SPILGO® HF Acid Neutralizer/Solidifier A SAFE AND EFFECTIVE METHOD TO QUICKLY NEUTRALIZE AND SOLIDIFY HF ACID AND OTHER HAZARDOUS SPILLS ! Dry Formula is concentrated and neutralizes and solidifies Hydrofluoric acid and other hazardous organic spills to prevent the spread of such a spill and render them harmless. HYDROFLUORIC ACID NEUTRALIZER & SOLIDIFIER Super-absorbent polymers solidify the spill as it neutralizes Includes: COLOR Change Indicator when Neutralized !! Directions for use: 1. Pour SPILGO® slowly and directly onto the spill to contain and neutralize. 2. The SPILGO® will initially turn LIGHT YELLOW to indicate that it is an acid and when fully neutralized will turn to a PURPLE color. If there is any hydrofluoric acid remaining anywhere, repeat step 2 until all hydrofluoric acid is gone.