Nutmeg (Myristica fragrans) is a plant in the form of a tree originating from the Due to their high value as a spice, the fruit and nutmeg have been an important trading commodity since
Nutmeg seeds contain 7-14% essential oil. Nutmeg powder is used as a flavoring for bread or cakes, puddings, sauces, vegetables, and refreshing drinks (such as eggnog).
The seeds are gradually dried in the sun for six to eight weeks. During this time the nutmeg shrinks from the tough seed coat until the seeds churn when shaken. The skin is then broken off with a wooden stick and the nutmeg is picked. Dried nutmeg is a grayish brown oval with a wrinkled surface.
Nutmeg is shaped like an egg, about 20 mm long and 15 mm wide.
is the world's largest exporter of nuts with HS 090811. The RCA results show that Indonesia's nutmeg exports to all destination countries have strong competitiveness and comparative advantages. EPD analysis shows the shows that the potential development of the nutmeg export market is optimistic, potential, and less potential. The data regression panel shows that export prices, real exchange rates, and TBT have a significant effect on the export value of nutmeg.