Nutrition Facts
Contain 18 amino acids
Contain 21 trace minerals
Contain more protein than whole wheat
Contain B-complex vitamins
Contain a complete spectrum of antioxidant carotenoids, including beta-carotene and zeaxanthin. Goji berries are the richest source of carotenoids of all known foods
Contain Vitamin C at higher level than even those found in
It is mainly used in making polyester, polyester resin, hygroscopic agent, plasticizer, surfactant, synthetic fiber, cosmetics and explosives, as solvent for dyes/inks, antifreeze for engine, gas dehydrating agent, manufacturing resin, wetting agent for cellophane, fiber, leather and adhesive. It can produce synthetic resin PET, fiber grade PET namely polyester fiber, bottle chip grade PET for making mineral water bottle, etc. Also can produce alkyd resin, glyoxal, etc., also used as antifreeze. In addition to being used as anti-freeze agent for automobile, it is also used for conveying industrial cooling capacity, which is generally called refrigerant carrier.
Nitrogen - 46% min
Moisture - 1% max
Biuret - 1% max
Prilled - 0.85-2mm
Granular - 2-4mm 90-94%min
color - Pure White
Radiation - Non-Radiactive
Free Ammonia - 160pxt ppm max
Color index, number : 18
Hot alcoholInsolubile,% : 1.00
1. The plasticity and castability of heating, combined with its ability to absorb a large amount of infiltrated material, is of great value in the casting industry.
2. The lac resin is non-toxic. Based on the excellent characteristics listed above, the shellac resin is applied to alcohol paints, electrical insulating materials, printing inks, rubber fillers, and its use for oil and acid resistance.
3. Other industries: It has a wide range of important application value in many fields such as medicine, food, cosmetics, chemical industry, metallurgy, machinery, woodware, papermaking, electronics and military industry.