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* Wellness Coffee * Mental Focus + Enhanced memory * Notes of Winter Berries and Pecan * Specialty-Grade Coffee: Each pod contains premium, specialty-grade coffee, ensuring top-notch quality and taste * 100% Arabica, originated from Costa Rica, medium roast * Mushroom superfood * Organic Lionâ??s Mane powder * Keto * Gluten Free * No Sugar A daily cup of FFCOFFEE SENSE Pod:� * Sharpens Your Mind * Improves Memory and Focus * Reduces Anxiety and Stress * Improves Immune system
* Wellness coffee * Energy + Athletic Performance * Notes of Blue Berries and Salted Caramel * Specialty-Grade Coffee: Each pod contains premium, specialty-grade coffee, ensuring top-notch quality and taste * 100% Arabica, originated from Costa Rica, medium roast * Mushroom superfood * Organic Chaga extract * Keto * Gluten Free * No Sugar A daily cup of FFCOFFEE RISE Pod: * Improves Athletic Performance * Reduces Muscle Soreness After a Workout * Supports the Immune
* Wellness coffee * Boost Libido and Endurance * Notes of Creamy Caramel and Wild Pear * Specialty-Grade Coffee: Each pod contains premium, specialty-grade coffee, ensuring top-notch quality and taste * 100% Arabica, originated from Costa Rica, medium roast * Mushroom superfood * Organic Cordyceps extract * Keto * Gluten Free * No Sugar A daily cup of FFCOFFEE FEEL Pod:� * Boosts Energy Levels and Endurance * Enhances Libido and Love Life * Heightened