Product Specification
Usage/Application : Medicinal
Type : Dried
Packaging Size : 50 Kg
Packaging Type : Standard
Usage : Clinical, Personal
Grade Standard ; Medicine Grade
Minimum Order Quantity : 50 Kg
Product Description
English names:indian marking nut tree, marany nut, marking nut tree, marking nut-tree
Botanicalname : Semecarpus Anacardium
family: anacardiaceae
indian name : marking nut, oriental cashew,bhallatak,ker,bhallatak,Bhilawa
part used : fruits
discription:the marking nut tree, occurs in the wild in the sub-himalayan tract, up to 3,500 ft. , in assam, khasi hills, madhya pradesh;, gujarat, konkan, and the deciduous forests of the southern states of india. It is similar to the cashew nut tree, in having an edible false fruit that is orange and fleshy. like the cashew nut, the true fruit is black, oily and bitter. the kernels of the nut are edible, but the juice of the nut is highly vesicant, and has been traditionally used to mark cloth by washer men. The tree bark exudes a gum resin used in leprosy, venereal infections and nervous debility. juice from the nut is used in ascites, rheumatism, asthma, neuralgia, epilepsy and psoriases, as well as for warts and tumours. the juice of the nut was effective against epidermal carcinoma. it also has some antidiabetic activity. nut bruised and the exudates is used as an abortifacient and a vermifuge.
1. Bhilawa Seeds is extremely beneficial in the diseases like piles, colitis, diarrhea, dyspepsia, ascites, tumours and worms.
2. Bhilawa fruit is useful in leucoderma, scaly skin, allergic, dermatitis, poisonous bites, leprosy, cough, asthma, and dyspepsia.
3. Bhilawa fruits, their oil and the seeds have great medicinal value, and are used to treat the wide range of diseases. Externally, the oil, mixed with coconut or sesame oil, is applied on wounds and sores to prevent the pus formation
Keywords :Bhilawa Seeds,Bhilawa, Semecarpus Anacardium,Herbal Seeds,Medicinal Seed,Plant Seeds,Organic Seeds
Additional Information
Item Code : H115
Delivery Time : 4 day
Port Of Dispatch : jhansi
Production Capacity : 100 ton
Packaging Details : As per client requirement
Payment Terms : L/C (Letter of Credit)/T/T (Bank Transfer)
Black Musli Curculigo Orchioides, Packaging Type: Standard, Packaging Size: Gunny Bag
Price - Rs 395/ Kg
Product Specification
Packaging Type Standard
Packaging Size Gunny Bag
Shelf Life 365
Is It Organic Non Organic
Binomial Name Curculigo Orchioides
Grade 1
Purity 100%
Country of Origin Made in India
Minimum Order Quantity 50 Kg
Product Description
Offering high quality raw moosli at competitive prices.
Additional Information
Item Code H01
Delivery Time 3-5 Days
Port Of Dispatch Jhansi
Packaging Details As per Client Requirement
Payment Terms L/C (Letter of Credit)/T/T (Bank Transfer)
Amaltas (Cassia Fistula), Packaging Type: Bag, Packaging Size: 50 Kg
Price - Rs 100/ Kg
Product Specification
Packaging Type : Bag
Packaging Size ; 50 Kg
Is It Dried : Dried
Botanical Name : Cassia Fistula
Brand : NT
Color : natural
Purity : Natural
Country of Origin : Made in India
Minimum Order Quantity : 40 Kg
Product Description
Botanical Name : Cassia Fistula
French Name : Bton casse, Casse doux
Spanish Name : Canstula mansa, Chicara
Family Name : Caesulpinaceae
Common Name : Fistula, Laburnum, Purging Fistula, Golden Shower, Amaltas
Part Used : Fruits, Bark
Habitat : Grows in valleys upto 1200 m in himalayas.Product offered : Seeds, Fruit, Pod, Fruit pulp
Uses :
Roots are astringent, cooling, purgative, febrifuge and tonic. it is useful in skin diseases, burning sensations and syphilis.
Bark is laxative, anthelmintic, emetic, febrifuge, diuretic and depurative. It is useful in boils, leprosy, ringworm affection, colic, dyspepsia, constipation, diabetes, strangury and cardiac problems. Leaves are laxative, antiperiodic and depurative.
It is useful in skin diseases, burning sensation, dry cough and bronchitis. Fruits are sweet, cooling, purgative, carminative, anti-inflammatory, diuretic and ophthalmic. It is used in flatulence, colic, dysentery, inflammations and intermittent fever.
It is also used in cardiac disorders, strangury, opthalmopathy and general debility. Pulp from fruits called "Cassia Pulp" is a well known Laxative.
Bark of tree is rich in tannins. Flowers are bitter, acrid, cooling, emollient, purgative and are useful in vitiated condition of pitta, burning sensation, leprosy and skin diseases.
It is also useful in cardiac disorders, intermittent fever and general debility.
Additional Information
Item Code : H21
Delivery Time : 3-5 days
Port Of Dispatch : Jhansi
Production Capacity : any
Packaging Details : As Per Client Requirement
Payment Terms : L/C (Letter of Credit)/T/T (Bank Transfer)/D/P/D/A/Other
NT Natural Lasunda Fruit Cordial, Packaging Size: KG, Packaging Type: Gunny Bag
Product Specification
Primary Ingredient Fruit
Color Natural
Brand NT
Flavour Natural
Packaging Size KG
Packaging Type Gunny Bag
Shelf Life 365
Organic Yes
Country of Origin Made in India
Minimum Order Quantity 50 Kg
Product Description
English name: indian Cherry
botanical name : Cordia Dichotoma
family name : boraginaceae
common name : : gumberry, labeda, lasora,vad gundo,goborhut, bahubara, bird lime tree,indian cherry, clammy cherry, fragrant manjack,boch,lamkelaba,bankanakkera, chinna-nakkeru, botgiri,naruvili, citam,gunda.
Part used : seeds, leaves.
Discription:indian cherry is a small to moderate-sized deciduous tree with a short bole and spreading crown. The stem bark is greyish brown, smooth or longitudinally wrinkled. Flowers are short-stalked, bisexual and white in colour, appear in loose corymbose cymes. the flowers open only at night. The fruit is a yellow or pinkish-yellow shining globose or ovoid drupe seated in a saucer-like enlarged calyx. it turns black on ripening and the pulp gets viscid. Indian cherry grows in the sub-himalayan tract and outer ranges, ascending up to about 1500 m elevation. It is found in a variety of forests ranging from the dry deciduous forests of rajasthan to the moist deciduous forests of western ghats and tidal forests in myanmar. In maharashtra, it grows in moist monsoon forest also.
Uses :
1. The seed kernel of c. Dichotoma contains a high proportion of fatty oils and proteins (46 and 31%, respectively) which has potential as cattle feed fuel.
2. The wood is used to make agricultural implements.
3. The bark is medicinal and several chemicals have been identified; allantoin, beta -sitosterol.
4. Immature gunda berries are used as a vegetable and to make pickles after removing the stone and sticky white pulp. The sticky pulp is used to make glue.
Additional Information
Item Code HS8
Delivery Time 3-5 days
Port Of Dispatch jhansi
Production Capacity 100 Ton
Packaging Details As per client requirement
TejPhal(Zanthoxylum Alatum), Packaging Type: Standard
Price - Rs 400/ Kilogram
Product Specification
Packaging Type : Standard
Dried : Yes
Minimum Order Quantity : 1 Kilogram
Product Description
Botanical Name Zanthoxylum Alatum Family : Rutaceae Description: This shrub is found in North America, Nepal, India, and Bhutan.Parts Used: Bark, carpels, carpels of fruits, seeds English-Dry Ginger Hindi-Tej Phal, Timur, Tumburu Introduction. A large shrub or small tree grows up to 6 meters in height. Leaves compound, importunate, rachis winged, leaflets 5-11 lanceolate, serrate with gland dots. Flowers yellow in terminal or axillary panicles. Fruits reddish globose follicle. Seeds solitary, globose and shining. MEDICINAL PROPERTIES Plant pacifies vitiated kapha, vata, tumors, headache, diarrhea, hepatitis, fever, leukoderma, skin diseases, cough, asthma, paralysis, arthritis, diabetes, wounds, ulcers, cardiac debility and general debility.
Additional Information
Delivery Time : 5 Days
Port Of Dispatch : Jhansi
Production Capacity : Any
Dried Root Brown Alkanet Ratanjot, Packaging Type: Standard, Packaging Size: Gunny Bag
Price - Rs 365/ Kilogram
Product Specification
Packaging Size : Gunny bag
Processing Type : Natural
Color : Brown
Type : Dried Root
Packaging Type : Standard
Grade Standard : Cosmetic Grade, Medicine Grade, Food Grade
Shelf Life : 365 Days
Is It Dried : Dried
Purity : 100%
Is It Organic : In Organic
Brand : NEERAJ
Part Used Root
Minimum Order Quantity : 10 Kilogram
Product Description
Ratan jot is an herb grown in kashmir. The root is ground to a powder and used as a natural rich red food color in india
ratan jot is the original spice responsible for red color of rogan josh, and tandoori chicken.
it is almost becoming rare and being replaced by standard red food colors.
Additional Information
Item Code : HUR01
Delivery Time ; 3-5 days
Port Of Dispatch : jhansi
Production Capacity ; 100 Ton
Packaging Details : as per client requirement
Product Specification
Packaging Type : Standard
Minimum Order Quantity : 1 Kg
Product Description
English Name : Indian Jalap
Botanical Name : Operculina Turpethum
Indian Name : Nishoth lakdi/ Pitohari
Family: Convalescence
Part Used: ROOT
Description:Operculina Turpethum or Nisoth(Ayurvedic Herb,Ayurvedic Plant) is commonly used medicinal Ayurvedic herb. The main part of plant that is used as medicine is its root. The plant has laxative property and thus effective in curing constipation, relieving flatulence and colic condition. It is also useful in periodic fevers as it helps in reducing body temperature. it is also effective in obesity because it decreases the excessive body fat. It is also used in the treatment of anemia in the combination with other herbs. This herb is used for the treatment of many other diseases like arthritis, dropsy, gout, jaundice.
1.It is used in periodic fevers.
2.In the treatment of anemia accompanied by splenomegaly, it is used along with other therapy.
3.It is also used to relieve flatulence and colic. In the treatment of obesity.
Keyword- Herbal Root,Ayurvedic Churn,Ayurvedic Herb,Ayurvedic Plant
Additional Information
Delivery Time : 3-5 days
Port Of Dispatch : jhansi
Asparagus Racemosus Shatawari, Packaging Size: 50 Kg
Price - Rs 400/ Kg
Product Specification
Botanical Name Asparagus Racemosus
Packaging Size 50 Kg
Packaging Type Gunny Bag
Is It Dried Dried
Age 365
English Names Shatavari Root
Country of Origin Made in India
Minimum Order Quantity 25 Kg
Product Description
Our herb Asparagus Racemosus(Shatavari Powder,Shatavari Root) is known widely for its beneficial features and we provide it in the purest quality. Asparagus racemosus or according to its more popular name shatavari is considered to be very beneficial for humans. This herb is known to be a very good and also is very useful for overall women health and development. Shatavari is considered to be the main ingredient in Ayurvedic rejuvenating female tonic for overall health and vitality. The reputed adaptogenic effects of Shatavari may be attributed to its concentrations of saponins, known as Shatavarins. Common Name : Satavari
Scientific Name : Asparagus Racemosus Benefits Good for health Rejuvenating female tonic Provides health and vitality High concentrations of saponins Good Good anodyne
Keyword :Asparagus Racemosus,Asparagus Racemosus Extract,Herbal Root,Medicinal Root,Ayurvedic Root,Herbal Powder,Shatavari Powde
Additional Information
Item Code H113
Delivery Time 3-5 Days
Port Of Dispatch Jhansi
Production Capacity 100 ton
Packaging Details As per client requirement
Payment Terms L/C (Letter of Credit)/T/T (Bank Transfer)/D/P/D/A
Shalparni Herb, Packaging Type: Poly Bag, Packaging Size: 50 Kg
Price - Rs 90/ Kg
Product Specification
Usage/Application Medicine
Packaging Size 50 Kg
Packaging Type Poly Bag
Color Natural
Brand NT
Country of Origin Made in India
Minimum Order Quantity 50 Kg
Product Description
Description :
Desmodium is a coarse herb, growing up to 1.5 m tall, somewhat woody near base.Ayurvedic Leaves are simple, which is uncommon for a Desmodium species.Pea-flower shaped flowers are borne in racemes at the end of branches, or in leaf axils. Racemes are generally very long.
Details :
Botanical Name : Desmodium gangeticum
Common Name : Sal Leaved Desmodium
Hindi Name : dhruva, dirghamuli, pivari, salpani, shalparni
Manipuri Name : Porongkhok
Marathi Name : dai, ranganjya, salvan
Tamil Name : pullati
Malayalam Name :orila
Telugu Name : gitanaramu
Kannada Name : murelehonne
Bengali Name : chalani, salpani
Oriya Name : salaparni
Part Used : Root, Bark, Leaves
Medicinal Uses :
The plant is a bitter tonic, digestive, antidysentric, alternative, antipyretic, anticlerical, febrifuge.
Keyword : Ayurvedic Leaves,Ayurvedic Seeds,Ayurvedic Plants,Ayurvedic Powders,Ayurvedic Roots,Medicinal Roots,Medicinal Seeds
Additional Information
Item Code 96
Delivery Time 10 Days
Port Of Dispatch Anymode
Production Capacity 1 Ton PM
Packaging Details As per client Requirement
Saptarangi Root(Casearia Esculenta), Packaging Type: Standard
Price - Rs 250/ Kilogram
Product Specification
Packaging Type Standard
Dried Yes
Minimum Order Quantity 1 Kilogram
Product Description
Saptarangi (casearia Esculenta)
Description :
This herb is with seven whorls in its stem with a dark yellow colored bark- it gives the name Saptarangi- Saptachakra means seven whorls- to this. Saptachakra, Casearia essculanta is a drug of choice for diabetes. It works on the root cause of the diabetes and gives relief to the condition of diabetes by regulating the functions of liver and pancreas.
Botanical Name : Casearia esculenta
Sanskrit Name: Saptarangi
Common Name: Chinese salacia
Kannada Name : Hillange
Malayalam Name : Pannimurangam, Anavananki
1.Saptarangi is useful in kapha-vata disorders.
2.Saptarangi also purifies pitta.
Additional Information
Item Code 108
Delivery Time 7-10 Days
Port Of Dispatch Any
Production Capacity 1 Ton PM
Packaging Details As per client Requirement
Giloy (Tinospora Cordifolia), Packaging Type: Standard
Price - Rs 65/ Kilogram
Product Specification
Packaging Type Standard
Dried Yes
Minimum Order Quantity 1 Kilogram
Product Description
The bitter principles present in the herb show alterative, antidiabetic, antiinflammatory, antioxidant, antiperiodic, antipyretic, antiulcer, blood purifier, diuretic, febrifuge, hepatoprotective, immunostimulant, stomachic, tonic and vermifuge properties. This herb relaxes the intestinal and uterine muscles.
Arabic Name : Gilo
Bengali Name : Gulanch, Gilo, Gadanch, Ningilo
Chinese Name : Kuan chu hsing, Xin ye qing niu dan
English Name : Moon Creeper, Heart-Leaved Moonseed, Indian Quinine
Botnical Name : Tinaspora Cordifolia
French Name : Plante grimpante de lune
German Name : Mond-Kriechpflanze
Gujarati Name : Gado, Galo, Gulo, Gulwel
Hindi Name : Giloe, Gulancha, Giloy
Kannada Name : Amrutaballi, Uganiballi
Kashmiri Name : Amrita, Gilo
Uses :
1.Tinospora or Giloy is considered one of the best herbs to clear the micro-circulatory system and other bodily channels.
Additional Information
Item Code 128
Delivery Time 7-10 Days
Port Of Dispatch Any
Production Capacity 10 Ton
Packaging Details As per client requirement
Payment Terms L/C (Letter of Credit)/T/T (Bank Transfer)
Natural Neem Leaves And Seeds, Grade: Medicine Grade, Packaging Size: Bag
Price - Rs 60/ kg
Product Specification
Packaging Size bag
Grade Standard Leave
Packaging Type Bag
Grade Medicine Grade
Color Natural
Is It Dried Dried
Is It Organic Organic
Shelf Life 365
Brand NT
Minimum Order Quantity 50 kg
Product Description
Neem is a very famous herb of India and is used as a dietary supplement. The leaves of Neem help to maintain healthy circulatory, digestive, respiratory, and urinary tract system. We offer Neem Leaves in hygienic packaging to our clients so that these do not loose their medicinal properties.
Keyword -> Neem Leave,Neem Seed,Neem Bark,Neem Fruit,Dried Neem Leaves,Neem Stem,Neem Wood
Additional Information
Item Code H111
Delivery Time 3-5 Days
Port Of Dispatch Jhansi
Production Capacity Any
Packaging Details As Per Client Requirement
Payment Terms L/C (Letter of Credit)/T/T (Bank Transfer)/D/P/D/A
Product Specification
Botanical Name : Acorus Calamus
Packaging Type : Gunny Bag
Packaging Size : 50 Kg
Is It Dried : Dried
Brand : NT
Part Used : Root
Purity : Natural
Minimum Order Quantity : 40 Kg
Product Description
English Name : Sweet Flag, Sweet Sedge, Sweet Myrtle
French Name : Acore vrai
German Name : Kalmus, Chalmis
Gujarati Name : Gandhilovaj, Godavaj
Hindi Name : Bach, Gurbach
Uses :
1.It has a stimulating , nervine and anti-spasmodic properties .
2.It acts as a rejuvenative for the brain and nervous system.
Ayurvedic Supplements, Ayurvedic Treatment
Additional Information
Item Code ; 127
Delivery Time : 7-10 Days
Port Of Dispatch : Any
Production Capacity : 10 ton PA
Packaging Details : As Per client Requirement
Product Specification
Packaging Type Gunny Bag
Packaging Size 50 kg
Is It Dried Dried
Country of Origin Made in India
Minimum Order Quantity 40 Kg
Product Description
Ativisha Aconitum heterophyllum or Indian Atees is a specific Ayurveda herb which even being a part of poisonous group of herbs; it is very safe to use.It is the drug of choice for all pediatric health problems.
Botanical Name: Aconitum heterophyllum
Sanskrit Name: Ativisha
Hindi Name: Ateech,Atis, Atvika
English Name: Indian Ateech,Indian Aconite
Latin Name: Aconitum heterophyllum
Marathi Name: Ati Vish
Persian Name: Vajjcturki
Punjabi Name: Atis
Tamil Name: Ati Vidayam
Telugu Name: Ati Vasa
Ativisha has appetizing, digestive, astringent, anti haemorrhoidal and anthelmintic properties due to its bitter, pungent and Ushna properties.
Additional Information
Item Code 115
Delivery Time 7-10 Days
Port Of Dispatch Any
Production Capacity 1 ton
Packaging Details As per Client Requirement
Product Specification
Packaging Type : Poly Bag
Common Name : Gunja Seed
Color : Red and White
Packaging Size : 50 Kg
Type : Seed
Shelf Life : 365
Shape : Natural
Minimum Order Quantity : 10 Kg
Product Description
Botanical Name : Abrus Precatorius
Family Name : Fabaceae
Common Name : Rosary Pea, Jequerity, Crab's Eye, Precatory Bean, Tento Muido, Cain Ghe, Graines Reglisse, Weesboontje, Rakat, Jequerit, Liane Reglisse,Paratella, Paternoste
Part Used : Seeds, Leaves. Discription: Abrus precatorius is a legume with long, pinnate-leafleted leaves. The seeds of Abrus precatorius are much valued in native jewelry for their bright coloration. Apart from this it finds variety of uses in the form of traditional medicine. However, abrus precatorius seeds contain a toxic element called Abrin, which is only harmful when swallowed.
Uses :
1.Seeds are abortifacient, anodyne, , antimicrobial, diuretic, emetic, expectorant,purgative,refrigerant and .
2.Seeds are highly poisonous. Roots are used for gonorrhoea, jaundice and haemoglobinuric bile. 3.Powdered seeds are said to disturb the uterine functions and prevent conception in women.
4.The oil extracted from seeds is said to promote the growth of human hair.
keyword- Raw Medicinal Herbs,Indian Herbs,Medicinal Plant
Additional Information
Item Code : Herb99
Delivery Time : 3-5 days
Port Of Dispatch : Jhansi
Production Capacity : 10 ton
Packaging Details : As Per Client
Payment Terms : L/C (Letter of Credit)/T/T (Bank Transfer)/D/P/D/A
Hadjod Herb Cissus Quadrangularis, Packaging Type: Standard
Price - Rs 200/ Kilogram
Product Specification
Packaging Type Standard
Dried Yes
Minimum Order Quantity 1 Kilogram
Product Description
Description :
Hadjod; also known as Cicssus quadrangularis is named so because of its characteristic property to help in proper healing of bones and union of bones in fracture.
Hadjod is also recommended in old age to prevent age related changes like osteoporosis. It also corrects the working of digestive system and nourishes the reproductive system. Hadjod also corrects the metabolism and helps in removal of unwanted fats from the body.
Botnical Name :Cissus quadrangularis
Bengali Name :Hasjora, Harbhanga
English Name :Veld grape, Veldt grape, Winged treebine
Hindi Name :Hadjod, Hadjora
Marathi Name : Ghanasakande, Ghanasvel, Ghonasakande
Sanskrit Name :asthisamharaka
Tamil Name :Pirandai
Telugu Name :Nalleru
Medicinal Uses :
Hadjod powder should be taken to fasten the healing process and union of bones in fracture.
Hadjod Powder is very beneficial to prevent age related changes in bones like osteoporosis(Arthritis Herbal Treatment).
Additional Information
Delivery Time 1 Week
Production Capacity 10 Ton
NT Brown Kapoor Kachri Hedychium Specification, Packaging Size: Gunny Bag
Price - Rs 155/ Kg
Product Specification
Packaging Size Gunny bag
Processing Type Natural
Packaging Type Bag
Color Brown
Grade Standard Cosmetic Grade, Medicine Grade, Food Grade
Brand NT
Minimum Order Quantity 50 Kg
Product Description
English name : kaempferia
botanical name : hedychium spicatum
family name : zingiberaceae
part used: roots/powder
indian name : hedichium, kapur kachrihabitat,karchura : grows in sub tropical himalayas. Discription:it is an annual perennial herb growing to 1. 5m by 0. 7m. It has a horizontal root- stock, and tuberous rootfibres, leaves are 30 cms or more in length. inflorescence is spiked. Flowers ascending and dense yellow coloured. It bears flowers in october. the flowers are hermaphrodite (has both male and female organs). Capsule is globose. This species occurs in parts of western and central himalayas between an altitude range of 1000-2250 m.
1. Used in nausea, bronchial asthama, halitosis and vomitting. Also useful in diminished apetite, hiccups, local inflamation etc.
2. Used in nausea, bronchial asthma, halitosis and vomiting.
3. Useful in diminished appetite, hiccups, local inflammation etc.
4.its rhizome is used for treatment of asthma and internal injury.
5. It is used in the treatment of indigestion and poor circulation due to thickening of the blood.
6. The root stalk is useful in local inflammations, nausea, asthma, bronchitis, hiccups and in pain.
Keyword - Organic Seed,Organic Spices,Natural Seed,Organic Plant Root,Plant Rizomes,Natural He
Additional Information
Item Code H35
Delivery Time 3-5 days
Port Of Dispatch Jhansi
Packaging Details As per client requirement
Product Specification
Brand : NEERAJ
Form : Root
Packaging Size : Gunny Bag
Is It Dried : Dried
Material : Root
Botanical Name : Rauvolfia Serpentina
Grade : 1st
Cultivation Type : forest
Purity : 100%
Shelf Life : 365 Days
Colour : Natural
Country of Origin : Made in India
Minimum Order Quantity : 1 Kg
Product Description
English Name: Serpentina,Rauvolfia root
Botanical Name: Rauvolfia Serpentina
Indian Names:Arachoritita,Chandrabhaga, Chota-chand,Sanochado,Sarpagandha, Chandrika, Patalguruda
Family: Apocynaceae
Habitat: Moist forests shady places near rain-forest.Useful Parts: Roots and leaves.
Description: The botanical name of sarpagandha is Rauwolfia serpentine. Mainly it is widely used in treatment of High Blood Pressure.The juice of the leaves of Sarpagandha cures opacity of the cornea.
1.The sarpagandha have great medicinal value.It is beneficial in the treatment of hypertension, fever,
2.psychological disorders and worm infestations serpant bite, the powder of sarpagandha roots is given orally, as well as, applied on the site of bite.Specially in snake bite,it is extensively used as antie
3.High blood pressure: The Rauvolfia herb is the best remedy for high blood pressure and it has been adapted by medical fraternity in most countries. Those alkaloids which have a direct effect on hypertension have been isolated in it and are widely used by the practitioners of modern medicine. But they have certain unpleasant side effects which the drug taken in its raw form, does not have. Half a teaspoon of its powder taken thrice a day is effective in relieving hypertension.
4.Itching skin: It relieves itching in urticaria. One gram of powdered root can be taken with water.
Additional Information
Delivery Time : 3-5 days
Port Of Dispatch : Jhansi
Product Specification
Packaging Type As Per client Requirement
Dried Yes
Minimum Order Quantity 1 Kg
Product Description
Jamal ghota plant is a medium-sized with 3-6 m in height;Leaves alternate, toothed, glabrous and pinkish-violet;Flowers are , monoecious, females without petals;Fruits capsules are ovoid, obtusely 3-lobed and yellow;Seeds are smooth and about 1.3 cm in diameter, with hard brownish-yellow shell.
White Banslochan Bambusa Arundinacea, Is It Dried: Dried, Packaging Type: Standard
Price - Rs 150/ Kilogram
Product Specification
Is It Dried ; Dried
Packaging Type ; Standard
Color ; white
Dried ; Yes
Is It Organic : Non Organic
Shelf Life ; 365
Part Used : Powder
Country of Origin ; Made in India
Minimum Order Quantity : 1 Kilogram
Product Description
Description :
The manna (a siliceous crystalline secretion found in the culms of the female plants) is antispasmodic, , astringent, cardiac tonic, carminative, cooling, demulcent, diuretic, emmenagogue, expectorant, febrifuge, haemostatic, liver tonic, pectoral, refrigerant, rejuvenative, stimulant and tonic.The great interest of Tabashir in physiotherapy is due to its silica content (97%).
Details :
Botanical Name : Bambusa Arundinacea
Arabic Name : Tabaasheer
Bengali Name : Banshalochan
Chinese Name : Tian zhu huang
English Name : Bamboo Manna
French Name : Manne en bamboo
German Name : Groer Dornenbambus, Rohrbambus
Hindi Name : Banslochan, Vanslochan, Vanshlochan
Kannada Name : Tavakshira
Uses :
1. It is used in diarrhoea, dyspepsia, flatulence and worm problems.
2. It is used in fever, inflammations, ulcers and wounds.
Additional Information
Item Code ; 126
Delivery Time : 7-10 Days
Port Of Dispatch ; Any
Production Capacity ; 10 Ton PA