TAMPER-PROOF: Makes adulteration impossible. Cannot be re-filled or re-used.
PROTECTIVE: Contents remain well protected and free from contamination.
ELEGANT: Attractive Possess a bright surface and lend themselves to trouble-free printing, this enhances shelf and customer appeal.
NON-TOXIC & HYGIENIC: Non -Toxic, hygienic, non-absorbent, Impart no taste, flavour, odour or color to contents.
LIGHTWEIGHT: Easy to handle. Reduces transport and handling cost.
COMPLETE COLLAPSIBILITY: Highly ductile, ensures complete collapsibility.
EASY AVAILABILITY: Aluminum Collapsible tubes are easily available.
ECONOMICAL: Costs less than Tin or lead tubes. Needs no varnish.
USER CONVENIENCE: Easy to use, unbreakable, easy to carry, light in weight, hygienic.