find wide application. Since the first method is virtual during of the ground pollution more than 5-10%. And second method is not widespread for the reason of loose huge number of grounds. During last years new compositional structure are developed by “Karvan L” company staff on the basis of surfactant species “LD500IF”. The reagent successfully passed work bench measurements on hydro-cyclone units and effectiveness of the feagent is 98 -99 % during expenditure norm 20-25 mg/l.
Crude oil flowing from wells contain fair amount (often 20-30%, sometimes up to 60-65%) of water with dissolved salts from basis point up to 1-2%. This significantly increases viscosity of crude oil, generates stable emulsion and makes the oil inadequate for refining and transportation. Water produced together with oil is usually in very unusual state, i.e. it is spread in oil in the form of droplets (emulsified form). Less the size of droplets, more stable the emulsion. One of the main reasons of emulsion stability is also the presence of resin, pyrobitumen, paraffin, and other oil admixtures like glycerine, microcrystal of paraffin, ceresin in crude oil. These substances generate quite firm and thick (protective films) on the surface of water and solid particles thus preventing merging of water drops and solid particles and their spontaneous segregation from oil. At present physical, thermal, physico-chemical, electrical and combined methods of oil emulsion breaking are used for oil dehydration and oil desalting. One of the widelyused and most effective methods is physicochemical combined method using chemical reagents demulsifiers. Demulsifiers are substances with high surface activity. They are concentrated in interfacial areas of oil emulsion, break protective films covering solid particles, water droplets and neutralise their electric charges. After this, small droplets will merge into bigger drops under the influence of mutual attraction, loosen and segregated from oil.Oil demulsifying is carried out in oil field and oil refinery plants. At present “KARVAN-L” company tries to provide integrated work cycle: – development production supply and implementation of produced demulsifiers together with consumer. Demulsifier Karvan-200 is designed for oil dehydration and desalting in gathering system and oil treatment plant. Reagent can also inhibit corrosion processes.Demulsifier Karvan-201 is designed for separation of both light and heavy crude emulsion. This reagent is the composition of macroglycols and nitrogen-bearing surfactants in organic solvent environment Demulsifier discharge per 1 ton crude is 10-60gr. Dosage depends on emulsion stability, treatment temperature, water separation period and desired depth of oil processing. Optimum dosage and demulsifier application process ensuring necessary results can only be defined as per test results carried out in practical use sites.
Lubricating properties of low sulfuric diesel fuel with K-Lube additive at device HFRR under method EN ISO 12156-1 (data of JSC “VNII NP” Russia): At present production of highquality diesel fuels is impossible without attaching of additives of various functionality as depressor, cetane increasing, antismoke, washing, anti-oxidizing, dispersive, corrosion inhibitors, anti-wear and many oth. At preparation of multifunctional packets of additives their compatibility are to be considered, as the various surfaceactive substances are able to influence upon functional properties of each other. At usage of “K-Lube” anti-wear additive in packets with additives of other functionality (cetane increasing, depressor-dispersive and other) no contradiction between them emerges. Just the opposite, the “K-Lube” additive operated better than its foreign analogues /proved by following testing hold by JSC “VNII NP” Russia/: Taking into consideration results of mentioned above the “K-Lube” additive possesses high protective effectiveness against weariness and we would to mention that usage of additive at enterprises and petroleum refineries enables to save financial assets. Besides high effectiveness of “K-Lube” additive regarding protection from fuel pumps differing from foreign analogues the product has low pour point without adding any dissolvents (no more than 45 degrees below zero), what facilitates transportation, storage and usage it in cold climatic conditions.
Application Solvent Applications, Chemical Intermediates, Pharmaceuticals, Acetone Feature IPA is produced by the direct propylene hydration process. IPA meets the diverse needs from solvent industry. Our division has been a stable supplier of raw materials for related industries. IPA is used for cleaning semiconductor wafer and LCDs. This highly value-added product has been enjoying rapid increase in demand in accordance with the development of such areas as information, communication and multimedia. High Purity We have high performance purification process to manufacture high purity IPA products. Our IPA maintains superior quality characteristics through products of high purity.
To this day, petroleum acids are still being studied by a number of researchers. Interest in the above class of organic compounds is not only attributed to practical perspective, but also to general humanitarian purposes. According to S. Nametkin, "... composition and structure of petroleum acids are closely related not only to the genesis of oil, but to the origin of life on Earth as well". Depending on their origin, oils may contain different amounts of naphthenic acids, extremely insignificant in all cases. Naphthenic acids are extracted from oils using alkali alcoholic solutions. Structure of naphthenic acids in any oil is the same and depends on the nature of oil. Among the oil produced worldwide, and particularly in the CIS region, Azerbaijan's oil features the highest content of petroleum acids. Oils of Bibi-Heybat, Romani, Binagadi, Balakhani, Sabunchi and other fields are rich in petroleum acids, which content in some crude oil grades reaches 1.5 – 2%. Due to the fact that acids extracted from naphthene-base crude of Baku oil fields have the same composition and physical-chemical properties as synthetic naphthenic acids, they are often referred to as natural naphthenic acids.
Naphthenic acids and their derivatives are widely used in more than 40 sectors of national economy. Naphthenic acids in a form of lead, manganese, zinc, ferrum, aluminium, chrome salts and in a form of other derivatives, are used in preparation of paint driers, varnishes, paints. Free naphthenic acids are used as a part of inks and improves their mobility. These acids are also used as thinner for aniline colorants, sleeper impregnation material preserving wood from rotting. Both free and derivative naphthenic acids have effective fungicidal, insecticidal, bactericidal and preservative parameters which are used in weed and pest control, for impregnation of wood, sail fabric, canvas, rope, tarpaulin, fishing gear and other materials regularly affected by moisture, bacteria, pest, etc. Lead, chrome, cobalt and manganese salts of naphthenic acids are used as antistatic, antideteriorant and antifoam additives for fuel, jet engine fuels and oils. Lubricating and emulsifying materials used for cooling of shearing machines, pasting, lubrication grease for high-pressure plants, demulsifiers brea-king petroleum and oily emulsions are based on naphthenic acids. Simple and compound ethers of naphthenic acids are used as plasticizers for production of polymeric materials, general rubber goods, polyvinylchloride plastic, hydraulic liquids, etc. Naphthenic acids are successfully used even at cleaning of rareearth elements, extragens of radioactive materials, catalysts, oxidation and oxonation processes, agricultural growthregulating substances, drying accelerators for glassreinforced polyesters, etc. In order to meet consumer needs for naphthenic acids, “KARVAN-L” company has developed technology and established commercial installations for output of high-purity acids.
These requirement specifications apply to special-purpose distillate for AMG-10, RM and RMTs oils designed to obtain low pour point hydraulic oils of AMG-10, RM and RMTs oil grades. Example of product designation at ordering: “Special-purpose distillate for AMG-10, RM and RMTs oils acc. to requirement specifications TU 38.1011286-89”.
Naphtenic acids acids exudes from alkaline wastes after leaching distillates of diesel oil and kerosene naphtenic oils are effective stimulators plants growth. Oil growth substance is represent as water solution sodium salt of naphtenic acids 40%. (OGS) steep seeds before sowing use mixture with chemical fertilizers during vegetation for plant spraying in blooming period. Using the OGS grout concentration in water from 0, 001 to 0, 4 sharply to raise cotton productivity, winter wheat and other products. The OGS is supplied: 1. OGS increased growth (evolvement) of plants especially in initial stage and vegetation stage. Influence effect is depend on plant nature, soil nature, conditions and etc. 20-25% at a speed almost always rise, on the whole this indices are contained in interval from 20% ( it is was not lawyer) and it can exceed 100% over. 2. OGS increased crops productivity. In converting to productiveness from 1m2 in total due to increase speed and growth of yields quantity effect is very seemly. 40% 3. OGS sharply resistibility diseases and survival rate extreme conditions
Petroleum refining is characterized by the largest amount of systems exposed to corrosion compared to any other sector of the oil industry. Corrosion problems occur everywhere, from the points of raw materials delivery up to removal and transportation of the refined products. Corrosion control measures shall be taken at crude oil distillation plants and units for alkali treatment of oil, gas plants, reformer and cracking units, straight run deisobutanizers, units for adsorption of hydrogen sulphide from aqueous solutions, furfural treatment units etc. Liquid composition may vary depending on a particular stage of the oil refining cycle – from sulphurous, acid oil-water mixtures fed to refineries to final products (e.g., gasoline) with negligible water content. It is hardly possible to use any “universal” corrosion inhibitor due to the variety of process mechanisms that may cause intense corrosion of equipment used in the oil sector. The need to ensure property package determining processability and compatibility of the inhibitor with corrosion medium components necessitates development of an inhibitor that would be functional in different corrosive conditions. Oilfield water containing large amounts of chloride ions, oxygen, carbon dioxide and hydrogen causes and promotes further development of local electrochemical processes, which represent the most dangerous type of corrosion and failure of metal. Oilfield practice shows that the most dangerous local corrosion damages also occur in the presence of microorganisms. In order to protect oil equipment against chemical and bacterial corrosion, Karvan-L company designed efficient and cost-effective water-soluble and oil-soluble corrosion inhibitors. Corrosion inhibitors are nitrogen-containing surfactants, produced based on natural acids with addition of film-forming admixtures and biocides.
Application: used in production of lacquer materials designed for improvement of colouring agent wet-out and dispersion, increase of sedimentation stability of pigment suspension for 20-30%, reduction of light organic pigment flotation, dispersion time reduction for 30-50%. Due to surface activity and complete compatibility with different organic solvents, copper naphthenate is adsorbed on pigments, decreases discharge of main desiccants for 25-30% at the same time possesses activity synergism with Co and Mn, increases enamel coating firmness and reduces drying time to level 3. Trade dress: calcium naphthenate as a solution in white spirit. Appearance: unclouded homogenous light yellow liquid.
Increase of ecological requirements to emissions of car engines and toughening of operation terms of modern combustion engines require usage of various additives to petrols in larger scales. Restrictions on sulfur content until 0,001 and 0,005% were set forth in Sweden for the 1st time in 1991, and until present they are the strictest one. In 1993 the restriction of sulfur in fuel till 0,05 was applied in USA, in 1994 – in Canada, in 1997 – in Japan. Since 2000 diesel fuel with sulfur content no more than 0,035% is applied. Supposedly, since 2005 sulfur content in fuel wont exceed 0,005%. Along with decrease of harmful emission in exit gases, application of ecologically pure diesel fuels entailed a number of problems: breakdown of fuel pumps, due to decrease of lubricating ability of diesel fuels and .increase of corrosion activity, related with removal of surfaceactive substances able to form protective film. In 2005-2010 stiffer norms on sulfur content are proposed: up to 10 ppm and polycyclic aromatic carbohydrates up to 2%. Starting from 2000, the indicator of lubricating properties of diesel fuels under ISO 12156-1 at HFRR device is included in European standard regarding the diesel fuel EN 590, basing on it the norm is set forth: diameter of wear scar is no more 460 mkm. Requirements to quality of diesel fuels under EN 590
Stable development of our country directly depends on competitive ability of domestic products, which, in its turn, depends on quality control (i.e. level of testing labs). Specificity of analytic labs requires special system of their competitiveness recognition. Their accreditation synthesizes general approaches to accreditation of testing labs and peculiarities of analytic operations. In relation with it the actual is application of international standards: 1.management system of lab quality and application of standards 2. Lab-information systems in quality management system 3. Modern analytic equipment and automatization of separate processes in lab activity. Karvan-L” company lab repeatedly passed accreditation in Azerbaijan State Committee of Attestation, accreditation certificate No. AZ dated on 14.03.2007. Lab possesses modern equipment for conduction of wide range of analysis in oil chemistry and oil-chemical and organic synthesis, as well as of initial products of synthesis. Particularly, Karvan-L” company lab is fitted by up-to-date machinery for quality control of oily acids, and initial raw material for production of paintwork materials based on pentophtalein, acryl, vinilcetate, polyurethane and etc. film-making clay compositions, driers, initial components of alkyds, acryl, and polyurethane enamels and emulsions, water and oil soluble inhibitors of corrosion, deemulsifiers, additions to oils, oil solvents, aromatic carbohydrates, processed oils and paints, plant oils, sewage of analogical production.
o this day, petroleum acids are still being studied by a number of researchers. Interest in the above class of organic compounds is not only attributed to practical perspective, but also to general humanitarian purposes. According to S. Nametkin, "... composition and structure of petroleum acids are closely related not only to the genesis of oil, but to the origin of life on Earth as well". Depending on their origin, oils may contain different amounts of naphthenic acids, extremely insignificant in all cases. Naphthenic acids are extracted from oils using alkali alcoholic solutions. Structure of naphthenic acids in any oil is the same and depends on the nature of oil. Among the oil produced worldwide, and particularly in the CIS region, Azerbaijan's oil features the highest content of petroleum acids. Oils of Bibi-Heybat, Romani, Binagadi, Balakhani, Sabunchi and other fields are rich in petroleum acids, which content in some crude oil grades reaches 1.5 – 2%. Due to the fact that acids extracted from naphthene-base crude of Baku oil fields have the same composition and physical-chemical properties as synthetic naphthenic acids, they are often referred to as natural naphthenic acids.
Purpose: According to GOST 24211-91 ?«Additives for concrete?» softener is applied to regulation plasticity of concrete and concern I groups of a class. Action: Plasticity mark P1 up to P5 increases sdditives of softener. After 28 days of drying hardness raises on 30-60% and norms of charge of cement on 1 m3 is reduced on 60-100 kg thus it intended for improvement of otheres building ??“ technical qualities of concrete. Quality parameters are resulted below: Color – colorless Density – 1,16 gr/m3 pH – 8-9 In the additive there is no chlorine.Norms of the charge calculated on the dry rest weight of cement of 0,4-1,0%. Guarantee: Guarantee for 6 month. Packaging on metal and plastic drums, transported in 250 kg metal containers.
Description IC series corrosion inhibitors a 98-100% active amido- or amino- imidazoline derived from naphthenic acids used to formulat corrosion inhibitors for use in drilling, production, transporting and refining of crude oil. Application Dissolved acid gases and biological deposits can cause severe corrosion to occur in oilfield water handling system. Corrosion by product such us iron sulfide, iron oxides and biological mass can cause plugging of downstream injection wells. Over a period of time, water system corrosion causes costly leaks and failures IC series corrosion inhibitors finds application for surfactants or corrosion preventives in all types of oil system. It can be used in concentrated form diluted for application. Advantages Concentrated corrosion inhibitor Effective in multiple applications Highly cationic amine compound Surfactant or corrosion preventive for oil systems Usage Optimum treatment concentration will vary depending on the specific application.
Quick details: Place of origin: baku, azerbaijan Material: pe Applilcation: agriculture. Color: optional colors or specify by clients. Description: Packaging plays an important role in the process of storage for agricultural products. Improving packaging technology helps to reduce the loss of products during transportation and storage, the better preservation of the quality of products. It is known that the most efficient for transport and storage of foodstuffs and other products, is a reusable plastic packaging. You will find a wide selection of high-quality polyethylene packaging. Also, in our proposed assortment mnogoborotnye boxes for storage and transportation of vegetables, fruits, mushrooms, berries, herbs and sprouts. Plastic box with perforated walls and a bottom intended for natural and remove excess moisture condensation. Also, the perforation allows the container to facilitate its weight, and the necessary rigidity and strength is provided by the structural ribs. Available sizes (400x300x180) mm (500x300x200) mm
180 ml plastic cup, made out of high quality and clean raw material