Pack Size - 50T/48S Cost - 105000
Pack Size - 100T/96S Cost - 195930
Anthocyanidin Reductase Assay Kit
Pack Size - 50T/24S Cost - 23730
Pack Size - 100T/48S Cost - 40530
Indoleacetic acid oxidase Assay Kit
Pack Size - 50T/24S Cost - 17430
Pack Size - 100T/48S Cost - 27930
Plant Anthocyanin Assay Kit
Pack Size - 50T/24S Cost - 15120
Genomic DNA kit (blood, cells, tissues etc) Bacteria DNA kit Marine DNA kit Plant Genomic DNA kit Blood DNA kit (0.1-1mL) Stool DNA kit Fungal DNA kit FFPE DNA kit Virus DNA / RNA kit
PCR Mini Purification Kit Gel Mini Purification K
100bp DNA Ladder 100bp Plus DNA Ladder 1kb DNA Ladder 1kb Plus DNA Ladder 50bp DNA Ladder 200bp DNA Ladder 500bp DNA Ladder
Miniprep Plasmid kit Yeast Plasmid DNA kit
Pack Size - 100T/48S Cost - 26250
Pack Size - 50T/24S Cost - 18270
Pack Size - 100T/48S Cost - 36330
Plant Total Phenol Assay Kit
HY-T rapid tests: Rapid antigen tests for sexually transmitted diseases, malaria, dengue, hepatitis, pregnancy tests
The RPR test is a non-treponemal serological test used to detect antibodies produced in response to Treponema pallidum, the bacterium that causes syphilis. It's a qualitative test, meaning it gives a positive or negative result. The RPR test is typically performed on serum or plasma obtained from a blood sample. In the RPR test, the patient's serum or plasma is mixed with a solution containing cardiolipin, lecithin, and cholesterol particles. If the patient's serum contains antibodies against Treponema pallidum, these antibodies will react with the cardiolipin-lecithin-cholesterol particles, causing visible agglutination or clumping. The RPR card is a specialized card or slide designed to perform the RPR test. It typically contains multiple wells or spots where the serum/plasma sample and the reagent are mixed, allowing for easy observation of agglutination reactions. These cards are convenient for laboratory use, enabling multiple samples to be tested simultaneously and facilitating the interpretation of results.