Okayti Green SFTGFOP1
Okayti Moondrop (2nd Flush)
Okaytu Green SFTGFOP1
Rajabhat OF (1st Flush)
Ranicherra BOPSM Royal (1st Flush)
Ranicherra BP1 Royal (1st Flush)
Ringtong TGBOP (1st Flush)
Rohini Moonlight (1st Flush)
Rohini Moonshine (1st Flush)
Rohini Wonder (1st Flush)
Satali BOPSM (1st Flush)
Shikarpur OF Gold (1st Flush)
Shreya BOPL
Shreya BP Gold
SP Hotel Dust 1
SP Hotel Dust 2
Suffry FOP
Flowering tea originates from the Yunnan province in the far south east of China, known for several different types of tea including Pu-erh. The history of flowering tea is not entirely clear, some believe it to be a modern creation whereas others trace its existence back hundreds of years
Jasmine Pearls green tea is made by hand by tightly rolling fine leaves and buds to form tiny pearl shaped balls. The pearls are left in a darkened room where up to six layers of tea are alternated with layers of fresh jasmine blossoms. When the pearls soak up the jasmine scent, the blossoms are removed and the pearls are dried out again to remove any moisture that was acquired during this scenting process. Jasmine tea is highly regarded in China and is often used as a welcoming gesture to guests.
This organic certified speciality yellow tea is handcrafted by Assam Heritage Tea Co. under Tea Master, Rajen Baruah, who is an Advisory Board Member from India of International Speciality Tea Association, USA. Yellow tea is one of the rarest types of teas. During ancient times, these teas were enjoyed only by the elites and royals of China. However, this particular packet of loose leaf yellow tea comes from mountain-grown organic tea gardens in Arunachal Pradesh, India. It has unique wild flowery tones that can activate your heart chakra and has incredible anti-ageing properties.