BLUE JAY DC current panel meters with a DC signal conditioner board combine high accuracy with high read rate and a wide range of isolated output options for computer interface and control. Accuracy is 99.99% of full scale ±1 counts DC ammeter operation provides four full-scale current ranges 5.00A with 25mA resolution. The 5.000 A range measures can connect current shunt to expand the measure range.. All current and ranges are factory calibrated, without recalibrating the meter. External current shunts are fully supported. Scaling is 75 mV - 5A, more than 5A will set transformer ratio from the front panel of the meter. The scalable readout is four full digits up to 9,999 counts. Shunt is remotely located for direct sensing. This allows the current carrying wires to take a more direct path to the batteries and alleviates the need to route them through the meter case.