Smith Agri International, on behalf of Huntley Management Ltd. (in their capacity as Responsible Entity), is pleased to confirm that the current harvest of Indian Sandalwood (Santalum album) resource is progressing well with the next formal Request for Tender release expected in early 2021. This sustainably grown premier plantation resource (part of the worlds largest Indian Sandalwood plantation estate) was planted in 2005. The harvest is closely monitored with the sandalwood resource cleaned, weighed, analysed and independently verified whilst in secure storage in Western Australia. Past Tenders have seen successful purchasers for this valuable resource located both locally and internationally and with easy access to the ports of Darwin and Perth and sound supply logistics in-place, we expect even further competitive tension from international bidders located throughout the global supply-chain (i.e. traders, processors and end users) for this Request for Tender. The offered Santalum album resource provides very high quality sandalwood oil contained within the offered trunk heartwood and sapwood, root ball (butt) heartwood and sapwood along with forest shavings (kerf).
Pine logs radiata, slash, hoop.
Sandal wood.
Indian sandalwood logs (santalum album).
Red Indian sandalwood, pacific sandalwood, hybrid sandalwood.
Australian sandalwood logs..
Sandalwood logs.
Red sandal wood.
Sandal wood.
Red Sandal Wood.
Sandal wood.
Sandalwood logs.
Sandal wood logs.
Sandal wood logs.
Sandal Wood Timber.
We have for sale: Stored in German Product: Ultrafine Copper Powder Quality: Copper powder no less than 99,999% Quantity: 40 Kg in 4 kg and 2 kg Size Particular shape : Spherical and testing of particle held. Delivery: EXW ( Frankfurt, Germany ) Full documentation available on request 8ncluding testing via IGAs Research 12/22 Historical market price /valuation Euro1950 offer substantial discount for full purchase