Tilapia Moon Cut Whole Round Scientific Name: Oreochromis mossambicus 80%N.W, 20% glazing Packing : IQF, bulk 10kgs/ctn SIZE PRICE$/kg CFR 200-300 : 1.35$ 300-500 : 1.72$ 500-800 : 1.85$ Origin : Vietnam
SWEETLIPS WHOLE ROUND Packing : Bulk Size Price$/kg [CNF] 2/4 : 2.50$ 500/1000 : 2.50$ 1000/2000 : 2.50$ 2000/3000 : 2.50$ 3000 up : 2.50$ 5000 up : 2.50$ Origin� :� Oman
Frozen Bullseye fish Packing 10 kg carton Size PRICE$/kg 1/2 1.00$ 2/3 1.20$ 3/5 1.20$ ORIGIN : INDIA
RIBBON FISH WHOLE Packing : 10 Kg Hook caught IWP A grade Size Price$/kg 200/300 2.60$ 300/500 3.30$ 500/700 3.30$ 700/1000 3.30$ 1000 UP max 3.30$ Origin : India
RIBBON FISH WHOLE ROUND HOOK CATCH, ' A Grade ' Size Price$/Kg 200/300 2.70$ 300/500 3.20$ 500/700 3.20$ 700/1000 3.25$ Origin : India
Emperor WR Packing 10 kg SIZE PRICE$/Kg 5001000 3.00$ 10002000 3.00$ 20003000 3.00$ 30005000 3.00$ ORIGIN : YEMEN
Croakers Common Name: Croaker Alternative Name: Tiger Tooth Croaker; Meagre; Drums; Jewfish Scientific name: Otholithus ruber Process type: Whole Round; Headless (or) Gutted Sizes: 250 gms Up Packing in 12 / 15 kg boxes Form: Fresh Chilled Method of Catch: TBB-Beam Trawls Fishing Zone: FAO 051
Fork Tailed Bream Common Name: Fork Tailed Bream Alternative Names: Rosy Thread Fin Bream Scientific name: Nemipterus furcosus Process type: Whole Round Size Range: 100/200 & 200/300 gms Packing in bulk / 8/10 kgs per box Form: Fresh Chilled Method of Catch: TBB-Beam Trawls. Fishing Zone: FAO 051
Half Beak Common Name: Half Beak Alternative Names: Mural Scientific Name: Hemiramphus brasiliensis Process type: Whole Round Size range: 50/100 gms; 100/200 gms Packing in bulk / 10 / 15 / 25 kgs per box Method of Catch: TBB-Beam Trawls Fishing Zone: FAO 051
Indian Scad Common Name: Indian Scad Alternative Names: Lajang scad , Northern mackerel-scad , Russell's mackerel-scad , Russel's scad , Scad Scientific Name: Decapterus russelli Process type: Whole Round Size range: 100 gms Up Packing in bulk / 10 / 15 / 25 kgs per box Method of Catch: TBB-Beam Trawls Fishing Zone: FAO 051
Japanese Thread Fin Bream Fish
Pony Fish Common Name: Pony Fish Alternative Names: Scientific Name: Leiognathidae? equulus Process type: Whole Round Size range: 300/500 gms; 500/700 gms; 700/1000 gms & 1 kg Upwards Packing in bulk / 10 / 15 kgs per box Method of Catch: TBB-Beam Trawls Fishing Zone: FAO 051
Rabbit Fish Common Name: Rabbit Fish Alternative Names: Otti Scientific Name: Siganus Canaliculatus Process type: Whole Round Size range: 150 gms Up Packing in bulk / 10 / 15 / 25 kgs per box Method of Catch: TBB-Beam Trawls Fishing Zone: FAO 051
Sardines Common Name: Indian Oil Sardines Alternative Name: Sardines; Sardinella Scientific name: Sardinella longiceps Process type: Whole Round; Headless Sizes: Fingerlings (5 to 10 inches) Packing in trays / finger stacked / In 5 kgs boxes Method of Catch: TBB-Beam Trawls Fishing Zone: FAO 051
Silver Biddy Fish
Silver Sillago Common Name: Silver Sillago Alternative Names: Lady Fish; Sand Whiting; Silver Whiting; Sand Smelt Scientific Name: Sillago sihama Process type: Whole Round; Butterfly Fillets Size range: U20/30; U30/40; U 40/60; U 60/80 Packing in trays / finger stacked / In 5 / 10 kgs boxes Method of Catch: TBB-Beam Trawls Fishing Zone: FAO 051
Aerolated Grouper Common Name: Aerolated Grouper Alternative Names: Spotted Grouper; Yellow Spotted Cod Scientific Name: Epinephelus Aerolatus Main Diagnostic Features: Head, body, and fins covered with numerous close-set brown, brownish yellow or greenish yellow spots. Posterior edge of caudal fin with a distinct white margin. Cooking Tips: Process type: Whole Round Size range: 300/500 gms; 500/1000 gms Packing in bulk / 10 / 15 kgs per box Method of Catch: LHP – Hand Lines & Pole Lines (Hand Operated) Fishing Zone: FAO 051
Blue Line Grouper Common Name: Blue Line Grouper Alternative Names: Blue Lines Hind; Blue Lines Rock Cod Scientific Name: Cephalopholis Formosa Main Diagnostic Features: Colour generally brown or yellowish brown, with dark blue lines on head, body, and fins. Black spot between upper 2 opercular spines. Cooking Tips: Process type: Whole Round Size range: 300/500 gms; 500/1000 gms Packing in bulk / 10 / 15 kgs per box Method of Catch: LHP – Hand Lines & Pole Lines (Hand Operated) Fishing Zone: FAO 051
Blue Spotted Grouper Common Name: Blue Spotted Grouper Alternative Names: Blue Spotted Hind Scientific Name: Cephalopholis cyanostigma Main Diagnostic Features: Blue ocelli on head, body, and basally on median fins. Cooking Tips: Process type: Whole Round Size range: 300/500 gms; 500/1000 gms Packing in bulk / 10 / 15 kgs per box Method of Catch: LHP – Hand Lines & Pole Lines (Hand Operated) Fishing Zone: FAO 051
Chinese Pomfret Common Name: Chinese Pomfret Scientific Name: Pampus Chinensis Process type: Whole Round Size range: 300/500 gms; 500/700 gms; 700/1000 gms & 1 kg Upwards Packing in bulk / 10 / 15 kgs per box Method of Catch: TBB-Beam Trawls Fishing Zone: FAO 051