Moringa Flower Oil
Apricot Seed Oil
Anise Oil
Clove Oil
Lemon Oil
Orange Oil
Garlic Oil
Onion Oil
Rosemary Oil
Rose Oil
Jasmine Oil
Fennel oil
Camomile Oil
Orange essential oil is derived from the rind of the sweet orange, Citrus sinensis, belonging to the Rutaceae family. The oil is obtained from the peels of the sweet Orange fruit through the process of cold press, steam distillation, and others. Orange essential oil is a thin, very lightly yellowish orange to golden brown liquid with a fresh citrusy sweet aroma. The major components are limonene (90%) followed by �±-pinene (1.30%) and Sabinene and �²-Pinene, Myrcene and others.
Facial 550, Box 100, 170, 200,300â?¦..etc. (GSM: 13.5g - 14g, Colour: White, Grade A, Size: L 190mm W: 200mm). Toliet Roll (GSM: 19g, Colour: White, Grade A). Kitchen Roll (GSM: 22g, Colour White, Grade A) HS Code 481820
Aadrea Cinnamon essential oil is a clear mobile liquid, light to dark amber in colour, with a characteristic spice like odour, derived from the leaves of Cinnamomum zeylanicum Blume / Cinnamomum verum [also referred to as the Sri Lanka / Ceylon type] of the Lauraceae family. The main active ingredient(s) in a typical oil sample are phenols (minimum 70%) namely: Eugenol (70 - 83%), trans Cinnamic aldehyde (1 1.5%), trans Cinnamyl acetate (1.1 1.8%), Eugenyl acetate (1 - 3%), and Benzyl benzoate (2 - 4%). Our oils are packaged in 5-litre durable aluminum cans for export. The price offered is for 1-litre (1000ml) of 100% pure essential oil.
Aadrea Rosemary essential oil is licenced by Uganda National Bureau of Standards under Permit Number 08285-1849-0007, issued under US ISO Standard 1342:2012 [UNBS, Uganda]. Its scent is Aromatic, balsamic, cineole-like, more or less camphoraceous. The main active component(s) in a typical oil sample are: 1,8-Cineole (38 - 55%), Camphor (5 - 15%), �²-Pinene (4 - 9%), Camphene (3 â?? 6%), Borneol (1-5%), Limonene (2-4%), Linalool (0.3-2%) and others. The essential oil is extracted from the stock of shrubs of the Lamiaceae family (Myrtaceae), through the process of steam distillation. Our export volumes are packed in durable aluminum cans of 5-litre capacity. Price quoted for each litre (1000ml) of 100% pure organic essential oil
Aadrea Citronella essential oil is a pale yellow to yellowish brown mobile liquid with a slightly sweet, floral, rosy or lemon- like scent, derived from freshly cut or partially dried grasses, (Cymbopogon nardus (Rendal) and Cymbopogon winterianus (Jowitt). Two varieties of citronella oil exist commercially -- "Ceylon type" (derived from C. nardus) and "Java type" (derived from C. winterianus). The main active component(s) in a typical oil sample are: Citronellal (30 - 40%), Geraniol (20 â?? 25%), Citronellol (9 - 14%), Limonene (2 - 5%), Cytronellyl acetate, Geranium acetate, Elemol, and others . Distilled from raw organic plant stocks by steam distillation. Price quoted for each litre (1000ml) of 100% pure organic essential oil
Macadamia oils