Rice is the seed of the grass species Oryza sativa or less commonly Oryza glaberrima. The name wild rice is usually used for species of the genera Zizania and Porteresia, both wild and domesticated, although the term may also be used for primitive or uncultivated varieties of Oryza. Raw rice is rice that isn't parboiled, steamed or cooked in any way. This is the variety that is commonly available in stores or markets. Raw rice is processed by drying and storing paddy for a few months to a few years before it is processed or packaged for sale and consumption. Raw rice could be white, brown or red. Boiled rice is rice that is cooked in boiling hot water, thus the grains have absorbed the water becoming softer, and having a more edible texture. Raw rice is simply un cooked rice, which is very hard and difficult to bite let alone chew. Raw Rice is prepared by drying Raw Paddy to 11% Moisture or even less. Then it is milled to get Brown rice which is further polished to get White Raw Rice. Theoretically, raw rice has more nutritional value than boiled rice. But after washing with water, it loses up to 60% of water-soluble vitamins and minerals. If you measure cooked rice by weight against dry or by volume against dry the same actual rice is both heavier and larger in volume after cooking. By volume one cup of dry rice usually makes three to four cups of cooked rice, by weight two hundred grams of dried rice will make about six hundred grams of cooked rice. As with many dry goods, uncooked rice should be stored in a dry and cool environment.
Rice will absorb strong aromas, so it is very important to store rice far away from foods such as onions or garlic. Keeping rice in securely sealed containers keeps out unwanted moisture and eliminates the risk of infestation. There are hundreds of different varieties of rice â?? white, brown, black and red. Each has a unique shape, texture and flavor that make it just right for certain dishes. Long grain rice grains stay separate and are fluffy after cooking. Archaeologists from southeast Asia contend that rice agriculture began in south-central China, along the Yangzte river, and spread from there southwards and to northeast towards Korea and Japan. Archaeologists in India argue that rice cultivation began in the Ganges river valley.
Low in fat and is an easily digestible, gluten-free grain that offers a number of B vitamins as well.
Rice is the seed of the grass species Oryza sativa (Asian rice) or less commonly Oryza glaberrima (African rice).
- Broken: 5% max
- Moisture: 14% max
- Foreign matters: 0.1% max
- Chalky kernel: 2% max
- Damaged kernel: 0.5% max
- Yellow kernel: 0.5% max
- Red & red streak kernel: 0.2% max
- Paddy grain: 1 grains/kg max
- Average length of grain: 7.5mm
- Well milled, double polished
- Broken: 5% max
- Moisture: 14% max
- Foreign matters: 0.1% max
- Chalky kernel: 2% max
- Damaged kernel: 0.5% max
- Yellow kernel: 0.5% max
- Red & red streak kernel: 0.2% max
- Paddy grain: 1 grains/kg max
- Average length of grain: 7.8mm
- Well milled, double polished
- Broken: 5% max
- Moisture: 14% max
- Foreign matters: 0.1% max
- Chalky kernel: 3% max
- Damaged kernel: 0.5% max
- Yellow kernel: 1% max
- Red & red streak kernel: 0.8% max
- Paddy grain: 2 grains/kg max
- Average length of grain: 5.0mm
- Polished with/without oil
- Broken: 5% max
- Moisture: 14% max
- Foreign matters: 0.1% max
- Chalky kernel: 3% max
- Damaged kernel: 0.5% max
- Yellow kernel: 1% max
- Red & red streak kernel: 0.8% max
- Paddy grain: 2 grains/kg max
- Average length of grain: 5.4mm
- Polished with/without oil
- Broken: 10% max
- Moisture: 14% max
- Foreign matters: 0.1% max
- Damaged kernel: 1% max
- Yellow kernel: 1.5% max
- Red & red streak kernel: 1.75% max
- Glutinous kernel: 0.5% max
- Paddy grain: 10 grains/kg max
- Average length of grain: 6.6mm
- Broken: 10% max
- Moisture: 14% max
- Foreign matters: 0.1% max
- Damaged kernel: 1% max
- Yellow kernel: 1.5% max
- Red & red streak kernel: 1.75% max
- Glutinous kernel: 0.5% max
- Paddy grain: 10 grains/kg max
- Average length of grain: 7.0mm
* Broken: 5.0% Max
* Moisture: 14.5% Max
* Foreign Matters: 0.2% Max
* Red & Red Streaked Kernels: 0.5% Max
* Yellow Kernels: 0.5% Max
* Damaged Kernels: 0.5% Max
* Chalky Kernels: 6.0% Max
* Paddy: 10 grains/kg Max
* Milling: Degrees Well Milled & Double Polished
* Average Length of Whole Grain: 7.5 8.5 mm
* Broken: 5% max
* Moisture: 14% max
* Foreign matters: 0.1% max
* Chalky kernel: 2% max
* Damaged kernel: 0.5% max
* Yellow kernel: 0.5% max
* Red & red streak kernel: 0.2% max
* Paddy grain: 1 grains/kg max
* Average length of grain: 7.8mm
* Well milled, double polished
CIC White Slender Parboiled Rice (Low GI 41) is a Premium Quality long-grain, Parboiled healthy Rice variety (Basmathi type), Grown & produced in Sri Lanka. ideal food for health-conscious consumers.
CIC Red Fragrant Rice (Low GI 48) is a Premium Quality long-grain healthy Red Rice variety (Basmathi type), Grown & produced in Sri Lanka. ideal food for health-conscious consumers.