PRODUCT INFO You can eat jujube fruit raw. Small, circle or oval shaped, raw fresh jujubes are extremely rare to find locally grown. Green when they're immature, they become yellow-green with red-brown spots as they ripen and the fully mature fruit is entirely red. But you can enjoy eating them anytime from yellow-green to full red, however, the redder they are the sweeter they'll be. Crisp and sweet, they have a texture reminiscent of an apple. SEASON Jujube is available between Jan - Mar.
PRODUCT INFO Star Gooseberry is a type of fruit. There are both sour and sweet varieties. They are often pickled, welded or preserved. USES Star Gooseberry is eaten fresh, and is occasionally used as flavoring for other dishes. It is candied in sugar or pickled in salt or preserves. it is used to make vinegar as well as eaten raw, soaked in salt or vinegar-salt solution. SEASON Star Gooseberry is available between June-August.
PRODUCT INFO Yam Bean is a legume. The appearance of the yam tree is a creeping vine. The plump head extends from the taproot. solid conan Square shape, flattened, 1 yam, with only one head. The part used to eat is the tapioca root. USES The head of the yam bean part used for eating Appearance is light brown, inside is white. When chewed, it feels crispy like a fresh pear fruit. It also has a flour-like flavor but is sweet. It is generally eaten fresh. or dipped in salt and pepper It can also be used to cook both savory and sweet dishes as well, such as kaeng som, wild curry, sweet and sour stir-fry, and egg stir-fry. It is a mixture of steamed buns. and Ruby Krob. SEASON Yam beans are available year-round.
PRODUCT INFO Sapodilla (Lamood) has sweet taste. Some varieties of sapodilla have a slight taste of caramel. The flesh is juicy and rather tender, its consistence reminds of a kiwi (that part that has no seeds) or of a peach that is not too juicy. Sapodilla has no specific aroma. USES The only edible thing about sapodilla fruit is its flesh - seeds and skin are inedible. That's why sapodilla is often sold being peeled and cut. If you have bought whole fruit, the quickest and easiest way is to cut sapodilla in segments (like one does it with unpeeled orange or melon), take all seeds out and eat the flesh until you reach the skin. Also you can peel sapodila first (like one does it with potatoes) SEASON The Sapodilla is available between Sep - Dec.
PRODUCT INFO Sweet Tamarind (Makam Wan) is a tropical fruit that comes from the Tamarind tree. The fruit grows in seed pods. When fresh out of the pod, tamarind exists as a sticky pulp. This pulp is high in tartaric acid, which gives it a range of sweet and sour taste. The taste of the tamarind fruit ranges from sweet and tangy to a sour and tarty flavour. The wide range in taste is owed to how ripe the tamarind. Sweet Tamarind may be used as a condiment or to add tartness to dishes like curry or soup. There are many different ways to prepare tamarind, including making a paste or sauce by boiling it down with sugar and salt. Tamarind can be also be dried into tamarind candies. SEASON Sweet Tamarind is available between Nov - Feb.
PRODUCT INFO Red Chilli is a fruit which belongs to Capsicum genus. It has many varieties which are differentiated on its pungency measured on Scoville Scale. Chilli fruit when ripened and dried becomes red chilli, which is further grounded to form red chilli powder. These are categorized as hot pepper. Red chilli became famous all around the world because of its characteristics like pungency, taste and flavor matched black pepper, which was very expensive during old times and thus it became one of the most important and integral spices. SEASONS Red Chili is available year-round.
PRODUCT INFO Bird's Eye Chili (Prik Kee Noo) are small, thin, pointy peppers that are red when mature. They are green when unripe but can still be eaten, and are sometimes orange or purple depending on maturity. In the case of Thai cuisine, green peppers are typically used in green curries, while hotter, mature red peppers are used in red curries. When fresh, they often have a stem still attached and contain loose, edible seeds that are especially spicy. The peppers are affordable thanks to their low weight and can be used whole, sliced, or seeded and diced. SEASONS Bird's Eye Chili are available year-round.
PRODUCT INFO Star fruit is a sweet and sour fruit that has the shape of a five-point star. The skin is edible and the flesh has a mild, sour flavor that makes it popular in a number of dishes. The star fruit is yellow or green in color. It comes in two main types: a smaller, sour variety and a larger, sweeter one. USES The entire fruit is edible, usually raw, and may be cooked or made into relishes, preserves, garnish, and juices. SEASON Star Fruit is available between July - Nov each year.
PRODUCT INFO The rambutan is a medium-sized tropical tree in the family Sapindaceae. The name also refers to the edible fruit produced by this tree. The rambutan is native to Southeast Asia. It is closely related to several other edible tropical fruits including the lychee, longan, pulasan, and mamoncillo. The fruit is related to the lychee and longan fruits and has a similar appearance when peeled. Its translucent white flesh has a sweet yet creamy taste and contains a seed in its middle.Rambutan is very nutritious and may offer health benefits ranging from weight loss and better digestion to increased resistance to infections. SEASON Rambutan is available between Apr - Jul/Aug.
PRODUCT INFO Mangosteens are a delicious treat often referred to as the "Queen of Fruit." They're about the size of a tangerine, and they have a thick purple shell which contains the soft, white edible fruit inside. Mangosteen is a must-eat fruit in Thailand! The flavor is a combination of strawberry, peach and vanilla ice cream. The white flesh is very sweet with a very slight tartness. The tartness is caused by the thick skin that tightly encases the fruit. Mangosteen is known in Thailand as the a 'queen of fruits' due to its extensive health benefits. SEASON Mangosteen is availble between Apr/May - September.
PRODUCT INFO Kra Thon, Katon, the santol, sentul or cotton fruit, is a tropical fruit native to maritime Southeast Asia. Santol fruit, botanically classified as Sandoricum koetjape, is one of two edible fruits found in the Meliaceae, or Mahogany family. The fleshy fruits are known for their sweet and sour flavor and are widely cultivated throughout tropical lowlands in Southeast Asia, sold in fresh markets as a raw snack. SEASON Santol is availble between Apr - Jul/Aug.
PRODUCT INFO Pomelo it's the largest and among the sweetest of the citrus fruits, with a thick rind and few seeds. Pomelos vary in color, from dark green to pale yellow. The inner fruit ranges in color from white to orange to pink, and can be eaten fresh or used as a finishing element in both sweet and savory dishes. SEASON Pomelos is available between Aug - Nov.
PRODUCT INFO Yardlong bean should be picked young while it is at its most crisp, sweet and tender. Young beans develop within sixty days of cultivation, and the long pods grow in pairs from the stem. Known for their extraordinary length beans can grow up to thirty inches in length but for best flavor and texture should be harvested when between twelve and eighteen inches. The bean pods have a spindly, cylindrical form with a smooth, grooved, firm texture and green-colored shell. The bean pod's flesh contains succulent, pale, lime green peas (the plant's seeds) with eyes similar in shape to black eyed peas. If beans are allowed to fully mature, they can be shelled and the seeds used as other shelled beans and peas. The flavor of China Long beans is grassy and slightly sweet with a more intense bean flavor than traditional green beans. Of all the China Long bean varieties the green is known to be the sweetest and most tender. Yardlong bean are an incredible vegetarian source for nutrition. They are rich in vitamin A, vitamin C, protein, fiber, folate, magnesium, thiamin, potassium, and iron. USES Yardlong bean should be very fresh when purchased. When young and tender they can be used raw and are a welcome addition to green and grain salads. Unlike conventional green beans China Long beans tend to get waterlogged when boiled or steamed so when preparing in this method be sure to only do so for a short duration. Their texture will be most favorable when they are stir-fried, sauted, grilled, dry-fried, or deep-fried. China Long beans can also be preserved and pickled. Pair with soy sauce, garlic, ginger, bitter or spicy Asian greens, Sichuan peppercorns, black bean sauce, hot peppers, oyster sauce, curry spice, beef, pork and chicken. China Long beans will keep, dry and refrigerated. For best flavor and texture use within three to four days before beans become wilted and floppy. SEASON Yardlong beans are available year-round with a peak season in the summer and fall months.
PRODUCT INFO Thai taro corms widely vary in appearance, depending on cultivation time, soil, and climate. The corms are generally small to medium in size, averaging 12 to 13 centimeters in length, and are round to oblong in shape. Each taro plant produces one central corm, and the cormâ??s variegated dark to light brown skin is rough with an uneven, scaly texture comprised of faint horizontal rings and fiber-like hairs. Underneath the surface, the flesh is dense, dry, and starchy, primarily white with subtle purple speckling. Thai taro must be cooked, developing a smooth, thick, sticky, and semi-fluffy consistency. The flesh has a mild, earthy, sweet, nutty, and subtly musky flavor. In addition to the corms, the plants produce large dark green heart-shaped leaves on long stems, connecting into the corms. The young leaves are edible when cooked, providing a vegetal, grassy, and green flavor. USES Thai taro is an excellent source of fiber to regulate the digestive tract, vitamin E to protect the cells against free radical damage, potassium to balance fluid levels, and vitamin C to strengthen the immune system while reducing inflammation. The corms also provide copper to develop connective tissues, calcium and phosphorus to build strong bones and teeth, magnesium to regulate nerve functioning, and other amounts of B vitamins, iron, zinc, vitamin K, and manganese. In addition to the corms, Thai taro leaves are a rich source of vitamin K to assist in faster wound healing, vitamin C to boost the immune system, and other nutrients, including iron, calcium, vitamins A and E, magnesium, and vitamin B2 SEASON Thai taro is available year-round.
PRODUCT INFO Winter melon are large fruits, averaging 15 to 80 centimeters in length, and have a bulbous, round to oblong shape with blunt, curved ends. The melons are covered in a thin but tough, light to dark green skin, often enveloped in a textured, chalky layer of wax, depending on the variety. Young Winter melons also bear a pale, fuzzy coating of hair that disappears as the fruit matures. Underneath the hard surface, the flesh is thick, firm, aqueous, and white, encasing a large central cavity filled with pithy membranes and cream-colored oval seeds. The seeds are edible once cooked and have a nutty, neutral taste. Winter melons are not typically consumed raw and contain a mild, vegetal, and subtly grassy flavor reminiscent of a watermelon rind or cucumber. When cooked, the flesh becomes transparent and softens, absorbing accompanying flavors. USES Winter melons are an excellent source of vitamin C to strengthen the immune system and fiber to stimulate and regulate the digestive tract. The fruits also provide antioxidants to protect the body against environmental aggressors, magnesium to maintain healthy nerve functioning, phosphorus and calcium to promote strong bones and teeth, and contain lower amounts of folate, zinc, and iron. In Traditional Chinese Medicine, Winter melons are viewed as a cooling or yin ingredient and are used to reduce inflammation and balance the body through their alkaline properties. SEASON Winter melons are available year-round, with a peak harvest in the late summer through fall.
PRODUCT INFO Wing beans are lime green and elongated with a square shape and four feathery, winged accents running from tip to end like the tail of an arrow. The pods are straight or curved with a smooth and waxy surface. They can grow up to 30 centimeters long but are usually harvested at 10 and 15 centimeters, before the peas have fully developed. Wing beans are sweet, like many pea varieties, and offer an asparagus-like flavor and crunchy texture. Wing beans are an excellent source of copper, iron, manganese, tryptophan, and the essential amino acid isoleucine. They are also rich in protein, fiber, complex carbohydrates, all of the essential B-complex vitamins, calcium, phosphorus, magnesium, zinc, and potassium. The pods, leaves and roots all contain a similar nutrient makeup. USES Wing beans are most often cooked. Young pods can be eaten raw in salads, sliced very thinly, or lightly blanched. They are prepared like French beans or snap peas by pinching off the ends and cutting into bite-sized sections. Use in stir-frys, sautes or add to soups and stews towards the end of the cooking process. The delicate pods pick up the bold flavors of chiles, garlic and spices. Young pods can be pickled. Mature beans are halved, and their seeds prepared and eaten like soybeans. Dried seeds can be ground and used as a flour substitute. Store Wing beans in a bag or airtight container in the refrigerator for up to 5 days. SEASON Wing beans are available in the late spring and through the fall months.
PRODUCT INFO Water Mimosa is a wetland plant which has a taproot that attaches to edges of water bodies, such as rivers and banks. The plant produces long, woody, brown-purple stems which can grow to 1.5 meters in length. They have a spongy, fibrous white covering at the nodes. This covering, called an aerenchyma, is an air-conducting tissue. It allows the stems, which grow in a dense, interwoven manner, to be bouyant and float on the top of the water. From the stems grow branches, which bear small, olive green leaves that grow separately, in opposite pairs. The leaves are oblong in shape, and measure arond 4 to 14 millimeters in length, to 1 to 3 millimeters in breadth. Stems have of 8 to 40 pairs of leaves, which grow to create an attractive feathery effect. They are slightly toothsome, and have a texture akin to kangkong. They have a strong mushroom-like umami taste with a hint of cabbage flavor. Water Mimosa is considered to be a nutritious vegetable which is high in calcium and iron. It also contains vitamin A, vitamin C, protein and riboflavin. USES The young stems, shoots and leaves of Water Mimosa can be cooked and eaten in stir fries. Water Mimosa is most often cooked like kangkong, along with soy sauce, oyster sauce, fish sauce, chiles and garlic. It can also be found in recipes with noodles, minced chicken or fried fish. Store Water Mimosa in a loose bag in the refrigerator, where it will last for up to a week. SEASON Water Mimosa is available year-round.
PRODUCT INFO Yellow corn is a variety of sweet corn. Its ears are wrapped in tightly bound lime hued husks with silks and a tassel that extend out from the tip. The yellow kernels are packed in tight almost uniform rows. A single ear of corn can contain up to 400 kernels. Freshly harvested yellow corn at its peak ripeness is sweet, offering flavors of almond and sugar, the kernels so succulent, the skin pops as you bite into it. As the corn matures, the kernels lose their milky consistency giving way to a starchy and doughy consistency. At this point, the corn is considered a grain crop and is best suited for processing or feedstock. USES Yellow corn is a significant resource of Vitamin A. As corn kernels mutated from white to yellow, they acquired chemicals called cartenoids. Of these cartenoids is beta carotene, which produces Vitamin A. Very little attention has been emphasized on yellow corn's significant beta carotene levels until the early 21st Century. Yellow corn, easy to grow in developing regions of Africa and Latin America, where corn is heavily relied upon as a food source, could actually keep millions of children from going blind. Yellow corn is now being bred to have at least 10 times higher the amount of beta carotene than average sweet corn varieties. SEASON Yellow corn is available year-round.