Weight of Day Old Kadaknath
Chicks 28 to 30 grams
Bird Body Color Jet black
Body weight in 8 weeks 1.0kg to 1.1 kg
Period required to attain 1 kg of
body weight 13 to14 Weeks
Period required to attain 1.5 to 2 Kg
Body weight Like Country Chicken
Total weight (male) 2.3 to 2.5 kg
Total weight (female) 1.6 to 1.8 kg
Quality of Meat Black like pure country chicken
Meat percentage without skin
(dressed) 65 %
Are these good for Commercial or
Backyard poultry farming Good for both
Age for first egg laying 23 to 24 weeks
Egg laying/month 11-12
Annual egg laying 120
Egg colour Brown
Feed required 50 kg for entire growth
Eggshell Powder Is an Effective Calcium Supplement
Eggshells consist of calcium carbonate, along with small amounts of protein and other organic compounds. Calcium carbonate is the most common form of calcium in nature, making up seashells, coral reefs and limestone