Rglobal is into export and domestic supply of raw cotton. The Company is into raw cotton exports and act as indenting agents for various prominent international cotton merchants.
Company sells foreign as well as domestic raw cotton to a number of prominent mills across the country.
The company has the necessary set up, trade experts and connections to cater to the export needs of clientele.
The future of the worlds forests is very important to the planet, to animals, to businesses, to all of us.
FSC works to take care of our forests and those who rely on them: by protecting plant and animal species, Indigenous Peoples rights, forest workers safety, and much more.
Wood - when purchased from a sustainable source like FSC - is a great raw material. It is environmentally friendly and renewable. And there are many more reasons to prefer certified wood or paper.
Sustainable fashion, also called Eco fashion, is a part of the growing design philosophy and trend of sustainability, the goal of which is to create a system which can be supported indefinitely in terms of human impact on the environment and social responsibility.
This report has been designed to support different players in the market to explain the benefits of certified wood, not only from an environmental and social perspective but also from the perspective of companies, in particular industries.