Kraft Paper for HIGH PRESSURE LAMINATE GRADE A GOLD GRADE B GSM: 110-160 Absorbency: 15-20 Moisture: 5 to 6% ASH Content 7-8% COP : 20-45 Decal Size : 4000
used to make corrugated board, which is then converted into boxes.
Quartz rod is made from fused silica. It is applied in end caps for high power fiber laser and laser processing system. Application: high power fiber laser Capability Material: ,Fused silica, Corning 7980 OF Dimension: According to the drawing provided Perpendicularity: < 20 minutes Concentricity: < 0.08mm Irregularity: λ/8 632.8nm Surface quality: 20-10 Coating: ,S1: AR1080nm, R < 0.3% Damage threshold: 15J/cm2 Chamfer (big end): S1: < 0.25mm x 45° Chip (small end): S2: Without chamfer, chips < 0.1mm
plastic rattan bowl
Product Description: We follow strict warehousing rules and thus we keep the extensive range of products safe in our well-structured warehouse, which is supervised by our team of experts. As a dependable name, we make sure that our products are of excellent quality. To make it possible, we use only quality-approved and certified raw materials sourced from reliable vendors.
Rod from 6mm to 100mm
Place of origin:shandong, china (mainland) Brand name:crd playing cards Model number:none Type:advertising poker Material:pvc first grade Item:plastic playing cards deck Size:57*87mm/62*87mm/costomized Surface finishing:smoothly varnishing Packing:tuck box with shrink packing Printing:cmyk Certfication:en71, ce, sgsiso Design:customized deisgns Logo:clients' requirement Usage:high grad gift Moq:2000 sets Packaging & delivery Packaging details:54/55 cards per custom tuck box with shrink packing or cellophane wrapping, .100/144/200 sets per carton Delivery detail:shipped in 20 days after payment
These Decorative EPS Caviar Beads is a fashionable and popular item. These is for screen printing material on fabrics for garment, shoes, bags, accessaries, decorations, nail art, etc. And these also are being used throughout the apparel and shoe industry to achieve unique fashionable looks. Thes EPS Caviar Beads are available in 1sizes and are available in a variety of colors.
Plastic white PVC washing machine Bibcock Body: U-PVC Handle: U-PVC Ball: U-PVC Sealing washer: PTFE Size: 1/2" 16 1/2" 20 3/4" 16 3/4" 20 End connector: Thread Handle Type: Cross Handle or One-way Handle Standards: ANSI BS DIN JIS Characteristic: Light Environmental Durable Media: water corrosive liquid Use: Agriculture irrigation Garden Construction Petroleum chemical industry ETC.
plastic upvc unique design irrigation bibcock Body: U-PVC Handle: ABS Ball: U-PVC Sealing washer: PTFE Size: 1/2" 25 3/4"25 End connector: Thread Handle Type: One-way Handle or Cross Handle Standards: ANSI BS DIN JIS Characteristic: Light Environmental Durable Media: water corrosive liquid Use: Agriculture irrigation Garden Construction Petroleum chemical industry ETC.
Advantage 1. Best shock resistance even in low temperature. 2. Low frictional factor, and well sliding bearing material 3. Lubricity( no caking, in adhesion) 4. Best chemical corrosion resistance and stress craze resistance 5. Excellent machinery process ability 6. Lowest water absorption(
Advantages:â 1. Best shock resistance even in low temperature. 2. Low frictional factor, and well sliding bearing material 3. Lubricity( no caking, in adhesion) 4. Best chemical corrosion resistance and stress craze resistance 5. Excellent machinery process ability 6. Lowest water absorption(
Advantages:â 1. Best shock resistance even in low temperature. 2. Low frictional factor, and well sliding bearing material 3. Lubricity( no caking, in adhesion) 4. Best chemical corrosion resistance and stress craze resistance 5. Excellent machinery process ability 6. Lowest water absorption(
Advantages 1. Best shock resistance even in low temperature. 2. Low frictional factor, and well sliding bearing material 3. Lubricity( no caking, in adhesion) 4. Best chemical corrosion resistance and stress craze resistance 5. Excellent machinery process ability 6. Lowest water absorption(
Advantages 1. Best shock resistance even in low temperature. 2. Low frictional factor, and well sliding bearing material 3. Lubricity( no caking, in adhesion) 4. Best chemical corrosion resistance and stress craze resistance 5. Excellent machinery process ability 6. Lowest water absorption(
Applicationofourproducts Transportationmachinery:guiderail, conveybelt, conveydeviceslideblockseat, fixingboard, productflowlinetimingstarwheel Foodprocessingmachinery:withitsperformanceofhighwearresistance, anti-impactresistance, inadhesionresistance, non-toxicandcleanproperty, uhmwpematerialcanbeusedinplanetwheel, bottleconveycountingbolt, fillerbearing, bottleholderparts, washerguidebolts, aircylinder, gear, rollercone, chainwheelhandle, whichiseasy-cleaning, long-enduring, andanti-mildew. Papermakingmachinery:withitsperformanceofhighwearresistanceandgoodself-lubrication, uhmwpematerialcanbeusedinwatersuctiontankcover, skewguidewheels, scrapper, bearing, nozzle, filter, oiltank, frictionbar, feltcleaner. Textilemachinery:withitsperformanceofhigh-wearresistance, anti-impactandgoodself-lubrication, uhmwpematerialcanbeusedinscutcher, shockabsorbershield, contactor, crankshaftconnectingrod, pickerstick, skewrodshaftsleeve, swingrearbeam. Constructionmachinery/agriculturemachinery:bulldozerbladelining.Dumperripperlining, tractorplowinnerlining. Chemicalmachinery:valve, pump, washer, filter, gear, nuts, sealrings, nozzle, plug, shaftsleeve, threadpipe. Portmachinery/shipmachinery:shipparts, suspensionbridgesideroller, frictionblock. Ordinarymachinery:alltypesofgear, bushing, liner, slidingplate, clutch, guidingunit, brake, hinge, flexiblecoupler, roller, bearingwheel, fasteningunit, platformslidingunit. Dyeingdecor:dipdyeingmachinebearing, scrapper, slidingplate, liningwasher, seal, framingguidedisc, Cultureandsportproducts:snowdipliner, poweredsledge, skatingrinkpaver, icefieldprotectionframe. Healthcareproducts:shaperightingsurgery, artificialjoint, artificiallimb. Other:coolingmachine, nuclearpowerplantshield, electricgalvanizedparts, andultra-lowtemperaturemachineparts.Mostlyusingofitshigh-wearresistance, highanti-impactresistance, anti-coldresistance, self-lubrication.
Advantages 1. Best shock resistance even in low temperature. 2. Low frictional factor, and well sliding bearing material 3. Lubricity( no caking, in adhesion) 4. Best chemical corrosion resistance and stress craze resistance 5. Excellent machinery process ability 6. Lowest water absorption(
Advantages: 1. Best shock resistance even in low temperature. 2. Low frictional factor, and well sliding bearing material 3. Lubricity( no caking, in adhesion) 4. Best chemical corrosion resistance and stress craze resistance 5. Excellent machinery process ability 6. Lowest water absorption(
Advantages: 1. Best shock resistance even in low temperature. 2. Low frictional factor, and well sliding bearing material 3. Lubricity( no caking, in adhesion) 4. Best chemical corrosion resistance and stress craze resistance 5. Excellent machinery process ability 6. Lowest water absorption(
UHMWPE (also known as Ultra High Molecular Weight Polyethylene) Sheet or Pactene are manufactured from the semi-crystalline polyethylene (PE) family. UHMWPE Sheet has a very high molecular weight which has a positive impact on material performance in an abrasive environment.  UHMWPE sheet is available in various grades of material depending on the application requirements. A virgin grade white UHMWPE sheet and black static reduced sheet.Other grades are also available upon request. Application of our products�  Transportation machinery: Guide rail, convey belt, convey device slide block seat, fixing board, product flow line timing star wheel --Food processing machinery: With its performance of high wear resistance, anti-impact resistance, inadhesion resistance, non-toxic and clean property, UHMWPE material can be used in planet wheel, bottle convey counting bolt, filler bearing, bottle holder parts, washer guide bolts, air cylinder, gear, roller cone, chain wheel handle, which is easy-cleaning, long-enduring, and anti-mildew. --Paper making machinery: With its performance of high wear resistance and good self-lubrication, UHMWPE material can be used in water suction tank cover, skew guide wheels,scrapper , bearing, nozzle, filter, oil tank, friction bar, felt cleaner. --Textile machinery: With its performance of high-wear resistance, anti-impact and good self-lubrication, UHMWPE material can be used in scutcher, shock absorber shield, contactor, crankshaft connecting rod, picker stick, skew rod shaft sleeve, swing rear beam. --Construction machinery/agriculture machinery: Bulldozer blade lining. Dumper ripper lining, tractor plow inner lining. --Chemical machinery: Valve, pump, washer, filter, gear, nuts, seal rings, nozzle, plug, shaft sleeve, thread pipe. --Port machinery/ship machinery: Ship parts, suspension bridge side roller, friction block. Ordinary machinery: All types of gear, bushing, liner, sliding plate, clutch, guiding unit, brake, hinge, flexible coupler, roller, bearing wheel, fastening unit, platform sliding unit. --Dyeing decor: Dip dyeing machine bearing, scrapper, sliding plate, lining washer, seal, framing guide disc, --Culture and sport products: Snow dip liner, powered sledge, skating rink paver, ice field protection frame. --Healthcare products: Shape righting surgery, artificial joint, artificial limb. --Other: Cooling machine, nuclear power plant shield, electric galvanized parts, and ultra-low temperature machine parts.Mostly using of its high-wear resistance, high anti-impact resistance, anti-cold resistance, self-lubrication.