Basket Filter mesh strainer filter Stainless steel wire meshbasketconefilters metal mesh screenbasketstrainer dustbasketfilteroil 300 400 micron 304 stainless steel beer home brew hopfilter/spider/basket Stainless Steel Home Brewing BeerFilter50 MeshBasket Stainless steel wire mesh cylinderfilterdrumbasketfilters Basket filters will permit the straining or filtering of a wide variety of fluids, to retain solids of almost any size. All baskets filters are easily removable and cleanable. Basket strainers elements can be offered in single cylinder, double cylinder, multi cylinder and pleated design depend upon requirement of application. They are constructed of filter housing, filter element supported with perforated cage, positive sealing arrangement to avoid any bypass & choice of end connections. Filter Media: Filter media for basket filters include stainless steel perforated sheet, stainless steel weaving wire mesh and stainless steel sintered wire cloth. As to external dimensions and filter rating, we may also provide products per customers requirements. Application: Basket filters are mainly used in such industries as petroleum, chemical industry, food, beverage, water treatments, etc. Operation: Unfiltered liquid enters the basket housing and passes down through them. Solid are contained inside / outside of basket depend upon design and removed when the unit is serviced. They are available with in situ backwashing arrangement, where it does not required removing baskets for cleaning, often. Basket filters normally supplied with spring arrangement at top of filter element. This will ensure any type of bypassing & confirm the position of basket, even in case of reverse flow. Fluid bypass around the basket is prevented by an optional O-Ring seal between the basket rim and the housing id.