Sunflower lecithin (crude). FOOD AND FEED GRADE Liquid sunflower lecithin is our main product due to its wonderful properties compared to other lecithins. Naturally, non-GMO, sunflower lecithin is allergen free and is a preferred alternative to soy lecithin in Europe and Asia. Our Food grade Sunflower lecithin is perfectly suitable for the use in chocolate, bread, margarine, instant products, biscuits and many other food products. The fields of application in the Food â?? and Health Food industry are diverse: sunflower lecithin can be used as a natural emulsifying agent, wetting agent, stabilizer, separating agent, antioxidant and dispersing agent. Crude lecithin is intended as feedstock for further processing into food grade lecithin used in the food industry, as well as an important ingredient for formula feeds and feed supplements used in animal farming. We can offer both Food and Feed grade lecithins. Feed Grade lecithin is GMP+ certified.