Cumin is belong to umbelliferae family and itâ??s blossom pinky and white flower between may and june. Cumin is herbaceous a plant. Cumin is hail from egypt but it was raise mediterranean basin, middle east and asia countries. Cumin was raise far-reaching in middle anatolia in turkey. Botanical name: cuminum cyminum. Other names: avcar, cumin of persian, kemnon. Ingredient:fixed oil, volatile oil, resin, tannin, protein, lutidine, apigenin. Nutrition facts: 1 gr cumin 4, 4 calorie 176, 9 mg protein 238 mg oil 9 mg calcium 446 mg carbohydrate 4, 5 mg phosphor 7, 3 meg thiamine 3, 8 meg riboflavin Areas of usage: this spice is generally usable as condiment due to strong and different taste. It can use other seasoning mix or single handed. It is important for oriental spice mix. Typical spice for arab, turk, iran, india and mexico cuisine. Benefits:quite helpful for inappetency and indigestion. Be good for circulation and digestion system. It used for babys gas pains and augment human milk. Also, it used for reduse high blood pressure, rheumatism, prostate cancer and fatness.