Industrial activated carbon is utilized for industrial air treatment in order to capture toxic air pollutants (primarily Volatile Organics Compounds, or VOC) from petrochemical plants, landfill sites, manufacturing operations, and chemical processing facilities. We generally provide clients with 4mm pellet activated carbon or impregnated activated carbon for special applications.
Acid Washed Activated Carbon is with low acid soluble iron content. Acid wash is specifically designed for use with low PH liquids or when a low metal/ash leachable activated carbon is desired. Some of the benefits of Acid Wash carbon include dechlorination of water, better taste, removal of bad odors, removal of color from water, removal of organic substances, etc. This activated carbon is also specifically designed for the removal of heavy hydrocarbons from recovered condensate. The acid washing process removes soluble silica from the matrix of the activated carbon to prevent leaching into the condensate. Acid wash carbon is also used in various applications such as Condensate de-oiling, semiconductor process water, dialysis treatment, point of entry treatment units, and protection of reverse osmosis membranes from chlorine and organic fouling.
Pellet Activated Carbon is created by extruding activated carbon into cylindrical shaped pellets with diameters ranging from 0.8 to 8 mm. Their high activity and surface area make it ideal for many vapor phase applications. The uniformity of its shape makes it particularly useful in applications where low-pressure drop is a consideration. Pellet Activated Carbon has a wide variety of uses removing contaminants such as volatile organic compounds (VOC's) and mercury from natural gas as well as controlling odor.
Pelletized Activated Carbon is a cylindrical-shaped carbon extracted from the chosen grade of coal. It features high mechanical strength and lends itself well to multiple cycles of regeneration. Its specific shape features a low flow resistance. It is typically used in applications like gasoline vapor recovery for automotive, air purification, odor control, solvent recovery, catalysis, and removal of corrosive gases.
We have been engaged in offering the utmost quality of Activated Carbon Granular & Activated Carbon Powder. Activated carbon Powder and Granules with rapid absorption is widely used in the sugar and fruit juice industry. These series products are made from high quality wood by chemical activation thermal activation process; it is used for decolonization and purification of sucrose, maltose, starch, wine, citric acid, food additives chemicals industries and have a wide use Industrial and Municipal wastewater treatments.
Powdered Activated Carbon (PAC) is similar to Granular Activated Carbon (GAC) as it is made from high quality coal, wood or coconut shell raw material. Powdered Activated Carbon (PAC) is a high performance absorbent engineered to remove harmful contaminants in the air, gas, and liquid phases. The potable water industry has long used PAC products to effectively remove taste and odor compounds, and provide clean water that is safe to drink.
Activated Carbon Pellets is a highly-active, pelletized carbon manufactured from selected grades of bituminous coal to provide high density and superior hardness. It is widely used in a wide variety of air purification and vapor phase applications. In addition, the extraordinary surface area and fine pore structure of pellet carbon offers excellent adsorption capacity, making it a popular choice for industrial air cleaning systems, room air purifiers, paint spray booths, odour control systems, etc. Also ideal for range hoods and ducted filter screens, to reduce chemical fumes and unwanted smells.
Honeycomb activated carbon is a new type of absorption material made by high quality powder activated carbon and binder. The honeycomb carbon module has a large amount of through holes from one end to another end in a cubic or cylindrical-shaped module. This kind of structure gives low-pressure drop, high mechanical strength and more contact surface with gas. Honeycomb carbon module is mainly used for vapor phase pollutants removal. Now it is widely used for air purification systems which its high flow rate, low-concentration VOC pollutant air streams. This product is not only for industrial application, it also could develop to home application device to control odor, contaminant gas, and vapor content with high efficiency.
Honeycomb activated carbon is a new type of activated carbon solution with high adsorption and environmental, Honeycomb activated carbon /charcoal use high-quality coal based activated carbon as raw material, with the bee die pressing, high-temperature activation firing to refine. Advantages: (1)Honeycomb shape could be cubes, round cylinders, oval, square and rectangular cylinders, holes density could be 100 to 300 cells per square inch. (2)It is possible to reduce gas purification system size and energy consumption with application of honeycomb carbon, especially to those high flow rate, low-concentration pollutant air streams devices. (3)The pollutants can be removed by honeycomb activated carbon: benzene, carbon tetrachloride, acetone, ethanol, aether, carbinol, acetic acid, ethyl ester, cinnamene, chlorine, phosgene, foul gas, butane, etc.
Activated carbon is a highly porous substance that attracts and holds organic chemicals inside it. It is a widespread adsorption media used in almost every industrial field. It is used in different applications such as purification (such as gas and water purification), recovery, decolorization, deodorization, separation, catalysis, catalytic support, and gas storage. We offer a wide range of industry-leading activated carbon solutions, each with its own uses and applications, in three major product groups: Powdered activated carbon (PAC) Granular activated carbon (GAC) Extruded activated carbon(EAC)
Coal Based Granular Active Carbon possesses both a high surface area and a large internal pore volume. These properties give the carbon not only high VOC adsorption capacities, but also high retentivities for retaining and preventing the desorption of previously adsorbed organic compounds. Being manufactured from high rank coals results in an inherently low ash content, making these carbons ideally suited for critical gas phase adsorption applications. APPLICATIONS: Dechlorination/chloramine reduction, Removal of organic contaminants, Disinfection by-product (DBP) removal, High purity water applications, Beverage processing.
Coconut shell activated carbon has a very high hardness and is more abrasion resistant than any other type. It is typically used for gold mines, and also can be applied for drinking water, pure water, wine, beverage, industrial wastewater purification, decolorization, dechlorination, deodorant. Size:4*8mesh, 6*12mesh, 8*16mesh, 12*40mesh, 8*30mesh, 30*80mesh
The Powder Activated Carbon is used coal or wood sawdust as raw material. Powder activated carbon has low processing loss. It is mainly used in liquid-phase adsorption,� mixed with the liquid, and after adsorption, remove by sedimentation and filtration. Powdered activated carbon (PAC) has a high surface area, has Methylene blue (M.L.) value has excellent decolorizing properties, we have a wide range of activated carbon products specifically designed for colour removal applications, including food, chemical, pharmaceutical and water purification.
CATALYTIC CARBON is made of activated coconut shell carbon. This Granulated Activated Carbon which is (highly activated) by catalysed iron-hydroxide, which enhances the adsorption of contaminants that have a negative charge. CATALYTIC CARBON is the only available Carbon in the market which is regenerable. Iron Catalyst has the highest Oxidation and Adsorption pores Inside as well as Outside the Activated Carbon. THE BENEFITS OF USING CATALYTIC CARBON: More effective than conventional carbons; catalytic activity promotes a variety of chemical reactions Faster chemical reaction means less carbon and smaller equipment Non-Impregnated carbon eliminates worries about exothermic reaction, ignition temperature and toxic disposal On-site regeneration lowers operating costs and extends service life Can be recycled and reused through thermal reactivation
Zhulin is one of the largest activated carbon manufacturers and distributors in the world in China. As the industry forerunner, Zhulin Carbon has originated cutting-edge purification systems for drinking water, wastewater, odor control, pollution abatement, and a variety of industrial and commercial manufacturing processes. Zhulin has wide market applications from purifying air and drinking water, to purifying foods and pharmaceuticals, to separating gas and removing mercury emissions from coal-fired power plants.
Absorbent Carbon is widely used as absorbing material in different kinds of waste gas treatment, drinking water treatment, waste water treatment, for example, most kinds of industrial waste gas, poison gas generated by spray booth, H2S, Ammonia nitrogen gas, other Alkaline gas or acid gas, all kinds of sewage plant, drinking water, industrial water, tap water, purified water, drinks, food stuff, medicine water etc.
Granular activated carbon (GAC) generally is an organic carbon filtration media wood, coconut shells, coal or peat used for water purification, typically applied in a fixed bed application. Granular activated carbon is for treatment of life with hydrated waste� water deep purification, food, chemical industry, electric power, electroplating, industrial water dechlorination and oil deodorization. Granular activated carbon for water purification:� 1. Water treatment industry: water, industrial water, sewage treatment, purified water, beverages, food, medicine water. 2. Air purification: impurity, odor, adsorption, in addition to formaldehyde, benzene, toluene, xylene, hydrocarbons and other harmful gas substances 3. Industry: bleaching, purification, air purification 4. Reagents: Catalyst and catalyst support 5. Fish: filter
Drinking water treatment facilities employ a host of technologies to convert raw water from rivers, lakes and underground sources into safe, potable water. Activated carbon can be utilized in a granular (GAC) form placed in filter bed or media through which water passes or can be utilized in a powdered form (PAC) that is fed into the treatment train and removed along with other solids present in the water being treated.
We are a manufacturers and suppliers of specialist Activated Carbons with a comprehensive range of quality products, which can effectively remove pollutants, contaminants and other impurities from water, air, food and beverages, pharmaceuticals and so on.
Activated carbon is a porous form of carbon, which can be manufactured from a variety of carbonaceous raw materials. Activated carbon media filter is effective in reducing certain organic chemicals and chlorine in the water. It is an ideal medium for the removal of chlorine, chloramines, disinfection byproducts and other compounds which create colour, taste and odor.