Dear Sir/Madam I am Taufiqul Hakim Tsabit. We are direct with Russian refinery and we are ready to supply this product: ASPHALT BITUMEN 60/70 RUSSIAN ORIGIN Minimum liftable quantity: 100,000 MT, Maximum: 400,000 MT. Monthly price: Gross $350.00 USD / $340.00 USD Net on CIF Gross $340.00 USD / $330.00 USD Net on FOB Origin: Russia Commission: $5.00USD buyer side / $5.00USD seller side.
We supply Bitumen is different grades in Bulk, Jumbo Bag, Poly Bag, Flext Tank and Drums.
Price : USD 220/MT
ANALYSIS UNIT LIMIT TEST METHOD Density @ 15`C kg/m3 775 min ASTM D 1298 Distillation: D 86 I.B.P `C 142-158 10% evaporated @ `C 158 min 50% @ `C 179 max 90% @ `C 194 max Dry point @ `C 198 max Residue vol% 1.5 max Colour saybolt _ 25 min D 156 Odour _ Merchantable _ Flash pont tag `C 38 min D 56 Corrosion 3hrs @ 100`C _ 1a D 130 Sulphur total wt% 0.1 max D 1266 Doctor test _ Negative D 4952 Aromatic content vol% 20 max D 1319 Gum existent mg/100 ml 5 max D 381 Neutrality _ pass BS.245 Acidity of residue _ pass D 1093
Waterproof bitumen tar paper commonly known as linoleum. A waterproof material used in the construction industry. The base paper has coarse texture, good oil absorption and certain tensile strength. Generally, rags and waste paper are used as raw materials, and high-grade ones can be mixed with some animal hair and slag cotton, which can be copied after beating directly. During processing, the base paper passes through the molten asphalt and is extruded by the hot roller to make the asphalt soak the paper layer, extrude the excess asphalt, and spread talc powder or fragment Mica on the surface for cooling. Use less.
Bitumen emulsion k1-60 is a fast-setting cationic bitumen emulsion is an emulsified black-top containing at least 57% bitumen. It is a medium consistency emulsion utilized chiefly for tack coating in typical overlay and fixing work. Tack coat k1-60 bitumen emulsion can likewise be utilized in the grouting.
Available Bitumen Grade 60/70 , Quantity As Per Your Requirement Directly From Refinery Of Gulf Area In Bulk Quantity (US$ 435 Per MT Or Ton At FOB) The Price Will Be Valid For 15 Days Only . With Best Regards
Two types of Natural Bitumen - Treated with heat : 350-400 USD C&F Aqaba Port - Untreated : 300-350 USD C&F Aqaba Please contact us for more details.
Asphalt Crs-1 Asphalt Emulsion Or the usually we called Crs-1. Tack coat (SS-1, SS-1h, CSS-1, CSS-1h, CRS-1) We Have Coldmix and Asphalt Pen 60/70 Asphalt Emulsion CRS-2 is a cationic rapid setting asphalt emulsion produced by the patented SMEP process Dont Hesitance Contact Us
Bitumen 60/70 Bulk USD 285 New Drum Steel USD 365 Flexi USD USD 345 Jumbo Bag USD 340 FoB Bandar Abbas, Price valid till August 14, 2021
Bitumen for asphalt viscose (60/90)
KATSU General Trading Ltd is in the business of supplying Bitumen. We are pleased to offers bitumen in different kinds and grades with prime quality as supplier like penetration grades, viscosity grades & medium grade, curing (cutbacks) as bulk bitumen, drum bitumen. It will be our pleasure to provide you products that meet your needs at reasonable prices. Best regards. Jeremy.
I would like to introduce KATSU General Trading Ltd, We are in the business of supplying Bitumen. We are pleased to offers bitumen in different kinds and grades with prime quality as supplier like penetration grades, viscosity grades & medium grade, curing (cutbacks) as bulk bitumen, drum bitumen. It will be our pleasure to provide you products that meet your needs at reasonable prices. What we can offer is: Penetration Grades: 40/50 50/70 60/70 80/100 85/100 100/120 Roof Grades: R90/15 R85/25 Viscosity Grades: VG 10 VG 30 VG 20 VG 40 Cut-Back Grades: SC-30 SC-70 SC-250 SC-800 SC-3000 MC-30 MC-70 MC-250 MC-800 MC-3000 RC-30 RC-70 RC-250 RC-800 RC-3000 Emulsion Grades: CRS-I CRS-2 CMS-2 CMS-2h css-l CSS-1h Performance Grades: PG64-10 PG70-10 PG70-16 PG76-10 PG46-28 PG46-22 PG46-16 PG46-10 PG52-22 PG52-16 PG52-10 PG58-22 PG58-16 PG58-10 PG64-22 PG 64-16 Packaging: Bulk New Steel Drum Poly Bag Poly Box you can find us in "katsugt com"
Petra Oil Is A Bitumen Manufacturing Company Based Out Of Dubai, Uae With Its Bitumen Plant In Fujairah, Uae. The Company Specializes In The Manufacturing Of Various Grades Of High-quality Bitumen And Asphalt Products Suitable For Road And Airport Projects Such As 10/20. 20/30, 40/50, 50/70, 60/70, 70/100, 80/100, 120/150, 125/150, Ac10, Ac20 As Well As Oxidized Bitumen, Pmb And Emulsions. Petra Oils Bitumen Plant Is Located In Fujairah, Uae The Oil Hub Of The Middle East. We Manufacturer Various Grades Of Bitumen Suitable For The Road Projects In Both Developed And Developing Countries.
Neo Bituminous products segment has full fledged range meeting different customer requirements. Neo has individual products for following uses a) Water Tank Coating b) Anti Corrosive Coating IS 158, c) Fast Drying Bituminous varnish, d) Special purpose Bitumionous primers that are useful for waterproofing products. They are all specially designed solvent based, products formulated with high quality bitumen, petroleum solvent & selective additives. It is resistant to acid, alkali and water. The product dries rapidly to give a smooth glossy black finish. The product imparts good adhesion strength on coated surfaces. The product performs as a anticorrosive brushable liquid primer cum paint as well as a good blending agent for the manufacture of waterproof membrane coating
Bitumen 60/70 shall be 50 % and Kerosine 50% Packed in Flexi Tank
Test Parameters Method Unit Result Color Water white Density 76.5 Flash
Bitumen emulsion is a mixture of fine droplets of bitumen and water. But as the bitumen is a petroleum product it doesn’t mix with water and as it is sticky in nature, it doesn’t easily gets disintegrated into fine droplets. To overcome this problem an emulsifier is used. Emulsifier can be defined as a surface-active agent. Emulsifier keeps the bitumen in its fine droplet state by disallowing it to mix with other droplets. As the droplets are very fine they suspend in water. Therefore, bitumen emulsion is a dispersed liquid consisting of three products, i.e. water, bitumen and emulsion. Bitumen emulsion is a mixture of fine droplets of bitumen and water. But as the bitumen is a petroleum product it doesn’t mix with water and as it is sticky in nature, it doesn’t easily gets disintegrated into fine droplets. To overcome this problem an emulsifier is used. Emulsifier can be defined as a surface-active agent. Emulsifier keeps the bitumen in its fine droplet state by disallowing it to mix with other droplets. As the droplets are very fine they suspend in water. Uses Cationic emulsions may be used at ambient temperatures with aggregates, which need not be completely dry. Emulsions are less hazardous to use and can be applied in a wider range of conditions. Advantages a) Cationic emulsions may be used at ambient temperatures with aggregates, which need not be completely dry. b) Lower costs are incurred due to a considerable saving on fuel for heating purposes. c) Operating at lower temperatures for cold mixing gives a greater margin of safety, even though these emulsions may contain fluxing oil. d) Not only may cold mix be stockpiled for long periods, but it may also be packaged in small containers and stored. This facilitates the treatment of very small areas quickly, cleanly and economically. Disadvantages A regular water supply is required and this can be a great problem in very hot countries, where water can be in very short supply. Price of Product (USD) : 432 Product Origin : Merco W.L.L Bahrain Key Specifications / Special Features : Type Viscosity @25°C Penetration & Solubility Residue Tack Coat K1- 40 25 Max 60- 200 & (97.5) 38% Rapid Setting RS-1K 20-50 60- 200 & (97.5) 50% Rapid Setting K1-60 -NA & (97.5) 57% Rapid Setting CRS-160- 200 & (97.5) 60% Rapid Setting CRS-2-60- 200 & (97.5) 65% Rapid Setting K1-70NA & (97.5) 67% Medium Setting K2-NA & (97.5)57% Medium Settng CMS 2-60- 200 & (97.5) 65% Slow Setting K3 20- 100 60- 200 & (97.5) 56% Slow Setting CSS-1 20- 100 60- 200 & (97.5) 57% Minimum Order size and packgaing detail 16.00(=/-3%) Metric tons per 20 Foot Container. 200 kgs(+/-3kgs) in one drum.Total no of drums in 1 container 80