It is abdullah from hyk trading we are paksitan based company recently we have huge capacity available of
Red rose wood no.1quality 8inch round 7ft length quantity around 12 ton we can arrange more as per your requirments
Please let us know if you are intrested in our stock
We are manufacturer of orignal sandalwood product ,
Which is made from 30 to 40 years old white sandalwood.
We have traditional worker who are doing this job from thousand's of years .
100 pieces per packet.
10mm beads.
0.4 gram per piece.
Product name :- African sandal wood
Scientific name :- spirostachys Africana
Other names :- sandalo africano, zunvorre, tamboti
Distribution :- east africa
Uses :- used mostly for carving, luxury furniture, oil.
Origin :- Mozambique
Color :- brown
Diameter in inches :- 6" - 18"
Lenth in feet :- 6ft to 8ft
We have both forest and Cultivated Red Sandalwood in Andhrapradesh ,India. We have 1000 to 1500 M.Tons for sale .We got 400 M.Tons from govt Action on 2008 th year legally from Andhrapradesh Government and remaining is cultivated with permission.So We will give you any whare in india legally logs or we will supply you if you want Handy crafts(penstands,furniture,beads).Diameter 6cm to 25 cm length 5 feet.