GLUCON is dietery supplement designed for after meal glucose level growth decreasing by patients , who suffer by diabetes type I and II. GLUCON is by patent protected combination of 2 ingredients - stabilized Rice Bran and Fenugreek extract, which ones by their synergic effect help to control glucose level in diabetics blood. GLUCON helps diabetics to lower their insuline need an their dependency on it. GLUCON helps to overcome or prolonge the period, when the body starts to create the resistancy against insuline and when fails to respond insuline jabs. GLUCONE may, from prospective point of view, lower cholesterol level and is evidenced that lowers level of triglycerides in blood , thus is effective in blood pressure lowering and in lowering of heart attack risk GLUCON comprises, besides huge amount of vitamins and minerals, exceptional ensemble of natural antioxidants - totally 97, which help to protect sensitive organs as eyes, kidney, liver and heart. These organs are exceptionally sensitive on high glucose level in blood. Comprised fiber contributes to lowering of colon cancer risk