Lowest Prices for Light Naphtha. Product specifications as below: Density @ 15DC MAX 700 Kg/m3 Test Method - ASTM D1298 I.B.P MIN 35 DC Test Method - ASTM D86 10% Evaporated temp MAX 60 DC Test Method - ASTM D86 50% Evaporated temp MIN 85 DC Test Method - ASTM D86 95% Evaporated temp MAX 125 DC Test Method - ASTM D86 F.B.P MAX 150 DC Test Method - ASTM D86 Residue MAX 1.5 % Vol Test Method ASTM D86 Loss Max 1 % Vol Test Method ASTM D86 Total Sulphur MAX 0.03 % Wt Test Method ASTM D1266 Corrosion 3 HRS No 1 strip 50 DC Test Method ASTM D13 Vapour Pressure MAX 75 K.Pa Test Method ASTM D32 Mercaphtan Content MAX 25 PPM Test Method ASTM D322 Colour, Saybolt 20 min Test Method D156 Paraffins Content MIN 70 % VolTest Method ASTM D131 Oleffins Content MAX 2 % VolTest Method ASTM D131 Naphthense Content MIN 10 % VolTest Method ASTM D131 Aromatics Content MIN 5 % Vol Test Method ASTM D131 Lead (PB) P.P.B MAX 40 UopTest Method 350-68T C/H Ratio MAX 5.5Gum Existent (air jet) MAX 3 Mg/100mlTest Method ASTM D381g
Density @ 15 DC - Max 970 Kg/M3. Test Method - D1298 Kinematic Viscosity @ 50 DC - Max 280 CST. Test Method D-445 Visco.Rodwood1@37.7 DC - MAX 2500 SECS Pour Point - MAX 24 DC. Test Method D-97 Flash Point - MIN 65 DC. Test Method D-93 Sulphur Total - Max 3.5 Wt%. Test Method D-1552 Carbon Residue (Conradson) - MAX 15 WT%. Test Method D-189 Ash - MAX 0.05 WT%. Test Method D-482 Water & Sediment - MAX 0.5 VOL% Test Method D-1796 Calorific Value (Higher) - MIN 41.8 MJ/KG
FUEL OIL 380 CST AVAILABLE AT ATTRACTIVE PRICE. CURRENTLY CARGO IN FUJAIRAH HIGH SEAS!!! Lowest prices in middle east! density @ 15 dc - max 990 kg/m3. Test method - d1298 kinematic viscosity @ 50 dc - max 380 cst. Test method d-445 pour point - max 32 dc. Test method d-97 flash point - min 65 dc. Test method d-93 sulphur total - max 3.5 wt%. Test method d-1552 carbon residue (conradson) - max 15 wt%. Test method d-189 ash - max 0.15 wt%. Test method d-482 water & sediment - max 1.0 vol% test method d-1796 calorific value (higher) - min 41.7 mj/kg
Lowest Prices for Light Naphtha. Product specifications as below: Density @ 15DC â?? MAX 700 Kg/m3 Test Method - ASTM D1298 I.B.P â?? MIN 35 DC Test Method - ASTM D86 10% Evaporated temp â?? MAX 60 DC Test Method - ASTM D86 50% Evaporated temp â?? MIN 85 DC Test Method - ASTM D86 95% Evaporated temp â?? MAX 125 DC Test Method - ASTM D86 F.B.P â?? MAX 150 DC Test Method - ASTM D86 Residue â?? MAX 1.5 % Vol Test Method â?? ASTM D86 Loss â?? Max 1 % Vol Test Method â?? ASTM D86 Total Sulphur â?? MAX 0.03 % Wt Test Method â?? ASTM D1266 Corrosion 3 HRS â?? No 1 strip 50 DC Test Method â?? ASTM D13 Vapour Pressure â?? MAX 75 K.Pa Test Method â?? ASTM D32 Mercaphtan Content â?? MAX 25 PPM Test Method â?? ASTM D322 Colour, Saybolt â?? 20 min Test Method â?? D156 Paraffins Content â?? MIN 70 % Vol Test Method â?? ASTM D131 Oleffins Content â?? MAX 2 % Vol Test Method â?? ASTM D131 Naphthense Content â?? MIN 10 % Vol Test Method â?? ASTM D131 Aromatics Content â?? MIN 5 % Vol Test Method â?? ASTM D131 Lead (PB) P.P.B â?? MAX 40 Uop Test Method â?? 350-68T C/H Ratio â?? MAX 5.5 Gum Existent (air jet) â?? MAX 3 Mg/100ml Test Method â?? ASTM D381
Lowest Prices for Heavy Naphtha. Product specifications as below: Density @ 15DC â?? MAX 0.758 Kg/m3 Test Method - ASTM D1298 Distillation 10% Evaporated temp â?? MAX 120 DC Test Method - ASTM D86 50% Evaporated temp â?? MIN 115 DC Test Method - ASTM D86 95% Evaporated temp â?? 150-170 DC Test Method - ASTM D86 F.B.P â?? MAX 180 DC Test Method - ASTM D86 Residue â?? MAX 1.5 % Vol Test Method â?? ASTM D86 Loss â?? Max 1 % Vol Test Method â?? ASTM D86 Total Sulphur â?? MAX 0.08 % Wt Test Method â?? ASTM D1266 Corrosion 3 HRS â?? No 1 strip 50 DC Test Method â?? ASTM D130 Vapour Pressure â?? MAX 27 K.Pa Test Method â?? ASTM D323 Mercaphtan Content â?? MIN 70 PPM Test Method â?? ASTM D3227 Colour, Saybolt â?? 20 min Test Method â?? D156 Paraffins Content â?? MIN 50 % Vol Test Method â?? ASTM D1319 Oleffins Content â?? MAX 1.5 % Vol Test Method â?? ASTM D1319 (Naphthens + Aromatics) Content â?? MIN 10 % Vol Test Method â?? ASTM D1319 Lead (PB) P.P.B â?? MAX 40 Uop Test Method â?? 350-68T C/H Ratio â?? MAX 6 Gum Existent (air jet) â?? MAX 2.5 Mg/100ml Test Method â?? ASTM D381 Oxygenates â?? MAX 60 PPM Test Method â?? ASTM D4815
Lowest prices for GAS OIL 500 PPM. Product specifications as below: Density @ 15 DC â?? 820-860 Kg/m3 Test Method â?? ASTM D1298 Distillation Recovered @ 357 DC â?? Min 90 Vol% Test Method â?? ASTM D86 F.B.P â?? MAX 385 DC Test Method â?? ASTM D86 Colour â?? MAX 3 Test Method â?? ASTM D1500 Flash Point â?? MIN 54 DC Test Method â?? ASTM D93 Sulphur Total â?? MAX 0.05 wt% Test Method â?? ASTM D1552 Corrosion-3hrs@100 DC â?? 1 a Test Method â?? ASTM D130 Viscosity Kinematic @ 37.8 DC â?? 2.0-5.5 c.St Test Method â?? ASTM D445 Cloud Point â?? MAX 2.0 DC Test Method â?? ASTM D2500 Pour Point â?? MAX -3.0 Test Method â?? ASTM D97 Carbon Residue (on 10% Bottoms) â?? MAX 0.1 wt% Test Method â?? ASTM D189 Ash â?? MAX 0.01 wt% Test Method â?? ASTM D482 Water & Sediment â?? MAX 0.05 Vol% Test Method â?? ASTM D2709 Cetane Index â?? MIN 49 Test Method â?? ASTM D976
LOWEST PRICES FOR GAS OIL 0.5%. PRODUCT SPECIFICATIONS AS BELOW: Density @ 15 DC â?? 820-860 Kg/m3 Test Method â?? ASTM D1298 Distillation Recovered @ 357 DC â?? Min 90 Vol% Test Method â?? ASTM D86 F.B.P â?? MAX 385 DC Test Method â?? ASTM D86 Colour â?? MAX 3 Test Method â?? ASTM D1500 Flash Point â?? MIN 60 DC Test Method â?? ASTM D93 Sulphur Total â?? MAX 0.5 wt% Test Method â?? ASTM D1552 Corrosion-3hrs@100 DC â?? 1 a Test Method â?? ASTM D130 Viscosity Kinematic @ 37.8 DC â?? 2.0-5.5 c.St Test Method â?? ASTM D445 Cloud Point â?? MAX 2.0 DC Test Method â?? ASTM D2500 Pour Point â?? MAX -3.0 Test Method â?? ASTM D97 Carbon Residue (on 10% Bottoms) â?? MAX 0.1 wt% Test Method â?? ASTM D189 Ash â?? MAX 0.01 wt% Test Method â?? ASTM D482 Water & Sediment â?? MAX 0.05 Vol% Test Method â?? ASTM D2709 Cetane Index â?? MIN 49 Test Method â?? ASTM D976
LOWEST PRICES FOR GAS OIL 1%. PRODUCT SPECIFICATIONS AS BELOW: Density @ 15 DC â?? 820-860 Kg/m3 Test Method â?? ASTM D1298 Distillation Recovered @ 357 DC â?? MIN 90 Vol% Test Method â?? ASTM D86 F.B.P â?? MAX 385 DC Test Method â?? ASTM D86 Colour â?? MAX 3 Test Method â?? ASTM D1500 Flash Point â?? MIN 54 AND 60 DC Test Method â?? ASTM D93 Sulphur Total â?? MAX 1 wt% Test Method â?? ASTM D1552 Corrosion-3hrs@100 DC â?? 1 a Test Method â?? ASTM D130 Viscosity Kinematic @ 37.8 DC â?? 2.0-5.5 c.St Test Method â?? ASTM D445 Cloud Point â?? MAX 2.0 DC Test Method â?? ASTM D2500 Pour Point â?? MAX -3.0 Test Method â?? ASTM D97 Carbon Residue (on 10% Bottoms) â?? MAX 0.1 wt% Test Method â?? ASTM D189 Ash â?? MAX 0.01 wt% Test Method â?? ASTM D482 Water & Sediment â?? MAX 0.05 Vol% Test Method â?? ASTM D2709 Cetane Index â?? MIN 49 Test Method â?? ASTM D976
Below is our deals for crude oil: 1. USA seller, Now is only Russian crude oil available, the qtty is open, the price CIF, Brent minus 4$ per barrel or Rotterdam minus 4$. 2. Iraqi Crude oil, Seller is SOMO, Iraqi oil marketing A. Deal with condition that buyer must own refinery or Trader has 65% of refinery share. B. Deal with No condition, just any oil company has the ability to buy. In this case, depends on the deal as qtty and discount and it is range from (3)$ to (7) $, FOB, Basrah terminal. For example, there is a deal now, 34 million bbl, Basra light crude oil with (3)$ discount FOB, All somo deals FOB there is No CIF from somo. For any deal, some times we must have the buyer ready with LOI and Bcl or at least LOI, to hold the deal for us then we should provide other documents. Generally: For Europe the discount range From 6-7$ and will be Net to the buyer around (5)$ to (5.5)$, FOB. The difference is Iraqi group commission with somo personal. For the UK from (8)$ to (9)$ discount, this is the total discount by then will tell us how much Iraqi group will take the commission and the rest to the buyer as a NET discount. For USA buyer, this is best discount and depending on location in the USA, for example, it is starting from (10)$ and up to (18)$ or more, specifically in western Texas is the best ever!
Hi Sir kindly note that we could supply you with Light Crude oil, MOQ 1mm BBL, PRICE BRENT -1 USD ON FOB TERM, if interested please do not hesitate to contact me
Being a well-distinguished company in the market, we are into offering Virgin Base Oil SN 500. Base oils are used to manufacture products including lubricating greases, motor oil and metal processing fluids. Different products require different compositions and properties in the oil. One of the most important factors is the liquid's viscosity at various temperatures. Whether or not a crude oil is suitable to be made into a base oil is determined by the concentration of base oil molecules as well as how easily these can be extracted. Base oil is produced by means of refining crude oil. This means that the crude oil is heated in order that various distillates can be separated from one another. During the heating process, light and heavy hydrocarbons are separated - the light ones can be refined to make petrol and other fuels, while the heavier ones are suitable for bitumen and base oils.[1] There are large numbers of crude oils all around the world that are used to produce base oils. The most common one is a type of paraffinic crude oil, although there are also naphthenic crude oils that create products with better solubility and very good properties at low temperatures. By using hydrogenation technology, in which sulfur and aromatics are removed using hydrogen under high pressure, you can obtain extremely pure base oils, which are suitable when quality requirements are particularly stringent.[2] Chemical substances - additives - are added to the base oil in order to meet the quality requirements for the end products in terms of, for example, friction and cleaning properties. Certain types of motor oils contain more than twenty percent additives
All Products SN-150 SN-500
Palm Acid Oil PAO standard spec : FFA Min 50% M&I Max 3% TFM Min 96% Flexi bag x 1 container : 21 ton Origina : Indonesia
Introduction of ZSM-5 Catalyst 1) 1 mt catalyst can pyrolysis about 1,000 mt waste plastic/ waste tires. 2) Recycle 2-3 times. 3) No acid and alkali washing 4) High water-absorption ability, pay attention to water-proof 5) Woven bag with inner vacuum PE bag packing.
Perhaps almost people have heard of waste tire plastics pyrolysis plant, which can turn waste into treasure, crack waste plastic tires into fuel, carbon black, steel wire, combustible gas and so on. However, with the increase of the energy crisis, the cracked fuel has been unable to meet people's needs. Based on this, the doinggroup has developed fuel refining equipment. The main working principle of fuel refining equipment is high temperature distillation and condensation chemical process. The impurities in the heavy oil can be filtered clean, resulting in clean and transparent non-standard diesel. Doinggroup, what are the the main advantages of fuel refining equipment? 1. The waste oil extraction equipment adopts a rapid heating system that can achieve continuous and efficient heating, saving fuel and operating costs. The use of vertical reactors facilitates the operation, slagging and cleaning of the co-groups, saves the cost of land, and is more economical and environmentally friendly. 2. Waste oil refining equipment using a special insulation material, save fuel, safe and efficient. Production operation, low power, low noise, creating a good workshop environment; 3. Waste oil refining equipment using advanced production technology, a high rate of oil, oil quality is good, the market is good. Exhaust gas recovery system, recycling exhaust gas, more economical and environmentally friendly Diesel oil and pitch can be obtained from waste oil refining equipment and their main uses are as follows: 1. Diesel: mainly used in vehicles, ships, diesel engines, and boiler combustion oil. 2. Asphalt: mainly used for paving, asphalt plant refining. In the face of the increasingly serious energy crisis, our waste oil refining equipment will have a growing market. This is an inevitable trend.
Crude Rice Bran Oil is the raw material of refined bran oil manufacturing. It comes from rice bran by extraction process. First the husk of the rice grain is removed, resulting in a brown rice grain. The brown bran layer and rice germ are then removed leaving behind a white rice grain. Rice Bran Oil is then extracted from the bran and germ. It is the primary source of producing Refined Rice Oil, Bio Diesel, Rice Bran Fatty Acid, Vegetable Wax and other by-products. Rice Bran oil is the best quality vegetable oil has the best natural source of vitamin E. It has low Cholesterol. It improves blood circulation, rejuvenates the central nervous system and smoothen the texture of the Skin. It is rich in micro nutrients and natural antioxidants. Crude Rice Bran Oil is processed from high-grade rice, under the supervision of the highly skilled professionals. The Crude Rice Bran Oil is packaged under the most hygienic conditions.
Heavy sour crude oil for sale. Type: Boscan (Venezuela). Recovered oil, not connected to PDVSA (exempt from export ban/ sanctions). Capacity 1M bbl/ month. Shipping terms: FOB, STS (international waters). Payment terms: MT103/ LC/ BG. Pricing: Brent -26 gross, -24 net. Port of origin: Bajo Grande, Venezuela. From February on, there's availability of merry-16 on similar terms.
LIGHT CRUDE OIL (LCO) Quantity: Minimum of 50,000 bbl. per month and Maximum of 500,000 bbl. per month Price: GROSS $76/Net $74 Per Barrels, FOB. GROSS $86/Net$84 Barrels, CIF PRICE: Prices are Open for negotiation; final prices would be reflected in the final contract and Commercial Invoice. ORIGIN: Kazakhstan. INCOTERMS: FOB, CIF, TTO/ ANNUAL CONTRACT (12 Months with RO&E) DELIVERY: VLADIVOSTOK, NOVOROSSIYSK PORT, PRIMORSK, NAKHODKA, ROTTERDAM, HOUSTON, ASWP. INSPECTION: Q&Q test report will be conducted SGS at the port of loading. PAYMENT: T/T, MT103. CIF PROCEDURE- 1. Buyer issues Irrevocable Corporate Purchase Order (ICPO). 2. Seller issues Sales & Purchase Agreement (SPA) to Buyer which is open for amendments, alongside IMFPA/NCNDA form for intermediaries to sign and return to Seller within 3 banking days for final endorsement. 3. Seller issues to the Buyer the following PPOP documents: i) Copy of Commitment Letter to Supply. Ii) Copy of Statement of Availability of the product. iii) Authorization to sell & collect. Iv) Copy of Product Passport. V) Charter Party Agreement (CPA). 4. Buyer and Seller jointly sign the Charter Party Agreement (CPA) and as well split the freight charges 50/50 which is only applicable for first trial shipment. 5. Seller proceeds to legalize the joint contract, The Certificate of Product Title Transfer and then proceeds with the Port & Custom Clearance of product and all internal routines operations accordingly. 6. Upon completion of the above and confirmation of export approval and the shipping schedule by the port authority, Seller releases the below proof of product documents; i) Fresh SGS (not older than 24 hours) ii) Copy of Export License iii) Copy of Product Allocation Certificate iv) Copy of Allocation Title Transfer Certificate v) Copy of Export Approval vi) Copy of Legalized CPA with the Loading Port Authority vii) Copy of Injection Report viii) Copy of Tank Receipt ix) Copy of Dip test Authorization x) Vessel Bill of Lading xi) Q88 vessel questionnaire 7.Seller lodge and activate a 2% PB in the favor of the Buyer; if Seller fails to supply product in shipment to buyer, this 2% PB will be forfeited to Buyer. 8. Loading and shipment of product commences as per schedule, upon arrival of vessel and finalization of SGS at the destination port, Buyer makes payment via swift MT103 transfer within 3 to 5 banking days to Sellerâ??s bank account for total shipment value, after discharge of product at destination port. 9. Seller within 48hours pays the intermediaries involved according to the signed and Notarized IMFPA and roll over contract. TRANSACTION PROCEDURES AVAILABLE:- TANK TO VESSEL (TTV), TANK TO TANK (TTT), TANK TAKE OVER (TTO), TANK TO TANK (TANK EXTENSION) AND TANK TO TANK (TTT) ROTTERDAM. ICPO should be issued for AFINSKY LLC and ATYRAU OIL REFINERY LLP, REPUBLIC OF KAZAKHSTAN Kazakhstan, 060001, Atyrau, Kabdolov str., 1
SN 70 SN 150 SN 500
Light Crude Oil is a highly valuable form of petroleum with a low density and viscosity, making it easier to refine into high-demand products such as gasoline, diesel, and jet fuel. It has low sulfur content, making it a preferred choice for refineries due to its high yield of light distillates. Key Characteristics: Low Density & Viscosity Flows easily and requires minimal processing. High API Gravity Typically above 31.1 API, indicating a lighter composition. Low Sulfur Content (Sweet Crude) Reduces refining costs and environmental impact. High Yield of Valuable Products Produces more gasoline, diesel, and jet fuel per barrel. Specifications: API Gravity: Typically 32 - 45 Sulfur Content: