Today the freezer counter of the Lattiero Casearia Company is enriched with many new products based on frozen milk throughout Italy , designed to ensure a balance between taste and nutritional values.
In fact, European and American consumers are more and more attentive to the quality of the food they bring to their homes. This attention is particularly stringent on sweets because these products are often intended for children, very fond of chocolate desserts, ice creams and in general milk-based freezer products.
Today nutritionists emphasize the importance of a varied and balanced diet, without sacrifice and deprivation, but based on quality foods, authentic and genuine. That's why it is essential to choose dairy ingredients for confectionery and gelateria of absolute quality, such as cream , yogurt , creams, anhydrous butter and other milk-based products that the Compagnia Lattiero Casearia of Roccafranca (BS) works at the Lombard factory carrying out deliveries and shipments all over the world.
The companies and workshops that deal with the production of ice cream and desserts are constantly looking for novelties that are able to stimulate the interest of consumers by providing products that are increasingly balanced from a nutritional and organoleptic point of view.
Next to panna cotta, puddings and other refrigerator creams, in the supermarkets and ice cream parlors nowadays even frozen yoghurt and other similar frozen desserts are going crazy. Also called frozen yogurt, frozen yogurt in particular presents itself as a healthy alternative to ice cream.
Equally creamy, greedy and velvety, frozen yogurt is less caloric than ice cream and condenses in itself all the excellent nutritional properties of yoghurt, including live lactic cultures so important for the balance of intestinal bacterial flora.
Choose the milk-based products sugellated throughout Italy by the Compagnia Lattiero Casearia. The accurate processing of the raw material guarantees the preservation of the milk enzymes contained in the fresh yogurt , which can then be enriched with fruit, honey, chocolate, pistachios and many other delicacies to determine the taste of the frozen dessert.
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