Seeds Of Chia Negra : The seeds of Chia stand out for their nutritional wealth: polyunsaturated fatty acids, proteins, fiber and vitamins of group B. They contain about 20% protein, more than other cereals. It contains Omega 6 and seven times more Omega 3 than Salmon. Chia was discarded from Latin American lands after the Spanish conquest, but it was one of the main diets of pre-Columbian cultures, since it provides more protein than the rest of the crops. After many centuries of being relegated and until almost forgotten, science has begun to investigate a little more about the properties of the Chia to lose weight and for health in general, this way it has been established that it is a cereal with a high value nutritious. La Chia is a superfood, it is a complete source of proteins, providing all the essential amino acids, it is the main vegetable source of Omega 3 and serves to lose weight. Benefits : The black chia is known for its property of losing weight. However, other important properties: It does not have gluten in its chemical composition. It is a source of Omega 3 and has a balance between its linoleic acids (Omega 3 and Omega 6) They contain calcium, iron, phosphorus, vitamin A, potassium, magnesium, niacin and zinc Contains soluble fibers, natural antioxidants Used for weight loss and obesity Combats gastrointestinal problems, laxative. Hypotensor Helps control cholesterol levels Reduces triglyceride levels In diabetes it is used as a hypoglycemic agent Strengthens the immune system Cardiac and nervous tonic, prevents psychiatric diseases (depression, Alzheimer's, attention deficit, schizophrenia, autism, stress) In pregnancy and lactation, it helps the visual and neurological development of the fetus.