Rust preventive oils are applied to metals during a finished stage or semi-finished. Its work by creating a protective coating around metal which prevents contact of the corrosive substance with the metal. SMKPetro is manufacturer of Anti Rust Oil, Rust Preventive Oils and Suppliers & Dealers
SMKPetro Brake fluids have excellent thermal and chemical stability and are highly recommended for hydraulic brakes of automobiles. Specialty fluids exporters
Brake Fluids, Manufacturer of specialty fluids, Exporters in India.
SMK Petro, provides high quality all purpose grease that is made of non hazardous substances, superior quality base oil, calcium sufonate composite thickener and is a flexible grease that can be used in multiple of things. It is an excellent water resistance and delivers great EP performance in carrying load setting.
Engine oils are required to lubricate Internal Combustion Engine components such as cylinders, camshaft, bearings and other components. The startup temperature of engine is cold or extreme cold when lubricant starts its working.
SMKpetro refrigeration compressor oils are specially formulated to perform in extreme temperature environments, and SMKPetro offer compressor oils suitable for refrigeration compressors using HFC, CFC and ozone-friendly refrigerants. SMKPetro are manufacturers of mineral based refrigeration oils for a wide range of refrigeration compressors oil.
Antistatic Coning Oil are specially developed for texturising, coning, warping, weaving, winding / unwinding operations of synthetic yarn. Synthetic yarns when undergo above mentioned operations, they develop a static charge within themselves which if not dissipated will lead to overheating and melting/ joining of yarn deniers.
Gear oils are multipurpose Sulphur-Phosphorus based extreme pressure superior quality heavy duty gear oils. These have been specially formulated to meet severe duty operation in heavily loaded gear systems, such as hypoid, spiral bevel, worm gears, where an active GL-4 performance oils are required.
ENOC Protec X-Treme SN- Is a high technology fully synthetic lubricants for the latest model passenger cars requiring the performance specification API SN developed to provide maximum protection for all passenger cars. including high performance cars.
ENOC Protec Premium SL- Is a modern high technology based gasoline enhine oil exceeding the latest API SL performance specification. Developed to provide maximum protection for use in modern passenger cars including emission engines and high performance vehicles.