Saffron is the stigma of Crocus sativus, a flowering plant in the crocus family. Saffron, the world's most expensive spice, is costly because more than 225,000 stigmas must be hand picked to produce one pound. In its pure form, saffron is a mass of compressed, threadlike, dark orange strands.
A little pinch goes a long way with Saffron. Use it in Italian risottos, Spanish chicken and rice, French seafood stews and Scandinavian sweet breads.
We have below mentioned variety of Saffron with us:
Saffron - Irani Pooshali (had white filaments)
Saffron - Irani Semi Nagin
Saffron - Irani Super Nagin (more coloring power, no white filament, filament are long & more dry)
Saffron - Kashmiri (soft smooth rehsham, no white filament)
Saffron - Shera
Saffron - Three moon
Saffron - Baby kesar
Saffron - Loose Kesar