Yellow Maize GMO and Non-GMO Maize is a cereal grain. It also known as corn. Its scientific name is Zea Mays, belonging to the family Poaceae and sub family Panicoideae. After Wheat and Rice, Maize is the most important food crop in the world. Maize is the most important food crop in the Americas, just as Rice and Wheat are the staple food for Asians. Maize is used to brew alcohols and sweeten food items. It is also used in oil, starch and proteins. The latest discovery is that Maize can help produce fuel! SPECIFICATION Moisture 14% max. Broken Kernels and foreign materials 3% max. Damaged Kernels 3% max. Heat damage kernel 0.2% max. Aflatoxin not exceeds (10 ppm) max.. Protein 9% min. Crop Latest. Suitable for animal nutrition. Free of all kinds of moulds. Free of sprouted grains. Free from Insects (dead or live), free foreign (sand, silica and heavy metals), free from bad smell resulted from damage or mould. Origins: brazil,ukraine,south africa,malaysia,usa,argentina,russia,kenya